That Cristian Vargas sure gets around... He seems to be the only person organizing events these days? Big news From a "former" investigative reporter and a retired Army officer. I am sure they are experts. Just as sure there will be a lot of correlation without causation involved in this (almost by definition you have to be mentally ill to engage in a mass shooting -- how come scientology hasn't yet "taken over the field" on mental healing and handled this problem? Are they not just as responsible as "the psychs" who they claim know nothing but they have ALL the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The new look Crossed arms are so 2019. Holding an empty 3 ring binder is the new thing. Sure says "determined" to me? Here today, gone tomorrow Just look at ANY of the ideal orgs that have opened and see how many of the people they touted beforehand are there today. Most of these people will never actually start, they just agree to sign up to be left alone for a while. Big Ben! That's a lot of "secular" stuff for an organization that claims to bring more people onto the Bridge than anyone else on earth... The Year of Bahamas … [Read more...]
The Non Religious Moral Code
This is an odd one. But it’s another example of the falsehoods pushed out by scientology on a routine basis. Scientology tells people the Way to Happiness is “non-religious” - the book doesn’t even have Hubbard’s name on it except in tiny print on the back. It is something used to gain footholds in society and the theory (like with Hubbard's fiction) is that when people find something good or enjoyable about it, they then discover what else Hubbard has written and want to read that. No matter what the PR statements, the ultimate objective is always the same. Get more people using Hubbard' … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Still quoting this from 1965... Obviously, every child born before 1965 made their 16th birthday unless some illness or accident intervened. The world did NOT end in 1981... But this is still absolute truth. There is no way to disseminate scientology successfully Unless the person is a child or has no access to Google. End of story. The real question is... How long will you be able to hack it? Class VIII auditor? There's no such thing any more in this "Golden Age of Tech." And she has done KTL and LOC -- I bet her briefing doesn't … [Read more...]
Running in Circles Again
This just struck me as the ultimate in ridiculous, enforced "success stories." It is a perfect example of the "technology" proclaiming something and then the person who pays for it comes out the other side certain they have achieved what they were told they were going to achieve beforehand. Though there is no way this is real, it is shrouded in "subjective reality." This is confirmation bias exemplified. Confirmation bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. When people would like a certain idea or concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true. They are … [Read more...]
Scientology Celeb Tag Team – Friendship in Scientology
Our old friend Terra Cognita has returned with another thought-provoking commentary. Scientology Celeb Tag Team – Friendship in Scientology Our good friends the Johnson’s (not their real names) show me an example I’ll never forget of more bright ideas in the church. Many years ago Lallie Johnson went to Flag. She said to me before she went, she was afraid that her tiny inheritance from her mom would vaporize. She was worried and looking to me to buck her up. I wondered how to help her and not get written up. I told her, “you’re not required to tell them that you got an inherit … [Read more...]
That Largest Private Relief Force on Earth is Looking Mighty Small
The latest natural disaster in the US, Hurricane Michael, caused massive destruction in the Panhandle of Florida. In some ways this is a “perfect storm.” For here we have an ALL IDEAL Florida confronting a major catastrophe. There is also another ideal org nearby in Atlanta. And then there is Clearwater, the largest concentration of scientologists on earth. (And just for good measure, let's throw in the "ideal" Ocala Mission which is the closest of all to the disaster zone). Wow, it's literally an "ideal" scene. That largest private relief force on earth should find this an easy one to mo … [Read more...]
Flag Needs The Running Program
If this super dooper OT cause resurgence rundown really produces what they are promoting, then maybe Flag should just take a month off and put themselves through it so they can get at cause over their sinking stats.... Here is their newest begging to "get people to Flag." You get some idea of the state of affairs in the "fastest growing religion on earth" when they are proudly announcing their FIRST completion from Sweden. Remember, Sweden has an IDEAL ORG in Malmo and another Class V org in Stockholm. And in 8 months there has been ONE person complete.... And what is it with the … [Read more...]