The three headlines say it all... Not only does this new meter now allow you not to think, it is THE thing that means "now we can really make it" and even more importantly, this meter is the "start of a new civilization." These hype phrases could be part of one of those games. Fill in the missing subject (new Meter/GAT/Basics/Congresses/Ron Series etc etc) and then add the "descriptors" to complete the sentence. They keep using the same statements over and over and they describe anything from attending an event, to reading a book to running around a pole to completing OT VIII. Completely … [Read more...]
Sell Sell Sell Those Warehouse VIIIs
Predictably, the heavy sales demand is rolling out now on the Warehouse VIII. The middle of the night calls... The regges banging on your door.... The endless emails... Every staff member in every org "selling"... Wonder how long it will be before someone comes up with a "donations" campaign so they can sell more than 2 to the whales? But there is good news -- if your org sells 100 meters (15,000 divided by 150 orgs -- 5,000 for initial sales at FSO and SO Orgs) before the end of the year, you get a box of goodies to SHARE amongst all the staff AND it is wrapped in silver paper! B … [Read more...]
The Warehouse VIII “Suitcase Bomb”
We just got this write-up from a Special Field Correspondent. It contains interesting information about the Warehouse VIII and how it is going to blow a lot of people off auditing and training. I bet there is a SERIOUS panic happening right about now over the shitty sales of the W8. Everyone HAS to buy two and they HAVE to pay cash.... Yowzah. What a BOMB this is going to be. Anyone want to take bets on how long it will be before this "policy" gets changed because after 10 years of warehousing, these beauties are STILL sitting in a warehouse? Miscavige will scream about CI and SP's … [Read more...]
The Warehouse VIII
Here is the first promo for the Warehouse Mark VIII. Funny that something that has sat in a warehouse for 9 years is presented as "the future has arrived"... The over the top claims are as ridiculous as they sound. This is an E-Meter with the cutting-edge technology to take you up the Bridge to Clear and OT with astounding speed and unprecedented certainty. This is why they sat, unreleased, for nearly a decade. Because Miscavige couldnt get an event together where He would be able to SELL ENOUGH. Speed and certainty of auditing played NO role in this. Otherwise they would have been … [Read more...]