I call BS The "magnitude of the event means we have to start early"? Riiiight. How about the fact Miscavige is panicked to get everyone out of downtown because the Aftermath Get Together is scheduled to get rolling at 5pm... Ruth Eckerd is well away from the downtown area. The Hype is Strong This event really has them creaming their jeans. It's funny how something that was announced with great fanfare (SuMP) then opened with greater fanfare, including how "we are now disseminating to the billions" is being used to AGAIN make a "big announcement." He's getting … [Read more...]
A Scientology Price List
This promotional piece was forwarded to me recently. Posting it here for posterity and to highlight once again the money insanity of scientology. They call them "donations" -- but don't try telling them you feel like donating a little less today, or nothing at all. You will quickly discover these are not "donations" they are fees. This price list is for Class V orgs in the UK. It is provided by New Era Publications because they sell the materials. Thus, they have an interest in selling training. Nobody else cares much about this in scientology these days. They focus on … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The most significant ever... As always. Even more significant than opening SuMP? It's only the best until the next one. The one thing you can do to thrive... Stay away from any registrars. Super fun... If that's what you call being endlessly beaten for money... But the "beach backyard" sounds cool. But "Best dressed" in beach gear? Perhaps this is a smallest speedo contest? I bet anyone can see the difference... No? Really? You are not looking hard enough... They're STILL fundraising They have Santa Barbara, Hawaii and … [Read more...]
Where’s The Beef?
This post was prompted by some back and forth with one of our commenters. It got me thinking, and though I may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, sometimes I cast a bit of light onto the shadowy world of scientology. I recently posted about the ineffectiveness of the massive investment scientology made into TV advertising. It has resulted in no appreciable increase in interest, though it is somewhat debatable that this is what they even care about rather than providing the latest reason to collect money from their members to buy more ads. But that poses the question: what … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
WTF does this mean? A random chandelier has some significance? Oh I Get It It's time to put a stronghold on the MidWest (with one, still not ideal org, let alone St. Hill size, for 10 states)... Bubbles Branches Out She has made the transition from selling rugs to the "seminar" commissions business. They Got One A single recruit into the Sea Org in Canada is worth sending out a promotional flier about. Wow. The ChanMan is busy Delivering his "body talk"?? And his history lesson (clams on the seashore, Piltdown … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What does your level of survival depend on? Why not ask Sandy Wilhere. A Class XII C/S who didn't agree with "GAT" and was relegated to be a low level minion -- now the RSVP person for these bigshots (?) Late breaking news They ARE going St Hill size! Really? Why didnt that happen when they became "ideal"? It guarantees 10X expansion according to their own promo... 5 years later and they're STILL not SH Size? Oscars? Normally they give YOU something? Can you imagine if people showed up to the Oscars and they were expected to hand over cash? Mr. … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes
Some epic news hot off the press from the mighty Flag OT Committee... Fundraising, fundraising and more fundraising. Orlando NOW has 35 staff. Wow! And they are "doing very well on recruiting." Once again, scientology discloses the fact they are spending tens of millions of dollars for a building for people that do not exist. 35 staff (and you can bet this figure is bs as EVERY figure ever presented by scientology is ALWAYS bs) is supposed to be the size of a Mission. They have another 165 staff to go to be SH size and a real "ideal org." They're not even 20% of the way … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The endless pitch... It's always about to happen. Donors of a New Eternity? What happened to the old eternity? Did you know? This "expedition" was a total catastrophic bust. But that doesn't match the scientology version in which everything Hubbard ever did was amazing... Missed a few... Poor. Overworked. Tired. Ethics trouble. Not clear. Exclusive (?) Briefing Why? The "latest news" is deja vu all over again. It's "coming".... Poor suckers Every "ideal org" that struggled to raise their last dollars, and … [Read more...]
Scientology Expasion is Biggest In History
Michael D splains the expasion which is the biggest in history (and yes, he spells it wrong twice in the opening para). He may be an IAS Freedom Medal Winner but it does not mean he can spell (he probably did the Student Hat too -- that apparently was no help either). Of course, it's ALWAYS the biggest in history... But let me ask you something Michael. What measure of expasion are you using? Certainly not the number of new orgs and missions opened. There were none. Certainly not the number of OT VIII's made. Nor the number of new people into scientology. Or courses … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Sleazy Fundraiser
Anything is good reason to hand over your cash in the world of scientology... A disaster. A new building. Ron's birthday. Your birthday. The end of the year. Thursday at 2. The Super Bowl... But this one, from Mr. CCHR himself, the Financial Investment Advisor, Author, IAS Freedom Medal Winner, Keynote Speaker, IAS Reg and all around homo novis, is over the top even by scientology standards: Bruce Wiseman is pitching people to give $20 a month for the "majestic" commercials (this last one was anything BUT majestic -- confusing drivel more like, with a condescending "we thought so" … [Read more...]