Michael Silverman was a much beloved figure at AOLA for many years spanning the 70's, 80's and into the 90's. This is the only photo I could coax out of him, but for those who knew him back then, apart from being follicle challenged, this smiling face looks just the same as I remember it at AO. Michael reached out to me and asked that I publish his thoughts about his life in the Sea Org and scientology. I am more than happy to do so. Hello Mike. I have occasionally read bits of postings over the years and feel compelled to post something significant that may help others bo … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes & LRH Aftermath
The latest and greatest from the biggest and best OT Committee on earth. Some interesting tidbits in here. As announced by the ex-WDC member Anna Paddock (one of the morons who showed up at the Rathbun's to check on their "squirreling") -- the "Clear event" was a "big success" with 30 attendees. Remember, scientology claims 12,000+ members in the Tampa Bay area. Doesn't appear to be a "big success" even if there is only 10% of that number of scientologists. David Pomeranz's wife is the "OT IX and X Get Ready Pjt Officer"... Must be good to have a lifetime and beyond appointment. She … [Read more...]
Getting People onto The Bridge Through Narconon
Tonight at 8pm there is a special episode of The Aftermath touching upon the subject of scientology's front groups. Of course, the most well-know of them is Narconon, which is why it was so ironic that I was sent this a couple of days ago. Scientology says the "social betterment" organizations are NOT recruitment arms for scientology. Look at the first paragraph of this letter. Bobby Wiggins seems to have retired from his Narconon job and now is making commissions from persuading people to give money to the IAS. The irony of this is when he WAS in Narconon he had to scrape and … [Read more...]
IAS Hype
Time for some IAS hype about the annual Celebration. It's slightly dated, but a bit of fun nevertheless. They spin themselves into such a frenzy all I can think about is the old cartoon of the Tasmanian Devil. This is what the town criers who try to excite the sheeple remind me of... Everything is SO over the top. It is like an insane tornado of superlatives and absurd descriptions of their minimal accomplishments it is like a parody. Here is the poster: How many times have they said "The time is now"? 50? 100? The "torch is lit" -- "we are on the launching pad", "the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Recovering Your Infinity of Future... So weird. And this is apparently an "OT" doing this at ASHO... The Future of Mankind... In the hands of these guys? Oh shit, that's not good. SUMP at work... But they seem a little late. 2016 has been our best year ever? I thought we were in 2017 now? The one and only... This is one of the guys who ran away when he saw me at the airport. Confronting and shattering credit cards perhaps? On skype... OMG, what a privilege. Perhaps he will explain the secret to his … [Read more...]
Aftermath The Business of Religion Special: The Aftermath
Scientology's usual response to each episode of The Aftermath appeared on their hate site before the show had even finished airing. They focused their attention on Mat Pesch and Jeffrey Augustine. They KNOW they cannot make the same sort of insane rants about Luis Garcia or Ted Babbitt because they will present it before the Judge in their case. So, they stay mum and pretend they did not appear on the show. How embarrassing it would be to have a judge read their drivel. But Mat and Jeffrey of course got the full "scientology treatment." Mat of course is the "unvetted Mat … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Massive International Expansion… cough, cough
First things first, the blog... Nathan Rich provided a layman’s explanation of what happened to the blog over the weekend – I asked him to make it so even I could understand it: Here's how it works and what the evidence is. If you have a computer you can make it do stuff, like host a website -- but then you have people who need access to those websites. But you don't want them to have access to your system, because you're the owner, not them. There's different ways to handle this. The normal way smaller hosting services do it is by using “jails” -- they set up many sort of "sub-en … [Read more...]
WD 40?
This is pretty much a throw-away post for today. The relentless drive for "donations" gives birth to some really cray cray stuff. The opportunities for innuendo and puns are almost endless with something like this. I will leave that to the many humorous commenters that frequent this site. As I said, for personal reasons I don't have much time to devote to putting together a decent post today. Hope Tony O has something good... … [Read more...]
An Org in Trouble
One of our South African Special Correspondents sent us the latest news from Durban Org. It's not looking good for scientology in Durban. Her comments follow, and then the item to which she refers. This is Durban org’s OTC Newsletter for August. To all intents and purposes it looks like they’re sliding into total oblivion. First pic shows something that happened in July - and at Joburg Org. 6 people – 2 of whom are Sea Org (on the left – they’re a married couple posted at Durban Org). The two chaps kneeling I THINK might also be staff. The other two are Nick & Marina Howarth – pretty … [Read more...]
Back to School with Terl. Seriously?
Something a little lighter today. It's a day of rest. Back to school with Terl. I wonder which teacher voted this? Why would a teacher recommend this book? But why would they be offering it on a "USB Key drive"? Do they also have a special edition hand calligraphied on lambskin parchment by medieval monks? AND a t-shirt? OMG, how can anyone resist? … [Read more...]