The prices are coming DOWN, DOWN, DOWN in a desperate last ditch effort to get some money, any money to keep the Freewinds able to buy oil for the generators to keep the lights on. $100 a day for a shared cabin and food is unheard of. The Freewinds used to charge Ritz Carlton rates for their Holiday Inn accommodations (the food was usually above average, but not spectacular). Now they are trying to get people to pay Motel 6 rates. And this is the PEAK season in the Caribbean. Seems the Freewinds is heading for a Mary Celeste* culmination to her 1,465,385.3 miles of 100% Sea Org safe … [Read more...]
The Freewinds Is Quickier
The latest begging from the infamous pirate ship Freewinds. Trying to entice the suckers by boasting speed of delivery. And on a co-audit no less! And suckers, don't forget, they have limited space. They can hold about 250 passengers. Their current occupancy is around 10 per week. So of course, speed is of the essence. Really, who wouldn't want to spend "only" $5,000 to redo this all over again.... And if you agree to go, they will virtually GIVE you a room. After all, they know the real money to be made is on "incidentals." Anyone foolish enough to show up on the Freewinds is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The (lack of) irony deparment... This small collection of Craigslist ads is a study in irony. The people who destroy families and tear relationships apart, who lie with reckless abandon... The Global Reach of Radio How nutty is this. They can produce everything for radio without any "new studios", they have literally dozens of UNUTILIZED studios. If their figures are true -- 95% of the world's population listens to radio, that means about 75% of those people (between China, India, SE Asia and Africa) cannot even afford to buy an overpriced book, let alone a service. … [Read more...]
Freewinds — The Top Of The Bridge Is The Bottom
Get a load of this, apparently said with absolutely NO irony.... Dear George, I'm writing to you because I want all New OT VIIIs to be through the Student Hat and Advanced Solo Auditor Course before June 6th, 2015. That's why I want you to arrive on the Freewinds right now. If you're not done with the Student Hat, we can get you through it in checksheet time or less. And in just three weeks more, we can have you through the Advance Solo Auditor Course as well, supervised by your New OT VIII Supervisors. Let me hear back from you on your plans to arrive … [Read more...]
The Ship Is Sinking
Things are grim out there off the crossroads of the world -- sitting alongside the dock in Curacao. Not only are they bringing in "WISE guys," they are offering massive discounts to try and get anyone to bother making a trip. The last Freewinds price list that I could easily find was from 2011. The cheapest week of shared B deck cabin was $1500 and the "Convention Fee" was $1500. They didn't have a single Basics or Congress Course on their price list, but there is NO service, no matter how small that was ever priced below $1000. And yet again, ANOTHER seminar on how to "generate … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Surrounded by Suppression Another must miss event. Daphna really has a bee in her bonnet about all the "suppression" that is around. Maybe she has a computer and googled scientology? Those SPs are everywhere, just waiting to pounce! Again, why is an Advanced Org resorting to promoting a seminar delivered by an FSM? Where is Julian Shwartz? Isn't he the expert on handling suppression at AOLA? Arise Sir Knight Yes, that is John Danilovich, Captain AOSHUK waving a sword. Apparently the latest status in the UK is to kneel before John who touches the sword to your shoulders and … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Here is the roundup of the ridiculous that doesn't fit in daily posts -- and there is a lot more that is left out and I try to avoid using anything that has appeared elsewhere. Gavin Potter Is Everywhere If this guy knows so much and is so good at telling everyone how to get things done, how come the Freewinds is regging public for money to buy fuel so they can sail? Money, money, money.... Michael Lewis is giving a seminar at AOLA (because they don't have any staff competent to do it) Wonder what his dreams were for his son? Really? This is the best AOLA can … [Read more...]
Scientology: The Money Religion
Here we have the latest evidence of the state of the "church" of scientology and its descent into the worship of money. Of course, the ONLY thing anyone talks about in scientology these days is "donations" and "donator statuses" -- primarily to the IAS and Ideal Orgs, but also to numerous other lesser vampire entities that hang out in the dark cave that is the scientology world. It is what determines your status and your ability to negotiate the increasingly arbitrary "church ethics." But still, who would have ever contemplated a decade ago, let alone when the Freewinds was first … [Read more...]
How Far The Freewinds Has Sunk
A "seminar" from the mighty Freewinds at a MISSION? In a city with ten ORGS? No Ideal Org is willing to sponsor a "Freewinds seminar" with the Incredible Gavin Wonderstone? Let alone an SO Org? Instead it is the virtually defunct Beverly Hills Mission in Santa Monica.... Oh, how the mighty have fallen.... … [Read more...]
A Selection Of Idiocy From The Bubble
With the hype machine now churning out emails by the minute promoting the wonders of the "MV Events" there are some interesting notes in a random selection of emails that arrived over the last few days. CC kicks things off with Dave Petit pretty much running a standard "party line" though I wonder if he feels especially stupid repeating the lie that this is the 25th Anniversary of the Maiden Voyage that occurred in 1988? So typical of scientology these days -- Dear Leader canceled MV last year as he wasn't ready with GAG II and when he cancels something it is canceled with authority. June … [Read more...]