You have probably seen by now the news that 3 former children of the Sea Org filed a lawsuit today. Tracey McManus article in the Tampa Bay Times. Ben Schneiders article in the Sydney Morning Herald This is a copy of the filed Complaint Three powerful law firms are bringing this case, all have experience in big, hard-fought litigation. The complaint goes into extensive detail about what happened to these victims, and also how scientology is organized and operated. The allegations are horrendous -- but are not new and similar things have been stated by many others. … [Read more...]
Blowing Smoke at Captain Miscavige
Below is a posting from a scientologist on Facebook. It's a rather bizarre photo of Captain Miscavige on the bridge of the Freewinds, dressed in a business suit (where is his fancy Captain uniform?), overseeing his domain. Probably intended to communicate his "forward looking vision for the future" or something. At least in his mind. In reality, he looks utterly out of place and fake. The FB poster puts underneath his photo, a quote from Hubbard. As if these two things go together. Dear Leader Captain Dave is the embodiment of the solution to "Man's lack of skill in politics, … [Read more...]
More of the BS Expansion Hype
Some follow up to the earlier post about hype expansion news. Lots of amazing expansion that has never come to pass... what Captain Miscavige was saying in 2014. For those of you who aren't familiar, the Golden Age of Tech Phase II is described this way on the scientology website: So, this "47X" expansion occurred between November 2013 and June 2014. 47 times expansion in just 8 months. OMG... I did a posting about this in August 2014: Massive Expansion of Lies Then in February 2016, the claim was 60X in the last 2 years -- … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Ridiculous Claims of “Expansion”
Captain Miscavige regales his sheeple with over-the-top claims of "unprecedented expansion" at every event he holds. The flowery Shermanspeak pours forth and the adoring crowds eat it up. They don't ever seem to remember what was said in the previous event, let alone last year or 5 years ago. If they kept track of the claims they would quickly realize they are utterly ridiculous. Over the years, numerous countries have "fully adopted LRH tech" and the military of literally dozens of nations have "embraced the Way to Happiness" and international corporations are "now operating on the LRH … [Read more...]
RiverPark Mission is on Fire
Tony sold 44 raw books last week - HIMSELF ! Our Boss at Scientology Missions International had this made and sent to him. Quite fitting since Tony is Chinese/Taiwanese and it IS the year of the TIGER. Tony has been my staff member at the Riverpark Mission for 25 years. He is so pan-determined and so tireless and so dedicated to helping LRH Clear Earth. He deserves the utmost in admiration. I am so proud of him. The more books we avalanche out into the community the more we will turn the tide and win the day .. the day of sanity and freedom envisioned by LRH for all mankind. We would … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard Way: 25 Years Young
25 years already? It highlights just how long it has been since Ron causatively departed his body on 24 January 1986 to continue his "OT research" unencumbered by the MEST Universe. It's 36 YEARS ago now, 15 years overdue on his return to active duty in the Sea Org. I think the motto of the Sea Org at this point should be "We Never Come Back" as nobody, including the Commodore ever has. The other thing of note is that Miscavige has been running scientology for longer than Hubbard did -- even if you begin his tenure before scientology existed in May 1950 and … [Read more...]
“David Miscavige — A Leader Without Parallel”
The scientology minions are always trying to improve the image of Captain Miscavige. He is credited for everything that happens in scientology, and glowing testimonials about what a a great guy he is are routinely pumped out in the form of videos from sheeple seeking to ingratiate themselves with Dear Leader. Their hope is that some content shows up on Google searches for his name other than all the coverage of his violence, homophobia and disappeared wife. This one slid over the transom the other day and it is a study in what scientology thinks is "PR"" Put some dribble out o … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Things are a bit thin this week -- they must have been all tuckered out from the LRH Birthday bash. But then the new "Birthday Celebration" REPLAY announcements started rolling in. I guess the first time didn't get a big enough response and COB was not amused... We also have some of the usual buffoonery... This is Graduation? Gosh, no OEC? No Hubbard Management Tech? How can you expect to be hired by a scientologist? How is it she is no longer the Field Control Secretary at the Mighty Miami Ideal Org? Kiddie Corner Always makes me … [Read more...]
No, Really… It’s The Next Big Thing. Again.
I have been talking for some time about the next "Big Thing" Miscavige was going to foist off on the world -- his "new" Organizational Executive Course. A year ago I did a post The Next Big Thing -- the Miscavige OEC It seems he is not ready to sell the books yet, but is delivering the course. The OEC Volumes have been out of print and unavailable for years -- try searching the Bridge website, "OEC" "Organizational Executive Course" or "Volumes" returns no results. Hubbard said that OEC Vol 0, The Basic Staff Hat, was a requirement for every organization at least. It seems, that … [Read more...]
Captain Miscavige Wowed ‘Em…
Captain Miscavige made a rare public appearance to deliver the LRH Birthday Game celebration at Flag! Hip-hip-hooray. Here is a description of the momentous occasion provided by the FSC EUS Office. My commentary is in red. On Sunday March 13th Flag held live LRH B Day celebration event! It is available at Flag to see it in full, but here is a flavor of it: COB walked on to endless cheering, whistling and a LONG standing ovation that must have been heard for miles around!! He has missed the adoring sheeple who believe he is "doing what Ron wants," the poor deluded … [Read more...]