It was a great pleasure to welcome our old friend Valeska Guider Paris to the podcast. She has one of the more harrowing tales of life raised as a scientologist, being held prisoner on the Freewinds and losing her family to disconnection. Valeska is married to Chris Guider, former professional rugby league star in Australia. He was also the former "Inspector General MAA" assigned the task of enforcing the orders of Miscavige. They escaped from the RPF in Australia where they had both been sent to get them out of sight and out of mind. I will include the link here as soon as it's … [Read more...]
Holiday Funnies
A special edition of the Funnies just for the holidays. There is an apparently endless stream of "Holiday" promotion -- though scientology of course does not recognize Jesus as anything but part of the "R6 bank." Virtual Freewinds Wouldn't you like to be at the Freewinds for the holidays? So, to entice you to go there, they are holding a virtual concert in Los Angeles? WTF? Virtual Hawaii And the point of this? Strictly a fundraiser obviously. What does Bodhi Elfman have to do with Christmas? Or Hawaii? Or anything at all? Well, they are going to … [Read more...]
This is the Freewinds — It’s Always About the Money
What the Freewinds has been reduced to... Hawking virtual seminars with AMAZING (all caps) "new speakers". Though there is not a single new speaker among them? And of course, they are all offering "business" expansion seminars -- they disguise their "learn how to make money" pitches as "expansion." Some talk about "prosperity" and one even explains that you can become the "Master of All Universes." Everything these guys is selling is designed to make it possible for you to pay for scientology. It's expensive. Especially when you get to the highest levels. People need hundreds of … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Clearwater Scam
The scientology scam continues in Clearwater. How revealing this FB posting is. This public person is "helping" the Freewinds to get a 17 year old kid to the ship. She is begging someone to give him a room (if he is going to "pay" why isn't he just staying in a hotel?) and that's OK because "he is not going to be on services." For anyone who doesn't know this, people who come to Clearwater for services at Flag must stay in a scientology owned hotel. They would not want any of their money actually going INTO the community. Remember this City of Clearwater when scientology … [Read more...]
Let’s Go Virtual OT!
The question you have to ask after reading this breathless promo -- why would anyone pay to go to the Freewinds when you can apparently "Go OT" virtually? The second question -- is there any difference between an OT and a virtual OT? Aren't all OT's "virtual" anyway as the state is entirely subjective -- nobody has ever objectively proven that an OT exists. Hubbard's explanation for that was "we don't do parlor tricks." The only time anyone supposedly set out to verify any OT abilities was Ingo Swann and Hal Puthoff trying to turn it into an intelligence tool for the CIA. Nothing ever came … [Read more...]
Freewinds Trying to Influence Aruban Government
The Freewinds is having a rough time of it, rougher than usual in this pandemic. Typically they struggle to get enough people on board to cover their basic expenses, in these times they are having trouble getting ANYONE to show up. Being "off the crossroads of the world" has been one of their sales pitches since they set sail in 1988. It's got a whole new meaning now. Never ones to take something like this lying down, the make it go right Sea Org officers on the Freewinds are trying to get their public to fill out a survey for the government of Aruba. Of course, they want their people to … [Read more...]
Freewinds Runs Aground
They were having a rough time of it even before the pandemic. Lacking paying customers, they had a hard time finding money to buy fuel to move from one port to another. Now they are slipping beneath the waves with hardly a murmur... Their latest promotional piece "Making the IMpossible possible" is offering a "convention" 4 months from now... They don't have people coming for OT VIII (the ONLY feeder for that is Flag and completions on OT VII -- if they get one a week they are excited. If half of them went on to OT VIII right away that would be one arrival every two weeks. And it … [Read more...]
About the Worst Thing To Do
Scientology continues to demonstrate it's irrational, dangerous attitude towards the current pandemic. They just don't get it. As the old saying goes, even if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. Even if scientology pretends they are totally in compliance with societal norms and expectations (in fact, they exceed them and did so faster and more efficiently than anyone on earth), they just cannot help themselves when it comes to displaying their real "pig." The pressure is still on to "get stats up" -- that will never change. So, these recruiters are feeling the heat to bring … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
There were no Funnies last week, so some of these are holdovers and thus slightly dated. Celebrate Verbosity If number of words was the measure of a man, I saw homeless guy who talks to himself constantly on Hollywood Blvd -- his output must be in the hundreds of millions of words/ A new Messiah? Perth? They've got about a dozen scientologists in the whole state of Western Australia (and they are responsible for Indonesia too remember...) Grand delusion. BTW, the Ron's Journal they quote from is 1974. Nearly 50 years ago now... This is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
They were the heros of the Big Balloon Bust of Ventura Why aren't they doing something about Ventura instead of giving money to the non-existent org in Albuquerque? Just who is this guy? And why would anyone want to give him money? Another week gone... Still the same number of man hours needed as last week? Any excuse to try to attract some wogs... Hopefully. Maybe they think there is no Spanish-speaking Google so they can get some suckers? Oh, what a thrill... Would not want to miss out on a live-streaming … [Read more...]