They are certainly milking Portland (the first "Scientology City" according to the church) for all its worth. Funny how they were terrified that this "Monumental Dedication Address" not be filmed by Mark Bunker and not be seen by anyone who is not already indoctrinated into the brilliance of Chairman of the Bored Technology Center. And now it is being shown 100 times as something "monumental." Come on now, if it's that good, shouldn't everyone be able to benefit from hearing/seeing what the great man had to say? Is Scientology only for Scientologists? Why is Miscavige hiding his l … [Read more...]
The International Association of Scams
Here is some update information about the activities of the International Association of Scams. Now you too can get one of those neato IAS jackets, portfolios or messenger bags to make your outfit complete. Note the "quote" that is used here without attribution: "The single most dauntless, defiant and resolute group this world has ever seen". Dear Leader is going to be raising hell about that... It is interesting that orgs now have "targets" for the IAS and "targets" for "Ideal Org fundraising" -- I wonder if they have any targets for auditors made or releases? Probably the only "tar … [Read more...]
Let The Cheering Begin!!!
Here is some feedback from the adoring crowds at the FH Auditorium last night who turned out to see the great man in person. Absolutely, without doubt, the greatest event EVER!!!!! Thousands of trainees! Super Power is coming! We are going to trash the Coachman! You are all going back to redo everything you ever did and pay us for the pleasure of it! The 5 man orgs are being required to send 7 staff to Flag! It is a SHORT training line up -- they will be gone for 3 years absolute MAX! Look at that magnificent new empty org in "Scientology City"! Let me tell you how we won a massive v … [Read more...]
Mark VIII Ultra E-Meter – 9 Years In Storage
This article is reprinted from Steve Hall's blog. It is both important and timely in light of the upcoming "Golden Age of Tech II" They have been used at the FSO for a decade along with his "new grades," so maybe these enormous advances for planetary clearing can now be unleashed on the world.... Hello to all Independent Scientologists. Maybe you’ve heard rumors of a new e-meter. Here is the story. During the evolution to create the Mark Super VII Quantum, the idea began to create a new E-meter using digital technology. In 2000 a project was launched to get this going. Some of the goals … [Read more...]
The Golden Age of No Tech, Part II
This came in from one of our Special Correspondents in response to the last post. She has a way of clearly expressing things, as she did in the earlier one I posted entitled "The Scientology Push". I felt this too deserved more attention so am putting it up as its own post. Enjoy. Mike Rinder In 1996 David Miscavige locked the doors to the training bridge so tight that it was almost impossible to squeeze through. Since that time the Scientology religion has been stripped of auditors and supervisors. Attrition rate has been far, far higher than the rate of training new auditors. Dan Koon … [Read more...]
GAT II — Blind Faith? Blind Stupidity?
There is some curiosity about the impending "Golden Age of Tech II" release. Following is a recent email from a Class V staff that pretty much details the planned release and a brief report from Flag on what is happening on the training evolution. I then analyse what all this means. The Email: GAT II consists of a huge project comparable to what was done for the Golden Age of Knowledge - in terms of locating all the LRH technical data, verifying it all to be 100% LRH and to be applied, audited, trained, C/Sed exactly as LRH directed. No add ins, mix ups, out sequences, miss … [Read more...]
Signs of Success?
To maintain the support of his followers, David Miscavige has to keep up the appearance that his brand of leadership is guiding the flock to the promised land – a Cleared Planet. If they thought he was failing, they would abandon him in a New York minute. It is a firm principle of the belief system of members of the church that they must operate on the "greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics" and the 3rd dynamic -- the church -- is believed to enhance ALL other dynamics. Thus if the church is achieving its objectives then it must be supported. A successful and prospering church t … [Read more...]
Scientology in the Bay Area — Boom or Bust?
Last week we showed you the "test center" for Mountain View Org with a "For Lease" sign on it and reported about the two vacant building in an industrial park that have sat idle for 5 years now. A few miles up the 101 is another "Ideal Org", San Francisco. It is one of the original 5 orgs that launched Miscavige's program a DECADE AGO (Tampa, Buffalo, Joburg, NY and SFO). But even before the Ideal Org hype came the Ideal Mission hype for the "celebrity" Mission of SOMA ("South of Market") -- more on the other "celebrity" missions in Wichita, Memphis and Santa Monica in another post. Izhar … [Read more...]
The Scientology Push
This came in as a comment on the last post by one of our Special Correspondents. I felt it deserved more attention than that and so am putting it up as its own post. Enjoy. Mike Rinder In Scientology management there is an old saying "You get what you push". This is meant as a cautionary reminder that if you start pushing hard for things that are not the main line of making auditors and clears, then you do indeed end up with what you push- and not the auditors and clears that in the long haul make Scientology worth something. For many years now David Miscavige has pushed money. And that is … [Read more...]
Scientology Gone Status Crazy
The Idle Org money crush to buy extravagant and unnecessary buildings in deserted areas of cities around the world has been the subject of much comment and speculation. But here are some facts and figures -- not for the faint of heart. But it does prove the economic wisdom of Miscavige's plan. Wisdom is used advisedly of course. If your PURPOSE is to accumulate MEST it is a fabulous plan. Though if your purpose is to help people, it is an unmitigated disaster. First of all, what does it take to get one of these fancy Scientology Idle Org Donation statuses? This list, presented on the New … [Read more...]