Cause over the drug scene in Denver You do know that marijuana is legal there right? Mighty My Mammy 6 weeks to glory! Seriously, backlogged filing completed is "glory"? Fun goody bags Is this a kid's birthday party? Not so mighty? Even with Flag "doing it" and Nobbe's goody bags, 211,000 names in CF and all those 1970's letters from Ron about how great you are - you can manage only 24 people to help out on the most important project in the history of the universe? And where ARE Grant and Elena Cardone? There's … [Read more...]
Human Rights?
In isolation this is certainly a worthwhile cause. In the context of it being another scientology front group, raising yet more money to restore human rights, it is horrible. If you read this it talks about villages in India being "enslaved" through "fabricated debt, intimidation, isolation and denied education." Anne, Donna and Vanessa, here's a clue: you don't need to look on the other side of the world. Anne, you especially HAVE been to the Gold Base in unincorporated Riverside County (not Hemet). If you care to LOOK, you will find: Fabricated debt -- your own … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
After a 6 week (?) hiatus, Thursday Funnies are back. Obviously, during this time a LOT of material poured in. I honestly have not been able to get through it all. There was a ton of pretty amusing "holiday fare", but that is dated now. I have selected some of what I think is the best stuff from the last few weeks. Enjoy. Bad Hair Day She certainly didn't join because of their photo-shopping prowess. Yowza. Not really funny A theme for these "funnies" might be exploitation of children. This is an 8 or 9 year old Sea Org member and this is made "normal" by L. Ron … [Read more...]
Scientology “expansion” debunked
A scientology fan on Twitter today reminded me just how thick the bubble of scientology is. Whether this was a real scientologists or simply an OSA front account, the point is still the same. This Twitter genius was repeating the line that "scientology has expanded more in the last 10 years than in the 50 years previously." (I asked him whether he measured this in "vacant real estate purchased" or "# lies told". The discussion didn't go far from there.) This "last 10 years" is a variation of some of the other doozies Miscavige has tossed out about "47X expansion" and "each ideal org sees 1 … [Read more...]
The IAS Hard at Work
People inside the scientology bubble really believe this stuff. How many absurdities do there have to be before they notice? First, if the IAS is truly "every moment of every day" keeping the "light burning bright" -- "everywhere" with their massive Volunteer Minister force -- you would expect they might have something to brag about that happened this year.... The tornadoes in Texas were in 2015. Second, as ALWAYS there are NO SPECIFICS on what was done, how much money was spent on the "relief efforts" or how many people were even involved. From the picture it looks like they … [Read more...]
IAS – The Gift That Keeps On Taking
Really -- "give yourself the gift of giving us your money"? They can twist ANYTHING into a reason to give them your money. And once again, they are "discounting" their "statuses" to try to convince people to hand over cash now. Is a 3/4 patron still a patron? It is so absurd that you want people to give you $50,000 and you tell them if they do, you will tell them they are a "patron" and put their name on a list so they can have status with their fellow dupes. Then, when you want more money and things are drying up, you tell them "give us your money now" and we will reward you the same … [Read more...]
Starting SuMP Operations?
The never ending promise of "how we are going to Clear the Planet." "Find out exactly what needs to happen to start operations at SuMP" Seriously? Dear Leader yanked a ribbon on a facility that was not ready to start operations? But he told everyone this was now rolling? That was not true? How could that be? The most ethical man in the universe is not being ethical? Just when IS this SuMP going to start broadcasting? And what is holding them up? Hell, they have a $100 million (at least) studio decked out with more state-of-the-art equipment than Diseny Studios. And they have the … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Only Hope…maybe
See earlier Terra Cognita: We Deliver What We Promise, Getting Emotional, Intention, Clear Schmear, Do Not Evaluate for the Preclear, The E-Meter, The Is-Ness of Is-Ness, Cause Over Life -- Really?, BT's in the Belfry, Two New Conditions!, The Condition of Liabilitiness, Condition of Doubtfulness The Mind, The Way To Happiness: Really? A Story, Auditing: a PC's Quest for the Holy Grail, The Knowledge Report, Integrity, The Almighty Stat, The Reg, The Horrors of Wordclearing, Why Scientologists Don't FSM, Respect, The Survival Rundown - The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology... Or Not, … [Read more...]
Ideal Org Lies
This latest piece from Porn Valley ideal building reminded me what a horrendous self-serving scam this is. You will note the "ideal Valley" is missing a few things -- like about 100 staff (in order to have one for each room) and of course their filing is decades out of date. So, why is there so much effort (extracting of funds) put into these ideal nothings? The answer is simple: Miscavige is frantically trying to keep the veneer of expansion from peeling off the moldy walls of his shrinking kingdom. He uses these "ideal orgs" to convince his sheeple (and tries to persuade the outside … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies – Thanksgiving Edition
Thanksgiving and food is the theme of today's Funnies. But nothing ever really overshadows MONEY. Potluck Thanksgiving Seems so odd for a church NOT to PROVIDE a Thanksgiving dinner for those in need. In scientology bring your own and then we will rape your wallet when you get here seems to be the norm. And why would you want to go to a Potluck rather than being with your family. Sad. Not Potluck? I guess they didn't get the memo... The Great Year-End Eternity Sale But hurry, if you don't get your money down by midnite … [Read more...]