Scientology has finally achieved "safepointing" the US government. It has been a dream for decades and the closest they have ever come in the past is getting John Travolta and Tom Cruise to canvass the State Dept to condemn Germany for "discriminating" against scientology in their country. With the election of Donald Trump, two high profile scientologists, Grant Cardone and Trish Duggan now have direct access to the President of the US. And he will dictate any actions of the Department of Justice -- his Attorney General will be a lackey no matter who it is. If he tells them to jump they … [Read more...]
An Update
I have just uploaded am putting out a series of short YouTube videos on my channel to update why I have been somewhat invisible recently. For all the people who have sent me messages of support and concern, this will explain, plus a lot more. This is the first of them -- you can access the rest on my YouTube channel from this one. I make reference to some things in these videos and am including them below: Redacted Colombia Email Tampa Bay Times article Sociopathy Series Sociopathy: What is a Sociopath? Sociopathy Part 2: … [Read more...]
Grant Cardone Sucking Up To Donald Trump Hard
Grant Cardone is a big fan of Donald Trump like his big Scientology donor friend Trish Duggan. Cardone recently flew to California to speak at Trump’s Coachella rally. He is now promoting his appearance at an upcoming Madison Square Garden rally. I usually try to steer clear of things political here as it is generally off topic and tends to descend into back and forth name calling. But this stuff if putting it front and center, so here goes with my observations. As I have said before, many Scientologists are one issue voters — the fear and hatred of psychiatry … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Cowardly Whales
See most recent post: Scientology’s Cowardly Celebrities. Along with those celebrities is the other category of major enablers who remain conspicuously silent in the face of the abuses; the financial supporters, especially the "Whales." Here is a list of the biggest supporters of the IAS Not by any means complete and it excludes anyone who has given less than $1 million (there are many). Most of those named below have also give a lot of cash to the “Ideal Org,” L. Ron Hubbard Hall, Planetary Dissemination, “4th Dynamic: campaigns” and various other fundraisers. The figures are just their … [Read more...]
The Great Hubbard Archives Scam
One of the great scams Hubbard and scientology has engaged in is the "Archives Project." The pitch: the scribblings of L. Ron Hubbard are so important to the universe that they must be preserved for all time so when life returns to earth after the inevitable nuclear holocaust has turned it into a wasteland, the "tech" will be there for them to start over again. To that end, Hubbard designated the bulk of his estate be allocated to an organization that would be created for this purpose. This is the "Church of Spiritual Technology" or CST. Hubbard's money could not be transferred to CST … [Read more...]
Scientology in India
This promo piece prompted me to re-emphasize something I have said many times in the past. The idea that scientology is "clearing the planet" is a farce. The two most populous nations on earth -- India and China -- do not have a SINGLE scientology org between them. They are not making ANY Clears, and don't even have the ability to do so. Recently, India with 1.417 billion inhabitants, overtook China (1.412 billion) -- between them they account for 35% of the earth's 7.95 billion people. If you add Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Egypt -- all … [Read more...]
Become “Superhuman”
For many years, the German Government have cited the fact that scientology wants to create "superhumans" as a major concern and threat to their constitution based on the history of Nazis plans for a "master race" consisting of Übermensch. (From Wikipedia: The term Übermensch was used frequently by Hitler and the Nazi regime to describe their idea of a biologically superior Aryan or Germanic master race; a racial version of Nietzsche's Übermensch became a philosophical foundation for Nazi ideas. The Nazi notion of the master race also spawned the idea of "inferior humans" (Untermensche … [Read more...]
Freewinds Failure
I recently did a post How Desperate is the Freewinds? after a promo piece came in offering a $750 "wedding package" on board. I noted that the reason for the Freewinds existing at all was for the delivery of OT VIII -- which supposedly needed to be done "off the crossroads of the world." This was what Miscavige told the public -- who would have much preferred it be delivered at Flag which would not require a second trip to a different org in another part of the world once they completed SNOTs. Funny, yesterday I came across this from a fairly recent edition of Source magazine. As anyone … [Read more...]
More Miscavige Brown-nosing
These self-promotion tweets are so desperate. Miscavige is pleading: "please everyone, don't think I am a bad man. Look what these other people [sheeple caught in the scientology mind prison] say about me. The bad stuff is all lies, made up by people who want to destroy me." How can he not be embarrassed to put this foolishness out into the world? It’s hard to imagine until you remember, sociopaths have no conscience. They don't feel shame or guilt or embarrassment. They will tell the world how wonderful, kind, smart, brave, superior etc etc they are without a second thought. They b … [Read more...]
David Minkoff: “One of the Greatest Doctor on the Planet”
As any scientology watcher knows, David Minkoff has a less than stellar record as a doctor, though he has certainly distinguished himself in his efforts to comply with the wishes of scientology, even though it has gotten him into some deep hot water. He will always be remembered by those outside the bubble as the doctor who "took care" of Lisa McPherson and ultimately pronounced her dead when she was driven 45 minutes to him at a hospital in New Port Richey rather than to Morton Plant just 5 minute down the road. He had earlier prescribed valium and chloral hydrate without seeing Lisa … [Read more...]