This analysis provided by J. Swift. Interesting.... Thanks for all your support :) 1. is down 30.83% in the past one month. There was a seven day blip up 20% coincident with Portland Ideal Org grand opening and the attendant controversy over the photoshopped image. 2. Mike Rinder with a new blog -- and no billion dollar cash bank account -- powers out of Non-E with an 80% + change in one month: 3. Using Alexa to compare Mike Rinder with Miscavige Inc., we see that Rinder's blog is overtaking Miscavige! … [Read more...]
Scientology Mountain View — A Not So Ideal Ideal Org
This is the first in a series of investigations into the status of highly publicized churches and missions. Thanks to Special Correspondent Ronn Stacy who took this shot of the Mountain View "Ideal Org" Test Center today. If you cannot see clearly -- those are "For Lease" signs in the window. Ronn tells us that he doesn't know if they relocated but that would seem odd since this was a prime downtown location they have had for a decade or more. At one time they ran most of Div6 here, OCA testing, basics bookstore, pinch tests, Div6 Crs Room, Book 1 auditing. Mountain View was one of the f … [Read more...]
"Czech Scientologists Getting Madrid Done" Great News???
This is bizarre on so many levels... For anyone who doesnt know, Madrid is like Buffalo. One of the very first "Ideal Orgs" (and a very high priority for Miscavige at the time as Tom Cruise was dating Penelope Cruz and her family were being coaxed into the church -- Penelope's sister is a very well known TV presenter in Spain), they have had a second "Grand Opening" and now they doing their "Non E Campaign" (10 years later). And apparently the "hey-you" isnt just across the US for Portland, Europe was in on it too because they say "after having finished the funding for Portland" we are now … [Read more...]
The IAS — The Black Heart of the Scientology Vulture Culture
The history of the International Association of Scientologists is worth knowing. Its initial value (in 1984) as a repository of funds outside the reach of the IRS in 1984 may be debated. It seemed like a good way of protecting money. The IAS had nothing to do with the “Portland Crusade” though David Miscavige has made it part of his history now. (As a note, the "winning tradition" born in Portland is another sleight of hand -- the losing tradition of a $39 million judgment was born in Portland and then carried on in Los Angeles with another judgment for Wollersheim that was NOT vacated in sp … [Read more...]
Scientology Photoshops Audience for Miscavige Event
When you try to claim that a crowd of 400-500 is actually a crowd of 2,500, Photoshop is your best friend. The Radical Church of Scientology is no stranger to photoshopping audiences and their "man with no head" audience member went viral after the 1999 New Years Event. Scientology Audience Doctored. However with all the attention on the Portland ("Scientology City") opening and the months of pressure to have Scientologists from all over the world fly in to puff up the crowd at the event, apparently the disappointment of unused chairs and low attendance was too much. So when the o … [Read more...]
David Miscavige Paranoia At Fever Pitch In "Scientology City"
See the idiotic lengths Corporate Scientology went to in order to try to prevent Mark Bunker from shooting the ribbon cutting ceremony of the "Ideal Org" in "Scientology City" (known to the rest of the world as Portland Oregon). Tony Ortega has had a running commentary provided by Mark Bunker documenting the events on his blog. One has to ask the question: Why bother? Miscavige jets into Portland to speak, along with some other duped "OLs" to "the public" on THE STREET. Yet he is absolutely paranoid about Mark Bunker accessing a vantage point to film the proceedings. The church p … [Read more...]
CO WISE Fundraising for "Ideal Orgs"
A report just in from Tampa. Quentin Strub, CO WISE EUS, flew into town to deliver a "KSW Seminar." Here is the invitation to this spectacular, must-attend event sent out by Kent Oliver the Director of Public Booksales Tampa Day (fast becoming the poster child for hey-you "org boarding"): Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 09:52:08 -0700From: [email protected]: ThisWednesdayTo: Hi,This is a very important seminar every person should attend. And it's at our Org, Tampa Org.Mr. Quentin Strub, CO WISE East US, from the Freewinds will be giving it. This usually cost $600, but for this one … [Read more...]
The Captain FSO Explains His Priorities
Here is a new email laying out the priorities for the Flag OT Committee as directed by the clown in charge of the FSO. A couple of comments: The FIRST priority for the FSO is "Ideal Orgs"? Bizarre. More evidence that "Command Intention" (ie Miscavige orders) has taken the place of all other policy/programs/orders in the RCS. Believe me, this ONE thing alone would be enough for Miscavige to be declared by LRH. There are enough old timers around who can recall the wrath that rained down on anyone who cut across the FSO's main line business... The SECOND priority is the IAS. And the same old lies … [Read more...]
The Phoenix Org Is NOT Rising
This is a report of a very recent visit to Scientology Phoenix Org by someone I knew in the CMO and SO. Frankly, he gives them a lot more benefit of the doubt than I may have, but still, if this is an Ideal Org and this is how David Miscavige plans to “clear the planet” the proverbial snowball in hell is great odds by comparison. Mike Rinder Personally wanting to see what an ideal org looks like, I decided to visit Phoenix org. I haven’t been in an org since leaving the CMO and the SO in 1990, before the conception of the ideal org campaign. Back then, the push was St. Hill Size. Period. H … [Read more...]
The Sad Tale of Scientology in Nigeria
Following is a report from our Special Correspondent in Western Africa. My Story by ‘Emeke Amanze My adventure in Scientology began in January 2002 when I came across a Dianetics flier. Within hours of receiving the flier, I located Lagos, Nigeria msn, bought DMSMH, and read it. It made a lot of sense, and I became a frequent visitor to the msn. In August 2004, I joined staff at the msn. I was the only staff, so I wore the hat of PES. My duties were primarily to disseminate Dianetics by distributing promos, and selling Book one to raw public. I also doubled as the receptionist and handled cl … [Read more...]