Scientology code Havingness = making money For posterity's sake Just so there is a record of the foolishness somewhere Scientology code Keys to OT = making money Chan man bio He made it big as a roofer. This is much easier work. Quoting some Hubbardisms to bubble-dwellers and being paid for it. That about sums it up... It's about all they have. Delphian school prepares you... join the Sea Org. More dreams... You would think they would promote people who HAD gone OT? Don't have any of … [Read more...]
The Fun Never Stops
So, the building is done and is being yanked into life on Saturday. But scientology NEVER tires of collecting money for their worthy causes (anything that results in more money for scientology is worthy/humanitarian). Though they collect tens of millions for "dissemination campaigns" and "planetary dissemination" and "ideal orgs" (beyond just the building fundraising) there is NOTHING in scientology that is identified as a valuable CAUSE on which to spend money, unless it is also a cause to COLLECT money. And they ALWAYS collect more than they spend. Apparently they cannot spend a few … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
An ideal "Continent" Really? 11 orgs to serve all of Asia, the Pacific and Australia/NZ.... That's "ideal"? And BTW -- the reg, Rikke, is the former RTC Rep FLB banished to Australia because of what she knew about Lisa McPherson. FUNraising? Seriously? That's what the regges think -- "Ooh, isn't this fun?" The people that actually have to give the money may have a different view. A special guest speaker... Why are they afraid to name them? Perhaps they think they might get more suckers if they DON'T announce who it … [Read more...]
CCHR Fund Raising
I have often commented about scientology being masters of disaster capitalism -- taking advantage of any disaster or tragedy as a reason to collect more money. And here is the latest. Cashing in on the tragedy of mass school shootings. Let's begin with a fundamental: because two things are connected does not mean one is causative. When it rains, umbrellas appear that are otherwise not seen. A fool might conclude that umbrellas cause rain. When someone is mentally deranged enough to murder children in a school, it is more likely than not that they have been in the hands of the mental … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Chan Man is back... And it's only $100 to hear him ramble. How could you resist? He will teach you the secret to make yourself rich: charge people $100 to tell them to charge people $100 to get rich... Whole Track Technology to Make More Money! Jeanie better watch out, she is getting awfully close to setting herself up as a rival to the COB. "COB of the Midwest"? Love this promotion. Clearly she thinks the weird stuff attracts people... Maybe she could dress up in those white helmets, jump suits and boots like AOLA used to do. That was weird for sure. But … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
So much wrong here... A Non-Sea Org member giving a seminar at AOLA on how to become cause over life -- some way OTHER than doing the OT levels? I thought these non-staff seminar people were supposed to be reaching out to NEW public? More "seminars" from AOLA? What IS an "entirely new level of survival"? Nobody really knows, but you will get it if you give more money no doubt. Groovy baby Deal dancing? Truth in advertising award I guess they don't see the irony... One Time Only Event Everyone wishes that were true, … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Never Ending Story... Now they are doing fundraising "bake sales" in a Mission? For what? An ideal mission building? To pay the staff? Get App'd? More accurate would be "Get BS'd" Total knowledge. Total certainty. Nothing over the top about this.... And it's just ho-hum to scientologists who actually believe LRH had "total knowledge" and they can gain this too. 18th?? Sounds like they are cannibals or something and just consumed their 18th human. Axiom 10 "The highest purpose in this universe is the creation … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
7.5 Humanitarian statuses... Isn't necessarily someone with a lot of money. Unless you define not much money as a few hundred thousand. Guarantee you they won't give you a 9X Humanitarian poster WITHOUT any money. Quasi-Cincinnati... ...the new Flag. Poaching people from all over the world. Blazing a trail. Clearing the planet. In Florence Kentucky. Jeanie always had delusions of grandeur. See what I mean? Jeanie's out telling everyone else how to do it. Though she's been in Cincinnati for 20 years and it's STILL not SH Size … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Not surprisingly, this week's funnies are dominated by an apparently endless stream of hype for the "milestone of milestones" - the HSN of cults. Scientology TV A spiritual awakening? They actually think canned Infomercial matter could awaken anyone spiritually? That's how out of touch they are. 150 "confirmeds" That means 50 will show up for the biggest, bestest and most important event EVER! In Chicago. Celebrate with "local non-profits" WTH Fdn, Narconon, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights and the other scientology front groups wanting your … [Read more...]
Ebony Awakening
Scientology is desperate. And the most desperate of them all is the Freewinds. Trying anything to get people to the home of OT VIII, whether they are ready for OT VIII or not. One of those only comes along every few weeks, hardly enough to keep 200 SO members busy, so they have to come up with other ideas to get people to come to the Freewinds to hand over their money. And what better idea could there be than an "Ebony Awakening" convention? Scientology is notoriously white. But in recent times it has used Alfraudie Johnson to cozy up to the Nation of Islam, even going so far as to … [Read more...]