Though Orlando apparently didn't make their target for opening last week (what a shock?) they are making up for it with an outpouring of promotional pieces that is impressive in it's volume, if not the content. It's a constant flow of travelers... So...? Well, for one thing, they will NEVER find you. If the travelers are so important (like they are going to go on course instead of DisneyWorld?) why aren't you located anywhere they could possibly see you? I'm giving him a cleared planet But he doesnt care, he's handling "Target 2". Plus, you're not giving … [Read more...]
Freewinds Fail
The Freewinds is sinking, unable to stay afloat in a sea of red ink. Despite the fact that scientology screams "massive international expansion" at every opportunity and how they are opening "new churches" at a massive rate, the truth is a very different picture. The Freewinds is the only place on earth (this sector of the galaxy? the entire time/space continuum?) where OT VIII is delivered. It should be bursting at the seams with thousands of scientologists clamoring to do the first "real" OT level if there were people "flooding up the bridge" as they claim and each "ideal org" results i … [Read more...]
Ebony Awakening
Scientology is desperate. And the most desperate of them all is the Freewinds. Trying anything to get people to the home of OT VIII, whether they are ready for OT VIII or not. One of those only comes along every few weeks, hardly enough to keep 200 SO members busy, so they have to come up with other ideas to get people to come to the Freewinds to hand over their money. And what better idea could there be than an "Ebony Awakening" convention? Scientology is notoriously white. But in recent times it has used Alfraudie Johnson to cozy up to the Nation of Islam, even going so far as to … [Read more...]
This is totally wacky. Susan Freilich is certainly entitled to express her "wins" any way she wishes. She can be cray-cray and as long as she doesn't hurt anyone, who really cares other than those who have to deal with her directly in the real world. Something like this has got to make you wonder -- hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands and thousands of hours to become (or remain - she might have been this way all along) so out of touch with reality. But the organization is another thing. THIS is the "success story" they choose to promote? Wow. It says a lot … [Read more...]
Quailynn & Paul McDaniel — Check Mate
Check Mate Recovering from Scientology has been no easy task. However my husband and I did it, together. What broke me from the church initially was this: I was on the ship to do OTVIII, I had cleared every hurdle placed infront of me. As most of you know they are many and extremely difficult -- tailored to break you in every possible way. I was on the ship in Cartagena, Columbia. They had taken my passport and the staff had locked me in a room in a room for three days and had me read my husbands confidential confessionals detailing why he was a horrible human worthy of betrayal. This was an … [Read more...]
OT VIII Success
When this is the best you have, scraping the barrel doesn't really describe it. After half a million dollars and years and years of sacrifice, the accomplishment seems to be more "I finally made it over the finish line" than anything tangible. It's all vague "I could say this, but it's not really that" and I am "naturally happy" or "I am OT"... blah blah All in all, a VERY unimpressive mandatory "success story" provided in order to be allowed to get off the Freewinds. But this is the one they chose to send out as broad promotion? Maybe they don't HAVE any others? Either way, an … [Read more...]
OT VIII is Lame
The OT VIII success stories circulated by the Freewinds are really lame. No wonder it's a ghost ship. Two of them were sent to me recently. And they are notable for what they DON'T say. They repeat, mantra-like, that OT VIII is "the first actual OT level" (funny, all those other ones used to be "actual" OT levels too) and the supposed remedy for amnesia on the Whole Track. That is a very bold claim. Sort of like "exterior at will with full perceptions" which the L's are supposed to provide. One would imagine that someone who had gained the ability to recall everything on their Whole T … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Good luck with that The only thing they seem to be promoting is how good the Orpheum is. Like it's an "ideal" venue or something -- it is "recently renovated" and it has close parking, it's right downtown and is "stunningly beautiful." Even if the video they are going to show is a Rotten Tomatoes 0%er, the place looks good. And just like every ideal org, you can bet it will be virtually empty. Grammar Police where are you? "...the Ideal Org of San Diego is having an unprecedented expansion rate..." Seriously? Where do they find their copywriters? Oh yeah, "wog" … [Read more...]
It’s Always “The Files”
With all the massive international expansion and flood of people moving up the bridge, 10 times more than ever, etc etc one would imagine the heads of the organizations at the top of the Bridge would be flat out dealing with this overwhelming tide of OT's. Instead, the "Commanding Officer" of the FSSO (responsible for delivering OT VIII -- really her ONLY job) and the D/CO Flag AO (responsible for delivering OT I - VII, his SOLE job) are visible for another reason. Begging people to do FILING at Valley Org. Not even a global beg for filing everywhere (which apparently IS needed) -- just … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Reverend Freddie Firing Em Up in the Fatherland Raise your havingness so you can give your money to me. Why does anyone care what he has to say about Havingness? It's a Celebration Until the regges greet you at the door.. Preventing the world from being destroyed Now THAT'S a Success Story! Totally vague and totally meaningless. But eh, let's publish it anyway like it's really good! Not So Mighty My Mammy The letter B is completed! 2 down only 24 to go... Big turnout This is the org LRH can count on. And … [Read more...]