I recently did a post How Desperate is the Freewinds? after a promo piece came in offering a $750 "wedding package" on board. I noted that the reason for the Freewinds existing at all was for the delivery of OT VIII -- which supposedly needed to be done "off the crossroads of the world." This was what Miscavige told the public -- who would have much preferred it be delivered at Flag which would not require a second trip to a different org in another part of the world once they completed SNOTs. Funny, yesterday I came across this from a fairly recent edition of Source magazine. As anyone … [Read more...]
How Desperate is The Freewinds?
The history of the Freewinds has been relegated to the “we don’t talk about that” category like Mary Sue Hubbard, where’s Shelly? what Briefing Course? And so many other inconveniences we don't talk about any more. The Freewinds was purchased for ONE reason. To make the delivery of OT VIII possible. That is what David Miscavige told the scientology sheeple. It required a location "off the crossroads of the world" which is the reason the Freewinds exists. Had to be a big ship to accommodate all the people who would bf flooding up to the top of the Btidge. Delivering it at Flag just wasn’t an … [Read more...]
OT VIIIs are Changing The World
An old thing I recently came across that is a window into the crazy world of scientology "Operating Thetan" (OT) -- the promise that is the carrot to keep people moving up the Bridge. Becoming "OT" is what all scientologists aspire to achieve: by definition it is full cause over matter, energy, space and time. Clearly it does NOT include being fully at cause over truth, as these people are the most delusory of all scientologists. They make ridiculous claims about their abilities and accomplishments, knowing that nobody will ever challenge them and thereby "invalidate the state of OT." Here … [Read more...]
Ghost Ship: SMV Freewinds
One of our readers was on a cruise that stopped in Aruba. They took some shots of the ghost ship. There isn't any sign of life, the lights are on but there's nobody home. At some point Captain Napier made an appearance: Not sure what he is doing -- he looks a little frustrated (no big surprise, imagine being the "captain" of a ship permanently tied up to a dock with no passengers)... It turns out his appearance was for a video shoot! What a surprise…. They gathered some kids and had them muster up in formation to be addressed by Capt. Mike (the camera crew is behind the s … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Wandering Wick Wore out his welcome in Melbourne. Now in his homeland creating big effects... Yawn. I guess he has been officially put out to pasture. He probably has a medical condition the SO doesn't want to pay for so they sent him back to NZ to take advantage of the free healthcare for citizens. What does it take? Just some crazy wigs and an LRH quote it seems. Oh, and your money. Graduation for Human Rights Day? Not enough graduates for a graduation. Not enough dones for an event about Human Rights. I know, let's put them … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This is the "Advanced Org" Their "Safe Pointing" campaign... ASI's "Tasty Treats" Get yourself a shot of hot jolt -- while they try to sell you some "priceless" "special editions" of Ron's old, not very good, fiction. He's Running in Circles He's "on Cause Resurgence" -- wonder if he's dizzy? No Org Graduates? Just someone from Flag? An example to others? Oddly for Chicago, she is young. This poster is a bit misleading given the other old people we have seen... Avoid bad decisions Like paying $6 … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
A Field Auditor? Wow, pickins are slim when they have to announce they have a field auditor... On the Plaque! Unless something happens in the next decade before their ribbon yanking and he is no longer "in good standing" Why is she not training at Flag? Because they know she will NEVER graduate How pathetic Begging for people to download their app. And not only that, begging for 100 people OMG. Technology so advanced it can only be delivered at Flag... Like running around in circles. The Swept-Away beard … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
There is a bit of a backlog of Funnies. The ones that were too outdated I sent to the trash file. There are quite a lot, two weeks worth in one episode! Smile away... They're "On The Plaque" until they're not... These things are VERY temporary. The "Honor Roll" On it until you're not. These are the marks who have contributed to making Australia the first "ideal continent"... Big Thumbs Up Come on in, the water's fine. Not that many regges... Chicago is big So I joined staff. Cincinnati needs staff desperately, their … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The effects from our recent event? An AO creaming their jeans about being able to deliver the Purif and Objectives? Now THAT'S expansion! The Advanced Org nobody needed... They're so focused on getting anyone in for anything because there are no public moving up the Bridge they might as well call themselves the "Continental Org" and close every other org down and they still wouldn't come close to using all their space. What about locals NOT on service? They would NEVER turn anyone away if they could pay.... And they have an IAS card and clearance … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
As I put the podcast announcement on the blog on Thursday, The Funnies took a back seat. Here they are, in all their glory... 6th Anniversary of futility They've brought in 2 NSO professional FSMs to host their Sea Org Org anniversary. Home utterly pathetic. Applied Scholastics Open House Hosted at LA Org. Though this is a completely "secular" activity. Wink wink. Good luck with that This program has already had trainees on it for a year and they haven't even sent their people to START! Class … [Read more...]