Back after our Alaska vacation -- which was wonderful. It's a breathtaking experience, unfortunately no photos do justice to its sheer scope and grandeur. There are a few more funnies than usual as it's 2 weeks worth, so some are a little dated: Unimpressive Numbers They really think that 10 OT levels completed in a week is going to accomplish anything? I see only two OTV's and most are OT IV (which along with OT 1 are the fastest levels). One NOT's completion per week is not going to get the 10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs for a LOOOONG … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
So many people coming!!! Yeah, right. And it's going to be monumental. And milestone. It's the food stupid All about the food. The seminar is secondary. This is the event that so many people are coming to... Really? Another "virtual" briefing... Doesn't seem very OT -- cause over Matter, Energy, Space and Time? The Freewinds is LIVE! And they are doing Div 6 seminars (really just excuses to try to get some bodies to reg). It's a little odd they keep promoting themselves as being "off the crossroads of the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Be kind, be decent... Yeah, the guiding principles of scientology. Not AOSH Africa taking over the world One country that is actually their zone, everywhere else they are poaching other AO's territory! And who the hell is this guy -- he is from Albania? Why is he promoting AOSH Africa and not AOSHEU? Oh boy... Columbus is almost the BEST org in all of EUS? And the real scoop on this Sea Org manned org is that it is a complete morgue -- listen to the podcast Chris Shelton did recently with the SO member who The Aftermath Foundation helped … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What Deal!! 2 weeks in a motel, then a week on the Freewinds. And you get a webinar" that you could do from the comfort of your own home. And two people who are going to instruct you on how to get into Power as an artist and be on the comm lines of the world. Two people nobody has ever heard of. How to do everything at once seminar Wonder if this guy has ever read Problems of Work? Does he know what he is promoting is flat out off-Source? What? How does graduation equate to "Stronger together"? More … [Read more...]
Blowing Smoke at Captain Miscavige
Below is a posting from a scientologist on Facebook. It's a rather bizarre photo of Captain Miscavige on the bridge of the Freewinds, dressed in a business suit (where is his fancy Captain uniform?), overseeing his domain. Probably intended to communicate his "forward looking vision for the future" or something. At least in his mind. In reality, he looks utterly out of place and fake. The FB poster puts underneath his photo, a quote from Hubbard. As if these two things go together. Dear Leader Captain Dave is the embodiment of the solution to "Man's lack of skill in politics, … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Hall of Fame? An an "extraordinary" briefing on GAK Extension courses. Nothing about actual graduates. Woohoo! Our files are current. Or they were last week. They're probably backlogged again already. The most sophisticated administrative system in the universe.... Get Virtually Briefed... By a registrar! Haha LRH Birthday Celebrated at graduation? Oh dear. What a downgrade. A Must See Event! Your money will magically disappear.... All Ideal USA Can you imagine how incredible it will be?\ The USA will be … [Read more...]
Episode 72: Stefani Hutchison Exposing the Lies
We bring back one of our favorites this week, the wonderful Stefani Hutchison. Stefani was never a scientologist, but has taken up the cudgel of exposing the lies of scientology on her excellent blog: Confront and Shatter In this episode, we cover some of the sleuth work Stefani has done, investigating the claims made by scientology and their front groups. You can find the stories on her blog, and I am also listing them here. It is pretty conclusive evidence that when scientology claims they are "working with the Red Cross" or had a "partnership with..." or "they handed … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Tourist Promo Interesting how all promo for Dublin org features the "beauty of Ireland" as the first selling point. I thought this org was put there to "Clear Ireland," the Irish don't need to go to a scientology org to experience the beauty of Ireland. They live there. Correct Title: Scientology Winter Festival The "community" (wogs) are just there for show. They are not much use to the regges. Kiddie Corner Merry R6 Implant Day You would think they could at least not be totally insulting and say "Happy … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Graduation Cocktail Hour? They've taken it a step beyond food in Australia... You can do the Purif here! Only at Flag, Freewinds, possibly the SO Orgs and Narconon. No Class V orgs or Missions. Because we said so. Good News! "In celebration of the New Year, the Christmas season production bonuses and prizes are hereby extended for three weeks: December 23 and December 30, 2021 and December 6, 2022. International Director of Finance" I guess they didn't make enough cash to pay any bonuses, so "Christmas bonuses" are going to become … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Spirit of Giving... To us. They found one A single person to say how great Battlefield Earth is. That's worth promoting. For good? Seriously? Do you know how many NN grads relapse? About the same as every other program.... Kiddie Corner She is 9 and learning how to identify SPs in her life Come to dinner Get a pitch from the "Captain" -- sort of like one of those time share or cemetery plot offers. But I bet the food isn't as good. All about helping people ...relieve themselves of their … [Read more...]