The hype for the replaying of Mr. Mickiewicz's New Years Patron Awards/briefing was over the top, but none more so than from Vicki Shantz, the "Continental Commander" of the Western United States. Vicki has been a long-term, loyal, ass-kissing subject of the COB. But even by her standards, this pleading to attend the event is sickening. She goes on about "Staggering accomplishments," "awe-inspiring new Patrons," "EPIC preview," "monumental," "spectacular," "revitalizing," "one of the most incredible briefings to-date," and "to move us into the future as the most vital force for the … [Read more...]
4 New Ideal Orgs?
I included this Facebook message in my post yesterday concerning the fact that Captain Miscavige was at Flag on New Year's Eve delivering this briefing. I did not make mention of other significant things she mentioned. A new IAS status -- Patron Diamond Maximus with Honours. What comes next? They're running out of idiotic titles, every new one they come up with sounds more and more like a Monty Python skit. Another Super Bowl ad! Woohoo. They have been SOOOO effective. And the sheeple think they are being seen across the nation "A billion people watch the Super Bowl so that means a … [Read more...]
Where Is David Miscavige?
Of course, he is at Flag. Right where the plaintiff's lawyers said he is in their filing in the Baxter/Guider damages case. Yet Miscavige's attorneys filed papers filled with the usual bluster and feigned incredulity that anyone could be so stupid as to believe David Miscavige is in Florida. This after they used the same line in California when he was trying to avoid service there -- then proclaiming he is in Florida. See the recent blog post at Tony Ortega's site: David Miscavige lives in Florida when he's sued in LA, and in LA when he's sued in Tampa. In their latest rant … [Read more...]
Scientology International Events Are No More
David Miscavige used to conduct 5 or 6 "International Events" each year where all scientologists were "briefed" on the version of scientology in the world he wanted everyone to hear. These events were required attendance for scientologists, and staff spent weeks calling public repeatedly to "confirm" their attendance. Traditionally, the annual "New Year's" event was held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles in the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve and was then sent out to all orgs to be played as their "New Year's Celebration." These events were vitally important to keep … [Read more...]
David Miscavige — Moment of Reckoning
It would appear a moment of reckoning is upon the COB. For years he has managed to avoid being served in any suit that has named him. Last night, the plaintiff's lawyers in the Baxter/Paris case filed a motion to have the court find that Miscavige has been avoiding service and should be held in default. He has been able to get away with his shenanigans for years, but I suspect the time for playing games with the court system is over (at least in this case). At the hearing last month, Judge Barber was not impressed with even the concept of this circus. When he reads the lengths … [Read more...]
Clearwater Development and Scientology
Happily, the referendum passed to allow the City of Clearwater to sell property to developers. Tracey McManus reported on the outcome. The development aims to bring up to 600 apartments, a 158-room hotel and a half dozen restaurants and retail spots along the city’s bluff. Right in front of the Ft Harrison and between it and the Sandcastle. Miscavige and scientology are no doubt very unhappy with this turn of events. I suspect when the information becomes available we will learn that the majority of "No" votes came from scientologist heavy precincts. The measure passed by a 2 to 1 m … [Read more...]
More Panic in the Bubble
The best indicator of panic in the bubble is that Miscavige orders the "Turning Point" video be reshown. In his mind, it is the "proof" that he is leading scientology to the promised land. It is the proof that he accomplished something L. Ron Hubbard couldn't do. It's the proof that despite all the bad news about scientology in the world, Miscavige knows what he is doing and everything is going to turn out OK. In reality, it is the proof that he is seriously worried that too many rats are jumping off the sinking ship. The ad time they are buying isn't doing it. The denials in the press … [Read more...]
Yes for Clearwater
Mark Bunker sent me the two videos below and asked that I share them here. I gladly do so and wholeheartedly support this effort. Citizens of Clearwater will vote on November 8 to allow the city to sell two parcels of land to developers (Mark explains the process in the second video). They are planning major construction that will bring people to downtown Clearwater -- despite scientology's best efforts to buy up all available properties and keep Clearwater on track to achieve their goal as "the first scientology city." This plan will throw a major wrench, or more aptly a whole … [Read more...]
What Happened to the IAS Event?
The annual IAS event has come and gone once again without an actual "Int Event." The reason for no events for the past few years was supposedly COVID related. But that is no longer an issue, the world has basically returned to normal. Yet no event. This is the BIG event each year for money-making at the event itself and lining up future revenue with re-showings of the events and videos and "medal-winners." There have been no IAS Freedom Medal winners for 3 years now. The only explanation for this is that the COB is scared to appear anywhere in public for fear that he will be … [Read more...]
Where Did Scientology’s Spokespeople Go?
You used to see scientology spokespersons in the media. I was one of them for many years. So was Heber Jentzsch. I escaped. Heber was put in The Hole and became so physically incapacitated he could no longer appear in public (and Miscavige didn't trust him anyway). Tommy Davis was the "it boy" for a while, but he also departed, though he remains a Miscavige brown-noser ion his post-Sea Org life. If you look on the scientology website they list a number of "spokespersons" who actually don't speak: Karin Pouw was never allowed to talk publicly, though her name … [Read more...]