Another one of those "unauthorized" emails. I guess the message didn't get out internally. This woman is misnamed. She is about as charming as a scorpion with 6 broken legs. Wouldn't want to run into her in a dark alley on a rainy night. There is some serious make-wrong happening here, and she is not in the least bit apologetic about it either. It gives you some idea of the heat these people are under. And the contempt they have for "the field." And the ingrained attitude of "you OWE us your support." And finally, all the way down the org board, it once again reinforces the main line … [Read more...]
Miscavige’s Incredible Strategy “That Is Going To Work…”
Ideal Orgs is COB's strategy. It's an incredible strategy and one that is going to work. When is the working part going to start. There has been 11 years of "get-ready" -- by now you would think the first Ideal Orgs (Buffalo, Joburg, NY, Tampa, SFO) would have something to show as a result of this brilliant strategy being implemented. I mean even if this was a 100 year strategy, by now 10% of those cities should be clear. That would be conservatively 3.2 MILLION Clears if they had just cleared 10% of their population in the first 11 years of the 100 YEAR PLAN. They have not cleared 1% or … [Read more...]
Voldemort No Show
You may recall from my post last week "Voldemort News" that the ironclad promise was that the date of "The Events" would absolutely be announced at this week's graduation -- "make sure not to miss it." I guess everyone took heed except Voldemort himself. He was a no show at graduation. And thus there were no dates announced for "The Events" -- what a shock and massive disappointment for those being held captive at Flag! But, you will of course be pleased to know that there was a lot of fabulous, amazing, incredible news -- the GAG II and Class XII trainees are "progressing nicely," "f … [Read more...]
Monitored By Miscavige
I have a bit of a backlog of material that has been sent in by our Special Correspondents. Thanks to everyone who sends in reports and information, if I don't always get to it, please don't stop sending it. I believe it is valuable for the internal activities of the RCS to be made public, and to some extent their fear of people knowing what they are doing is causing them to withdraw even further. ID cards for events. Clampdowns on emails. Worry about who sees what on Facebook. Hardly the program that is going to get new people interested. So, some are being saved from the bankruptcy and abuse … [Read more...]
Expansion Beyond Anything You Could Ever Imagine…
There are a few of these "briefings" that say nothing at all from the ED's who have returned from Flag. Clearly things are NOT going according to the Master's masterplan. These ED's including those all the way from South Africa, flew to Flag, spent 8 DAYS being briefed (most of which was sitting around doing busy work waiting for Miscavige to free up an hour from reading the internet to pay them any attention) and then when they could not hang around any longer, He sent them home with some brilliant orders to get everyone enthused and "through the Basics." Meanwhile their tech staff … [Read more...]
David Wilson is Channeling David Miscavige
Some people speak to God. Some talk to Jesus. David Wilson communes with David Miscavige to provide his inspiration. He is so in tune with Dear Leader, he can tell what he is thinking just by looking at him while he is soaking up the applause after telling everyone he hasnt quite figured out when GAG II is going to be released -- because he personally has to write 50 programs. And in the 15 years the building has been "under construction" there just wasnt time to write some programs. And he just brought all the ED's to Flag and he didnt have the programs written? But now he has turned a … [Read more...]
Genius: Handle US Govt. Shutdown by Mailing Congressmen LRH Encyclopedia
Those genius beggars are at it again. This time the bright idea is to cash in on the government shutdown in the US. Literally ANY excuse will do. I am sure US Congressmen are waiting with bated breath for an "encyclopedia" about L. Ron Hubbard to help them resolve the funding of the government. I doubt there is a single word in any of these volumes that addresses anything at all relevant. They are hagiographies of the life of L. Ron Hubbard. Arguably Patrick should be promoting to send them OEC Vol 3 -- but that's no longer available because the OEC by Miscavige decree is "flawed" and … [Read more...]
Spokespuppet Tries to Handle Clearwater “Activitists” by Saying Nothing
See the article in the Tampa Bay Times from this afternoon. It contains some interesting statements and non-statements, Sockpuppet Pat Harney was despatched by Miscavige to try and calm the rumblings of the natives. Of course, she is sent with strict orders to say ONLY what Miscavige has told her she can disclose. So, she said the building will be open before the end of the year. What a revelation. But, it seems that if they want a ribbon cutting on the street, they have to do it on a Sunday. And there are only 3 available Sundays between now and the end of the year. News alert: Miscavige, … [Read more...]
GAG II “Before Christmas”
Christmas seems to start earlier every year. But not for the staff. All they are getting is lumps of coal thrown at them by Miscavige and his unhappy, unsmiling, cold chrome steel RTC robotpersons. Staff around the world, but ESPECIALLY at AOSHUK know they are going to be in BIG trouble if they don't get "Highest Ever" attendance for these, the most important (non) events in the history of mankind. Little notes attached to the lumps of coal tell them the events are happening "soon" but there are no dates. As good, loyal SO members they are doing what they can to "make it go right." And al … [Read more...]
IAS Running Amok
The IAS seems to be worried they are going to get shafted yet again. Remember Maiden Voyage sinking without sound -- one of their two big events each year? So, they are apparently taking matters into their own hands. Holding individual "events" to celebrate reg for their anniversary. How uncoordinated have things become... If they DO hold a tent revival in Clearwater sometime, are they going to have the public show up for a second time to celebrate be regged? And by the way -- who ever heard of a lame announcement like this before? No special guest speaker? No pronouncements from Cha … [Read more...]