The history of the Freewinds has been relegated to the “we don’t talk about that” category like Mary Sue Hubbard, where’s Shelly? what Briefing Course? And so many other inconveniences we don't talk about any more. The Freewinds was purchased for ONE reason. To make the delivery of OT VIII possible. That is what David Miscavige told the scientology sheeple. It required a location "off the crossroads of the world" which is the reason the Freewinds exists. Had to be a big ship to accommodate all the people who would bf flooding up to the top of the Btidge. Delivering it at Flag just wasn’t an … [Read more...]
I Would Follow David Miscavige Anywhere
Lizzie (daughter of David and Sheila Gaiman, sister to Neil Gaiman) is a hard-core scientology true believer. Miscavige must really be feeling the heat -- re-airing the "Turning Point" 1993 IRS event video all over the world and churning out things like this from from his "Leader of the Scientology Religion" X account. Caught inside the bubble of his own adulation, he does not even recognize how incredibly culty a statement like this is. "I would follow David Miscavige absolutely anywhere to the end of the world." Jim Jones? David Koresh? Marshall Applewhite? Ring any bells? … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Boston week? What does that even mean? Funny what they focus on… They always show the “fun in the sun” but if you are on services this is very much frowned upon. Practicing medicine without a license? Empty ideal org… Anything to get bodies in the shop AOLA struggling for business Why are they going to Chicago where nothing is happening? The "Turning Point" isn’t enough… Trying to get anyone to show up by promoting this guy? Don’t tell Dave M that Dave P is a bigger draw than he is… He’s been d … [Read more...]
It’s Deja Vu All Over Again
When things are looking grim, the go-to "handling" is to re-show this event from 30 YEARS ago. I wonder if we are going to see this showing up in other orgs too, as in the past it has been a blanket order to get all orgs to re-air this old video of Dear Leader's finest hour (the tag line on the poster is "contact your org for more information."). Orders to show this video yet again are a sign that Miscavige is feeling attacked and in his mind nobody is defending him and he has to do it all himself. In the intervening 30 year of his reign, virtually nothing of significance has been … [Read more...]
David Miscavige is a Genius — and Humble Too
In a posting on social media that does not appear to be a parody account (it is promoting his website), Miscavige calls HIMSELF a genius. Of course, it's couched in terms of what "other people say" (about me). He "redefined the term religious leader"? I don't think the redefinition is anything to crow about. A religious leader who disappeared his wife? Who has lorded over a real estate empire of expensive empty buildings masquerading as “churches”? Who has spent tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars harassing and seeking to destroy those who say things he doesn't like? T … [Read more...]
Kissing David Miscavige’s Butt
This is one of the recent press releases put out by scientology. That they're not embarrassed to have this appear anywhere says a great deal about just how much of a cult scientology is. The only comparison to this drooling idiocy is the fawning supplication of the poor people of N. Korea who fall over themselves to praise Dear Leader Kim Jong Un. Scientologists these days fall over one another to praise their Dear Leader -- for "saving the tech in it's purest form" (while he has completely decimated it), as a "get humanitarian leader" (which overseeing one of the … [Read more...]
“Solve it with Scientology”
Hurricane Debby reminded me of the original Hurricane Debbie -- Debbie Cook's email that rocked the scientology world on 1 January 2012. In addition to other points she laid out, Debbie highlighted Hubbard's insistence that scientology NOT engage in "fundraising" but sell and deliver Dianetics and Scientology as the only way to success. Here are some Hubbard quotes Debbie cited: From HCO PL Org Ethics and Tech: “GET RID OF DISTRACTIONS FROM SCIENTOLOGY in your org. Baby-sitting or raffle tickets and such nonsense.” From HCO PL Org Programming: “If the org slumps… don’t engage in ‘fu … [Read more...]
Training Under LRH — The Legacy of David Miscavige
Well, this should be interesting. A talk, at St Hill, about what it was like training under Ron. Do you think the "legendary" John Parselle (interesting side note -- he signed me up for the Sea Org when he had been sent to Australia as a Tours Reg in 1973, he was never a posted auditor again) will mention the elephant in the room? The "training under Ron" that John participated in was perhaps the Briefing Course and definitely the Class VIII course on board the Apollo. NEITHER OF THESE COURSES ARE AVAILABLE IN SCIENTOLOGY TODAY. The two auditor courses that Hubbard declared … [Read more...]
Going Clear on Netflix
Going Clear is available on Netflix. If you have not seen this, take the time to watch it. If you haven’t watched it since it first came out a decade or so ago, it’s worth re-watching. This documentary had massive impact on the way the world viewed Scientology. And paved the way for so much that has come since - including The Aftermath (which is available for free on Tubi). The story that is told and how is laid out is brilliant — facts about Hubbard and Scientology and interviews are brought together to paint a devastating picture that is beyond dispute. … [Read more...]
The Narcissistic Personality Part 5: Do Narcissists Cry?
See earlier posts in this series: Part 1: The Narcissist Part 2: The Sneaky Techniques of the Cover Narcissist Part 3: The “Generous” Narcissist Part 4: The Altruistic Narcissist The propensity to cry is not something I ever observed in either Ron Hubbard or David Miscavige -- this is perhaps the first trait describing the narcissist that has not applied, though certainly the underlying emotions and motivations were present. But it is enlightening in a broader sense for anyone trying to understand or dealing with a narcissistic personality. Overview of nar … [Read more...]