Every week in the Thursday Funnies we see promotional pieces for the latest Freewinds "seminar" about making money. I usually make some snarky comment about them. Frankly, they have become pretty tiresome. But there is a more important point to be made than pointing out that the Moneywinds is consumed with trying to suck money out of people to the point where they are pretty much full time running seminars designed to teach people how to make money -- so they can then get it from them as most people have run dry and do not have enough money to make it up the bridge. The larger point i … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Human Rights? None of these guest speakers have any idea of scientology's deplorable history of human rights abuses. Betcha this invite would be withdrawn in a big hurry if you chose to speak about that... Fight for kids... How about fighting for kids not be disconnected from other family members? That would be fun. Michael Chan can revive the dead The St Pete Life Improvement Center has not been seen nor heard from for YEARS. Bet the turnout was YUGE... The Truth? Michael Chan will try to get every dollar … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Monday Service? It takes all the dynamics to make a freedom... Huh? This is THE BEST... Central Files Team.... All 6 of them in this, the largest ideal org on earth. Consummate Con Man The REAL tech he learned to "help others" was Big League Sales.... This is Expansion? A rehash of Atlanta. A tiny Auditor's Day event in Pasadena for the entire LA area and a replay of the 1993 IAS event? Confirm Now. Who would want to miss this. Miscavige is feeling the hurt This tired old event gets rolled out whenever he … [Read more...]
Freewinds Desperation
Things are desperate aboard the Moneywinds it seems. All those spectacular seminars by the world's most voracious "FSM's" do not appear to be doing the trick. Nor the "how to make money" seminars from CO FSSO and her crew who cannot generate enough income to buy the fuel to sail out of port. So, they are trying to get people there with give-aways. It tells you everything you need to know about the state of the "Top of the Bridge" of scientology that they have to try and entice people to get others to arrive -- with a SPECIAL AWARD for OT VIIIs that can be conned into going to the ship to … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's a Blockbuster OTC Meeting Revel in the good news: Only $6.4 million to go. More Blockbuster News This Ideal Org had a single person complete a course. The Student Hat no less. That is cause for a massive celebration and a promotional piece. Why CF? "Because its files of people who have bought something." Makes total sense. Truth is, nobody has a good answer. Los Feliz Mission? How low can you go -- a Mission is holding a fundraising event for an org.... Mighty My Mammy LRH is still dead guys. Most of those … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Harlem Ribbon Yanking First announcements - no date and time... You had to call to find out. Wouldn't want to actually TELL anyone where to be. What if some SP's were to show up? No, best to keep the date and time a secret. Come one, come all. Please. Cambridge in Canada being told to attend? What, they can't even muster 2500 scientologists in New York? With a CLO, two "ideal orgs," a "Celebrity Center" and another org on Long Island? They have to recruit people from out of the country? We do mean EVERYONE from ANYWHERE... ...and now we will actually tell you … [Read more...]
Maiden Voyage Event 4
Here is the final report on the "week of events" to celebrate Maiden Voyage 2016. Miscavige was feeling overworked for the week, having to deliver that opening night address and then the IAS pitch-a-thon, so he dished this one off to a bunch of nobodies. Anyone these days apparently qualifies as "International Church executives" - the headliner for this event was the CO PAC? Wow.... There is some fascinating information here. "More than 500 scientologists have formed new groups in Los Angeles" - funny, not a single one of these "new groups" has ever been shown (or even seen by … [Read more...]
Maiden Voyage Event 2
Next in the series of 2016 MV Event coverage. Really there is nothing worth saying about this. Somehow they keep coming up with new "accomplishments" for L. Ron Hubbard. Now he created the "space race" to distract from the nuclear arms race (except it didn't). Wonder when they are going to cover the biography section "Ron's family life and accomplishments" - they could do a nice Ron Mag on that subject. Not of course covering what he told everyone else to do, but detailing HIS family life. There is a lot of fascinating material to cover. … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Irony Alert They apparently don't even notice that the image of "service" is a computer screen and some white things on desks. One hour VM event for photo shoot Funny, they don't actually DO anything. The ONLY call to action for the VMs in Pasadena is for a photo op... Typical Moneywinds Just a series of announcements for their "conventions" - despite the fact that according to COB they are packing the place out with OT VIII's... How come the Moneywinds never mentions DOING OT levels, just making money... Learn how to "close" -- seems … [Read more...]
Maiden Voyage Event 1
This is the second posting in the coverage of this year's Maiden Voyage. Yesterday's post is here. Things got off to a bang at "Opening Night" - traditionally consisting of the "Rolling Thunder" presentation, some hype about the number of inches of sea traversed by the Moneywinds and joking and degrading at the expense of the "OT Ambassadors." Dear Leader set the stage with a huge, bald-faced lie -- "in full"(?) "just since last year, the number of scientologists advancing up the bridge has multiplied ten times over." This is just pulled out of his ass. Much like the 46X before … [Read more...]