Though perhaps not financial freedom... Unfortunately, things like this are all too common in scientology. People become desperate to achieve what they have been promised they will get when they reach the "next level." They are convinced to believe there is some magical result achievable right around the next corner. Why would anyone in their right mind offer 10 -12% interest for a 3 month loan? Of course, nobody in their right mind would do so. This is a self-proving truth about scientology. Could anyone have any confidence in getting their money back from someone who apparently … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Hey Phoenix... Rather than worrying about Albuquerque and raising money for them, why don't you do something about your completely empty ideal org right there? Hey UCNH... You going to invite the survivors of violence at the hands of scientology? That would fill your venue... You do know who you are getting into bed with I assume? And just don’t care? International Speakers? But they have no name? Heading rapidly towards St Hill Size Of course they are. They've been slacking off since they became " … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Everything is INCREDIBLE and ON FIRE We are fundraising for our construction documents... Woohooo. And the AO Africa is opening (maybe -- been promising that white elephant for a decade now). And that is important because? This is Durban Ideal Org! Not really. It's a hospital where they provide blood transfusions for those who have been sucked dry by the regges... Great news 5 people finished something! With the Howarth's leading the way. One Clear. Likely the only one this year... Join staff now We have the greatest rugby team on the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Good question? How COULD we have the only workable solution on earth and have orgs that are scrappy and degraded? Even though we charge exorbitant amounts to let you in on that workable solution? Do you people ever actually THINK about this? The Medieval Motif Subliminal messaging? Build a castle and all will be well... It will blow you mind! Believe it or not the mind blowing news IAS that there is MORE fundraising! You are going to be blown away by how serious International Management is about taking your money! A permanent plaque Unless of … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Pride of Africa Get it? Pride... Problem is nobody is "rising up"... They're sinking into oblivion. Artistic ability Perhaps you could find someone who has some to design your next poster. This is an abomination. You have it all As long as all does not include time or money. Or your own thoughts. Going St Hill Size Hahaha. First step, a single car in your parking lot and anyone on service. One of the deadest of the dead ideal orgs. Might as well have a poster "Going to the Moon, join us." This is Auditor's … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
1000 Basics Completions... 10 years later and they still don't have 1,000 people done on the Basics? There are more than 1,000 staff in LA?? And NOW she is equipped for eternity? Guess those OT levels were sort of a waste of money if you can get this from reading books. Don't miss the mega announcement Don't spill the beans -- it's all about getting your money. We have an army fighting the battle Sounds inspiring, until you realize the "army" is 5 people and the battle is against every reactive mind on earth. Wow, 13 people started a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
No barriers? Why not resolve all the barriers to org expansion? To making Ideal Orgs? Elvis? Seriously? And he loves Vegas so he is promoting Albuquerque? 1st Ideal Continent It's going to be a LONG time before they get Canberra or Adelaide anywhere near "ideal." Free hot dogs... Anything to try to get anyone to show up so they get be swarmed by Regges. The Renaissance Speakers? Michael Chan Flim-Flam Man Only $10... Dissemination? Drug booklets? You do know they don’t talk about S … [Read more...]
Money, Money, Money
THIS is what scientology is all about. Getting your money. And the photo above shows just how brazen they are. They don't even pretend these days to be about "helping you" or "moving you up the Bridge". It is ALL about getting your money. And then to try to attract new people, they offer courses on "how to make money." These are available for scientologists too. If anyone does learn anything from these courses and does make more money, scientology figures it's a win, win, as they can then get that money. Scientology has proclaimed to the Supreme Court of the US and the IRS that they … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Hi, give me your money Just wanted to make sure you knew that is what I am here for. Off the crossroads of the world? That's good? I thought you wanted to clear the world? That's the Freewinds line... Though they spend most of their time tied to a dock. Yep, IMpossible You had it right Not really... You haven't reached .001% of these people in all your years of existence. Where will your name be? Perhaps left off the list like so many others who gave and gave and then were declared. No money back. No name on any … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Dog Casting Call Pretty weird. Pat Broeker owned Akitas... I wonder if the Broeker Years is coming to ScientologyTV? Another front "Successful Life Center" under the "Clearwater Community Volunteers." Give Money to Santa Barbara/Ventura After 14 years of trying, they can't scrape it together themselves. So everyone else is being told to "chip in." Next it will be the "WUS Windup" and it will be Hawaii and Albuquerque and Kansas City and St. Louis... They got a kid in shorts And wow, that is BIG news. Son of … [Read more...]