I don't normally use my blog to simply promote other stories by scientology whistleblowers, but this morning is an exception. First, last night, Mat Pesch put up a new YouTube video with the latest news from one of his inside sources at the FLB. He has a lot of information about specific individuals, but ends with a bombshell about Miscavige's direct involvement in the "Chase Wave" and how he sent one of his personal staff who was directly involved out of the country. It is quite remarkable the level of detail Mat is getting... Then this morning, Tony … [Read more...]
Leah & Mike: The Masterson Sentencing
Last night Leah and I did a livestream YouTube video about the Masterson sentencing hearing Leah had attended earlier in the day. Here are the documents we mentioned: Jane Doe 1 Mother's Letter to Miscavige You can also find this, and a glossary of terms at Leah's Substack: DOJ Sentencing Memorandum For those who don't want to read the entire 70 page document, here is a redacted summary of key points: Excerpts DOJ Sentencing Memo … [Read more...]
Some Background on Scientology’s Efforts to Destroy Enemies
Over the last few weeks, Chris Owen (author of many insightful writings about Hubbard and scientology, including his excellent book, Ron The War Hero) has done a series of posts with Tony Ortega on Substack describing the history of the harassment campaigns carried out by scientology. As is always the case with Chris, he is a meticulous researcher and summarizes the information in a concise and accurate way. This is important information that should be as widely available as possible, so I am combining his 3 pieces into one longer article and reprinting it below. It's fascinating … [Read more...]
NEW Fair Game PI Activity Caught on Video
There's some scientology Fair Game activity underway in our neighborhood since Leah filed her lawsuit. Some neighbors alerted us to a suspicious vehicle parked on the main boulevard of our community outside their house. Two neighbors took photos of license plate of the vehicle at different times and locations: Shortly thereafter Christie and I went out to the local store and just like magic – look who is right in front of us: Of course, this could have been a coincidence and just someone who lives in our neighborhood – though s … [Read more...]
“OT IX and X are closer than you think” – David Miscavige April 1993
Captain Miscavige made this announcement more than 30 years ago. Had you surveyed anyone who attended this monumental/epic/watershed event, what does "closer than you think" mean, I guarantee not one of them would have said anything beyond 5 years. Most would have responded with 1 or 2 years at most. This once fresh, then moldy and now petrified carrot continues to be dangled in front of the faithful donkeys -- though talk of it has been replaced in the main with self-congratulatory hype about "ideal orgs." According to this promotional piece, Captain Miscavige (this was back when he … [Read more...]
Scientology Squeals Victim
The response to Leah”s lawsuit is scientology’s standard “a bigot is being mean to us poor victims” drivel. This one is especially unhinged, indicative of how worried David Miscavige is about this latest lawsuit naming him. The greater the purple prose and insanity of the inevitable ridiculous comparisons they make directly correlates to the level of volcanic eruption that occurred in the COB suite when he found out about the lawsuit. As Scientology responses go, this one is in the Hall of Fame. I am including their whole statement here in indented italics with my comments followi … [Read more...]
David Miscavige was NOT Anointed by Hubbard
It is always amusing to read scientology's hagiographic musings about their fearless leader, Captain Miscavige. He has a website dedicated to him and the same content is repeated in the special section devoted to the COB on the Scientology website. Nobody fact checks the claims made about him, Scientology operates on the principle of putting out so much garbage and lies that nobody can keep up with all the falsehoods so they eventually become true. Here are a few glaring examples, taking the statements right from their website: Barely a year after entering the Sea Organization—the religious o … [Read more...]
People Magazine: Where’s Shelly? Scientology: You’re Bigots
Following the excellent and extensive reporting by Yashar Ali on the disappearance of Shelly Miscavige (I just updated my blog post about this to include the latest documents from Yashar), People magazine published a piece on the subject (shallow and revealing nothing new, I wish they had followed Yashar's lead and actually dug into this subject. But, the tremendous reach of People cannot be denied and serves to raise public awareness on the issue. You can read the People piece here. What is also interesting is the inevitable response from the scienobots on social … [Read more...]
According to L. Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige is a Suppressive Squirrel
"For some years now we have had a word "squireling." It means altering Scientology, offbeat practices. It is a bad thing. Squirreling is today destructive of a workable system. " L. Ron Hubbard HCOPL 14 Feb 65 SAFEGUARDING TECHNOLOGY A reader recently prompted me to look up LRH EDs about the release of OT VIII. I came across LRH ED 301 Ron's Journal 30 from December 1978. While it does not say what he had recalled (there may be something else that does that I have not yet located), I was struck by some things that have often been commented on as sidenotes, but if … [Read more...]
Important: Where’s Shelly? NEW Reporting
I am posting this to help get the widest possible distribution of this very important piece by my friend Yashar Ali. He has done an astonishing job of telling the story of Shelly Miscavige, especially the cover-up by scientology assisted by the LAPD. He has uncovered new and shocking information about the circumstances of how the LAPD "verified" Shelly was OK. And a tragic photo of Shelly, taken from her last issued driver's license that tells so much. It is a masterpiece of giving the big picture, while including and explaining details of the scientology world that make the big picture … [Read more...]