Columbus is DOING IT! Not really. Lots of action about Columbus this week. There must be a fundraising mission there... This org seems to have been designated as one to be on the line up for a Miscavige ribbon yanking ceremony and they are trying to squeeze as much money out of the suckers before central reserves foots the bill. It's always an indicator when you see the same old Flag whales giving money... Space for 370 New scientologists They couldn't round up 370 new , OLD or deceased scientologists in Columbus... 168 Students I can almost … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Well, if you're so good at this... How about generating ANY expansion in ANY org ANYWHERE? Kevin Wilson was touted as the person who was taking over Valley Org. That place is deader than a doornail. Why not go there and prove you can accomplish anything? No commissions? Bring a blanket... A picnic basket, friends, family and MOST IMPORTANT -- your credit cards and check books. All of them. The Raiders of the Empty Bank Balance will be part of the double feature. Remember, nothing is free in scientology. Secret location... This is a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
Showing the world how it's done... Seriously? The same 6 orgs in Australia since the 1960's -- half of them are "ideal" and the other 3 virtually don't exist. That's how it's done? Curiosity? We didn't think so... Wonder how much goes to the Sheriff's Dept? $5 to the PAL and $100 to Winter Wonderland? For nothing they get to use the Sheriff Dept name... There's no free lunch in scientology Be forewarned, this IS a reg event. This is too... An "intensive" of humanitarians... Now they have half … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Interesting, there seem to b as many, if not more, pitches for people to join staff this week than give money. A first ever. They must be feeling the pinch. After all, there has not been a St Hill Size org made for decades, and the ones they announced previously have all shrunk... Dinner and a show The Ft Harrison is obviously empty -- the numbers on Super Powerz and the Running Around a Pole Rundown have shrunk from even their original small number as they have chewed through all existing scientologists on earth. Soon they will be offering paid seminar weekends … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Really? "The best in the world"? Chan Man He's winning -- by taking your money! Should be interesting My guess -- no impact at all. Anywhere on anything... A field trip? Wow, you can go harass people for fun. Imagine how much "entheta" these people are going to hear knocking on doors of people who haven’t been near an org in years. Your role in Global Dissemination Absolutely nothing... Yuck Get their start on the Bridge... Tell Psychiatrist their time is up! Yeah, except there are MANY m … [Read more...]
More IAS Weak Sauce
It's always so good to see the results of the billion dollars the IAS has collected at work. They found a person who handed a WTH booklet to some kids in the neighborhood and they "stopped fighting." If ever there was a monumental accomplishment that explains "what your donations buy" it must be this one. And this is what they CHOOSE to promote? The best they've got. The ultimate.... It is highly likely that this person who gave the neighborhoods kids a copy of this booklet did NOT get the booklet from the IAS. More than likely he or she had to buy their own copy to hand out. … [Read more...]
IAS Membership
The real truth about the international "expansion" of scientology. Sorry, I posted the wrong version of this earlier -- my commentary was omitted. Was rushing to take the family to the airport this morning -- back home to Florida after visiting me in LA. This list of "top FSMs" is a CUMULATIVE total that began on March 13th (the end of the "Birthday Game"). This is the GRAND TOTAL number of NEW IAS monthly "subscriptions" since March. It is LESS THAN 300 in 4 months. These are people who agree to go on a monthly fixed amount of "donation" to the IAS. Either this is a miniscule … [Read more...]
The “Exact Person” Behind the “Entire Drug Epidemic”
More bizarre news from Denver via IAS Freedom Medal winner Meghan Fialkoff. While Denver HCO are busy trying to ferret out whether anyone in their field is NOT disaffected, they had some pretty remarkable news (though you have to wonder if there was anyone there to hear it). Apparently, like L. Ron Hubbard announcing the exact 12 men on planet earth who were trying to stop scientology, it seems Meghan Fialkoff has found THE PERSON responsible for the "entire drug epidemic and drug pushing" in this country. This has got to be a powerful dude. Anyone who attended this event, I would … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This week seems to have a lot of "Why I donated" items. Maybe stats are down on the ideal org/IAS front? In that regard, I repeat the notice I first posted yesterday: NOTICE I am interested in hearing from anyone who has given money to scientology and suffered financial hardship/crises as a result, and especially if you then tried to get to get your money back and were unable to do so. Please write to me at [email protected] with the following information: How much money in total you gave Which orgs you gave it to The consequences for you and/or … [Read more...]
It’s Only the Money
Well, this is as blatant as it gets. The "OT Committee", according to Hubbard policy is to help orgs expand and get people onto and up the bridge. That is apparently "old" "tech". Nowadays their role is to exclusively collect money. And that about sums up the state of scientology today. After sending out the above, the next notification is this: Well, let me take one guess as to what this "new" program consists of... Nothing to do with getting money of course. … [Read more...]