Of all things, STAND is complaining about The Hollywood Reporter's "biased" and "bigoted" coverage of the dismal flop that is ScientologyTV They dredge up some old stuff they have used before about the founder of THR being a communist scare merchant in the days of McCarthyism to prove that the Reporter has a "history" of bias and bigotry and that somehow makes it so today... An interesting standard that they might want to think through a little better, given their illustrious founder's checkered history and the fact that 11 leaders (including his wife) went to Federal prison... I guess … [Read more...]
Episode 38: Listener Questions #4
This week is another episode answering listener questions. We cover a range of topics and below are related documents. The first is that scientology paid the IRS $12.5 million as part of the settlement which resulted in tax exemption. At the event announcing the exemption, Miscavige said the bill to the IRS was $1 billion: This is a fairly comprehensive summary of the story of the IRS and Scn on Wikipedia: How to find your US Representative: and US Senator: And here are some twitter … [Read more...]
Episode 36: Critical Thinker Chris Shelton Part 2
This week's episode is a continuation from last week with Chris Shelton. We take a deep dive into the the "Truth Rundown" and Rehabilitation Project Force, but of course touch upon other things in doing so. If you want to hear more of Chris' insights, you can tune into his Sensibly Speaking Podcast. There is a wealth of material there. The "Truth Rundown" is one of the most remarkable things Hubbard developed. It is the most direct and unvarnished brainwashing technique in scientology. It is intended for use on Sea Org members, though some others have unfortunately been … [Read more...]
A First Ever Event of It’s(sic) Kind
There is always a boom "coming" in scientology. The new "breakthrough" that is going to make everything that has been promised for decades finally come true. But what is so odd about this is that it is an article of faith that they ALREADY have all the technology there is. The ONLY technology. The answers to all of life. So what is now going to be different? Without doubt, absolutely nothing. But these people WANT to believe there is something new just around the corner. This time Miscavige has "repackaged" the Organization Executive Course (OEC). Nothing NEW, just a new format for … [Read more...]
John Oliver — Where’s Shelly?
John Oliver consistently focuses his unique brand of comedy/satire/social commentary on David Miscavige and scientology. Last week he threw another barb, which you can watch below at the 2 minute mark of his opening segment. All of last season he included "Where's Shelly" (in Spanish) in the opening montage of the show, and included numerous references to all things scientology. In season 5, he did a piece in his final episode that wrapped up his year long secret "advertising campaign" for scientology that he demanded they pay him $650,000... and then ultimately $700,000 … [Read more...]
Episode 34: Journalist and Author John Sweeney
Our friend and scientology nemesis, journalist, author and podcaster John Sweeney, joins us this week. John was for many years a correspondent for the original TV investigative magazine show, Panorama. He did a program about scientology for Panorama in 2007, where I was one of the "handlers" on behalf of scientology. It was a catalyst for me leaving -- I was in London defending scientology and Miscavige from the "chaos merchants" at the BBC. After I had left, I did a second Panorama show with John explaining some of the things that had happened in that first program. We had a lot to ta … [Read more...]
Reforming Scientology?
Leah recently reminded me of this wonderful website, and in particular, this article by my old friend Jeff Hawkins. Jeff is one of the kindest, smartest and most decent people I know. When Miscavige blew him off, he lost one of the only real marketing geniuses in scientology. Jeff was responsible for the single successful marketing campaign in scientology -- returning Dianetics to the top of the NY Times bestseller list in the 80's. He is a wonderful writer -- I highly recommend his book Counterfeit Dreams -- and a thoughtful analyst of the world of scientology. I am taking the liberty … [Read more...]
Ideal Org “Good News”
This is a collection of standard issue, cookie-cutter scientology mirages, misrepresentations and lies. If you see a promo piece from a scientology org, "ideal" or otherwise, you know you will be witnessing some bs. Let's start at the top. This is their collection of "Good News" -- the best news they can come up with in this ideal org. And that consists of a single "success story" from someone who is already a Class V auditor and has already read "all the basics" upon completion of the Technique 88 lecture series. For those unfamiliar, the Technique 88 lectures … [Read more...]
Dublin is Not So Ideal
Dublin is one of the stranger scientology orgs on earth. An enormous investment was made into this organization in a country where scientology has never been even remotely popular. There was a small, failing, bankrupt mission in Dublin. That was the extent of scientology's presence. Miscavige then bought one of the "Hubbard Offices" to try to preserve his "legacy" (and as a way of spending money for IRS purposes). For a short while Hubbard had an office in Merrion Square in Dublin where he delivered the "Personal Efficiency" course which was supposed to be the tool that boomed scientology. … [Read more...]
Episode 30: Marc Headley Blown For Good
This week, Leah and I had a wonderful time talking with my old and very dear friend Marc Headley —The BFG — on our Fair Game Podcast. Marc not only has a phenomenal memory, he possesses a great sense of humor. Anyone who has read his book knows both of these things to be true. We covered plenty of ground -- talking about the Int base and David Miscavige, the infamous musical chairs incident depicted in Going Clear and even how the Rinder bobblehead came to be. Throughout I mentioned including links, you will find them below. This is definitely an episode you don't want to mis … [Read more...]