You can glean a lot from a single promotional item as the bubble world of scientology continues to shrink and they increasingly lose track of what they are actually saying. Let's take a look at the latest Moneywinds seminar promotion piece and the blurb they sent out with it: First, isn't it just a little odd that the two "other" speakers apart from the International KeyNote Speaker and Officer from the Freewinds have their case level listed? It's never been an outpoint to anyone that the majority of people who are "running the church" at "top levels" are not even clear, let alone … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Of course, this week is dominated by invitations, orders and pleas for everyone to join in the fun by watching Dear Leader belittle the OT Ambassadors at Maiden Voyage. But in the midst of the frenzy to scrape up the bedraggled few for the MV extravaganza, there were a few other things. Superheroes Well, they like to think they are. Wonder what Marvel thinks of this? We are sooo close to the turning point on this planet We just need a bit more all of your cash. Wonder what planet he is on? Hello Yo Babies!! This is written in … [Read more...]
Maiden Voyage — News From Onboard
The hype has started. Though some of this is "damning with faint praise," especially this first one... "This event had a lot of information" hardly falls into the "monumental milestone, best ever in the history of evers" we have come to expect. "Had a lot of information" would describe an out loud reading of the owner's manual of a new car... And then we have this -- a report about the funny haha joking and degrading "I'm laughing at you, not with you" that David Miscavige traditionally engages in on the first evening of MV. He loves to poke fun at the "OT Ambassadors" … [Read more...]
Scientology Online
They are really pumping this one up. It would normally be in with the rest of the Thursday Funnies, but it is remarkable for a few reasons. First, Tom Burton rates top billing over D/COB for Lookalikes, Gavin Potter. Yet GP is an "International Keynote Speaker" and "Sea Org Officer." Those titles just aren't what they used to be. Second, why isn't Tom Burton imparting his brilliance ("vital LRH tech"?) to help all these struggling orgs that are going nowhere (starting with the Moneywinds)? If this guy is so brilliant why isn't he single handedly changing the course of … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Freewinds Business College Learn how to make money at the "spiritual retreat off the crossroads of the world" also known as "Vulture U". Make money to "rapidly" move up the "Golden Age of Tech II Bridge" which is much better than the GAG I Bridge. Which leaves the old L. Ron Hubbard Bridge for dead... Really, this is the most spiritual place on earth... When money is your God and making it is your central religious practice, the Freewinds truly is the "top of the Bridge." More Blow Away Wins... From the Social Reform Officer SFO?? There's only … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Blow ALL barriers to production! I hope all 6 staff of the Cambridge "ideal" org attend, they could use some increase in competence and eradicating their barriers to production... The First "Ideal" Continent They have some players on the disabled list -- more accurately in the obituary section. Hawaii. Albuquerque. St Louis. Dead as doornails. This is not going to be the first ideal continent ever. Nashiville Artist? I wonder if this is like those Rolix watches they sell for $10 in China. Is Nashiville a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa. And who IS Tyller … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies Saturday Edition
A day or two delayed but better late than never. Especially when there is a new Regraded Being cartoon. Truth Well, in truth, most scientologists CANNOT stand the truth. See Regraded Being this week at the end of the post. Seriously, a lecture about FAC One? What's next, a seminar on Incident Two? Winning? Ruroh. The video team is going to be there... Where are they going to find anyone to put in the videos? They are so out in the boonies it needs a Lewis and Clark style expedition to find them. Nice floors though. And neat furnishings.... It's always about to happen … [Read more...]
The OT Carrot Is Wilting
There are 6700 "on or complete" on OT VII according to Mr. Rabey. There are only 2200 "OT VIII" completions? Ruh roh. How come such a small percentage go on to OT VIII? There could be several explanations: 1. The number on OT VII is a lie and consists of people who are NOT auditing or have been declared 2. Any "completions" on OT VII, having attained "Cause Over Life" are being sent to re-do the Purif and Objectives to attain something they missed in their "Cause Over Life" accomplishment 3. Those who are completing OT VII are so tapped out they don't have the airfare to get home, let … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Desperate This ALL CAPS message was received by someone in HUNGARY. But let's rejoice, following the announcement of the imminent opening after Dear Leader showed a CGI video of the completed org about 8 years ago, it is really good to know that we will all find out on 28 February that the plans are to open it VERY VERY VERY soon (as long as enough people give money). THE NEWS YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! HARLEM IS OPENING VERY VERY VERY SOON!!! ATTEND THE EVENT THAT WILL MARK THE CREATION OF THE IDEAL CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY IN HARLEM NEW YORK ATTEND THE EVENT AT THE HARLEM ORG ON … [Read more...]
Now THIS is Hype
I have seen a lot of bs hype in my time, but this would make Jon Lovitz's character on SNL blush. I am certain nobody will ever top this, but I have been wrong before about the insanity inside the bubble. But there is no question it will take some doing to out-hype this baby. And who IS this guy and what is this uniform he is wearing? He looks the part of a South American toy soldier... He is building his lapel pin collection. His briefing is of course URGENT. Which is why they did it in Florence, Kentucky ("Greater Cincinnati"). And it is only urgent because the Freewinds is des … [Read more...]