There is a lot of mention of "St Hill Size" in scientology. It is one of the great catchphrases that motivates the sheeple "We are going St Hill Size," heard almost as often as "We are Clearing the planet" (but not as often as "will that be cash or check?"). But what exactly does St Hill Size mean and why is it important? St Hill is the name of the estate in Sussex, England that L. Ron Hubbard bought in 1959 and converted into the international headquarters of scientology. There were "difficulties" in the US and he decided the UK was a safer operating climate. That lasted for a few … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Greatest Money Grab on Earth Featuring ex-D/CO OSA International now the "African Fundraising Project IC".... You can bet Hugh Jackman appreciates the shout out. History of Blacks in Scientology That presentation will be shorter even than a David Miscavige presentation on compassion The Doctrine of the Seed Money Every time I hand over money I make so much more... Why I joined staff... Nobody more recent than this child who was raised as a scientologist and joined 15 years ag0? The Dirty Half Dozen In … [Read more...]
Another Sad OT Fail
There are so many things wrong here it is hard to grasp them all. This woman was in the SO -- the LRH Host on the Freewinds. She had to leave "temporarily" to take care of her dying mother? If she is temporarily taking care of her dying mother then why isn't the Sea Org helping her to stay alive? Hey, Sea Org, what about the quote she is using? "Never desert a comrade in need, in danger or in trouble" .... Apparently the SO has completely deserted her. Dying Sea Org members are invariably seen as "out- exchange" distractions to the humanitarians of the Sea Org. And let's not forget, … [Read more...]
Freewinds Fail Part XXVII
OK, this is top priority for OT VII's and VII's. Get people to watch ScientologyTV! What could possibly be more important than this at the top of the Bridge... Times have NEVER been this exciting. Never. It will blow you away. Really? This is what the head of the top org in scientology is concerned about? Not the fact that they have not even made 5000 OT VIIIs in 30 years of trying? That the pinnacle of scientology is unable to apply the ONLY workable administrative tech on earth and is routinely empty -- they cannot find enough people on the entirety of planet earth to want the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The most important announcement in history... ...until the next event. And the announcement? "We need more money." We will pay you $12 an hour... or give you a "very upstat and meaningful commendation" A message from Carol Nolan I was the Deputy Command Officer Internal of OSA International for many years. Now I am doing fundraising in Africa. My career path seems to be on the decline... where did I go wrong? Is there any hope? Or is my next stop gig booker for the Jive Aces? He's back! Well, that is a relief. It was only … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
1000 Basics Completions... 10 years later and they still don't have 1,000 people done on the Basics? There are more than 1,000 staff in LA?? And NOW she is equipped for eternity? Guess those OT levels were sort of a waste of money if you can get this from reading books. Don't miss the mega announcement Don't spill the beans -- it's all about getting your money. We have an army fighting the battle Sounds inspiring, until you realize the "army" is 5 people and the battle is against every reactive mind on earth. Wow, 13 people started a … [Read more...]
Race Against Time
Poor old Bob Anderson. He has been being touted as "your C/S for new OT IX and X" since that great pie in the sky was first announced thirty years ago. Now they don't even call him that any more, he is just the "lead" C/S for OT VIII. That is the most underworked position in scientology. He MAY have one person a week auditing away on OT VIII, but you can be sure there are many weeks where this is nobody at all. It's not enough to keep anyone busy for 10 minutes a day, let alone a "lead" one of them. I wonder what his follower C/Ses do all day. You k now he doesn't have anything to … [Read more...]
Big News about OT VIII
Sorry, circumstances have conspired against the Thursday Funnies today, I shall try to prepare them for Saturday, but even that is not a certainty. Meanwhile, some fascinating news from inside the bubble... The big news is or the little stats variety. I am sure scientology would hype this like they hyped Dave's "medal" that has now been disowned by the Colombian Govt. It will fool some bubble dwellers, but for the rest of the world, this is pretty startling. Remember, they have been promising the release of OT IX and X now for more than 20 YEARS. They have been pushing, HARD, to … [Read more...]
Be Inspired!
This is really inspiring... Dont have time to do a real posting today. Just a bit of light entertainment. More hype, that actually says NOTHING.... … [Read more...]
Scientology Hype
It's Maiden Voyage season again -- "A celebration so spectacular it will take your breath away" -- and the hype-o-meter is peaking. Actually, it's that time of year David Miscavige makes a scuba diving trip to the Caribbean and "the elite" (used to be OT VIII's only, but there are no longer enough of them with enough money to fill the ship) are told to attend to listen to 4 events "up close and personal." Each year it is the same pattern. They start with an event recognizing the "amazing work" of the "OT Ambassadors" doing crazy fundraising events, along with some false stats they … [Read more...]