Just to make a record, every now and then I like to publish the names in searchable form of the clubbed seals that form the Flag OT Committee so if anyone Googles them they might find their names listed here. As a side note, there are lot of former SO members on this list. This is one of the fairly recent weekly commendations that are sent out: The following OT Members are COMMENDED for reporting their stats for W/E 01/30/2020: ALEX ECKELBERRY DIA BORNET KATHY STRASSER RALF HAUG ALICE BELLUCCI DON KARL KATHY WACH RALPH CRISCIONE ALISON OSBORN DONNA BARNA KATHY ZWERS RANDY … [Read more...]
The Black Bag Department
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. Marty has been doing a good job of exposing the unalterable policies of the church concerning dealing with perceived enemies. One aspect not much discussed is who are the "outside professionals" hired to do the dirty work. And while there is a lot that is done by Sea Org OSA staff, Class V (local DSAs like Mark Warburg and John Carmichael) and public Scientologists (John Allender, Ed Bryan and Co) there is work that requires specific skills, including licenses to … [Read more...]
Flag is Emptier than Ever
More evidence, as if it were needed, that scientology is failing. Flag is empty. If there was massive international expansion, the number of people moving up the bridge would be increasing. Flag is the pinnacle of the empire and its state is a clear reflection on all of scientology. This is the Oak Cove hotel at 7:30 pm the other night. As you can see, the place is virtually deserted. This is the nearby retirement home that is the companion building to this one (they used to be part of the same community, but scientology bought the block closest to the Ft … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Happy Valentine’s Day Messages
Scientology uses any opportunity to try to get people to step inside their buildings. Each of these supposedly non-church activities is part and parcel of the same big ball of wax. And you can bet that if anyone is silly enough to attend any of these things and give their name, phone number or email they will be receiving SCIENTOLOGY promotional materials for the next 100 years. And here is another "Valentine's Day message" put up on my daughter's web page. The twisted logic of this one defies description. My message to you on this Valentine's Day is "hate your father and do everything you … [Read more...]
Mark Bunker’s New Scientology Hit Squad
Clearly scientology is worried that Mark Bunker is proving to be a viable candidate for the Clearwater City Council. They are now resorting to one of their tried and true tactics against those who worry them the most (see below in this blogpost for earlier examples of the same playbook). Following is a series of short videos of a recent candidates forum. Scientology sent along a gaggle of hecklers to disrupt Mark's statements -- pursuant to the policies of L. Ron Hubbard. Unfortunately, there is no video showing their faces -- perhaps next time when both Aaron Smith-Levin and I … [Read more...]
“Auditing on The Level”
Another illustration of the crazy that is the scientology bubble. And it gets worse the higher one progresses on "the Bridge." I am not questioning that there is a problem with over-prescription of medication or too much diagnosis of depression or anxiety. I am questioning the bizarre conclusion: "I am auditing on the level, which ultimately will handle the disgusting goals and purposes of that criminal profession." How these deluded OT VII's can possibly believe that getting rid of their body thetans is going to handle psychiatry is something I would love one of them to explain … [Read more...]
The Impossible Dream
Done? Since Day 1 the target has been 10,000. Now suddenly they cave and declare victory when they reach 75%? Let's not forget this has been going on now for 30 years. Trying to get people "Onto" ("or through" which is absolutely meaningless) Solo NOTs. In 30 plus years 7500 people on planet earth have reached the top of the Bridge. That is a TINY number of people. A large number of the 7500 are no longer alive or scientologists. A large number started and never completed the endless level. The entirety of Europe has apparently achieved 800... And they are PROUD of … [Read more...]
Where Clearwater Candidates Stand on Scientology
Tracey McManus published another of her uniformly excellent articles recently: Where every Clearwater City Council Candidate stands on Scientology I have excerpted most of the answers to her survey and offer my biased views on them. I believe there are just two reasons why scientology is actually being spoken about in this election. It has been a taboo subject for local politicians for decades. They have steered clear of this topic like it was the plague... Now for the first time in recent memory, it is something to be debated. The two factors are Tracey's bombshell article exp … [Read more...]
Mighty Tampa Ideal Org – The Best Is Not Good Enough
Here is a new video from Tampa Org (with 58 likes and 3 comments). They promote themselves as both "Ideal" AND "SH Size" -- in fact they promote themselves as the FIRST ideal and FIRST SH size org. They even start out with the humble assertion "What does every other Org want to be?" Well, let's take a look at what every org on earth aspires to. Because Tampa has given us a wonderful glimpse of just how much they actually accomplish. They kindly provided statistics for the last decade as significant accomplishments that everyone else should be jealous of. It is a good measure of the … [Read more...]
The L. Ron Hubbard Hall Money Making Machine
Scientology is still hard at it, raising money for the completely superfluous auditorium they say they are going to construct next to the Super Power building. And they are sending out new promotional pieces about it at an increasing rate. This is a very recent fundraising letter and there is also a whole magazine devoted to the subject: This is the cover of the mag... It is a strain for them to come up with reasons why anyone should be giving money to such a boondoggle. That this is going to be an event hall "large enough to hold every international … [Read more...]