Who are the Merchants of Chaos? Scientology teaches that Suppressive Persons are Merchants of Chaos - relaying only "entheta" and generally upsetting people around them with bad news. Seems quite sensible you would not want to associate with this sort of person. And of course, L. Ron Hubbard declared the media are ALL Merchants of Chaos. A Special Correspondent sent this letter to me, pointing out just how much "bad news" the ED of St Louis is spreading around to one and all. This is of course an art mastered by the IAS through the likes of Michael Roberts and Jeff Pomerantz and the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Fearless Leader? Back in action with more ridiculousness. Wee gatherings and big gatherings -- but no details about where or when. That's a secret! Highest Ever after Highest Ever Haha. If they are expanding like crazy and have all these Highest Evers, how is it possible that after 6 years as an "ideal org" they are still not SH Size. In fact, they don't even have their filing up to date! The Foundation for Planetary Clearing There are apparently 50 or more of these ideal orgs. By now something should be visible in the planetary clearing … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What exactly IS a "timeless moment in whole track history"? Shermanspeak is even on their posters now... 10X more BS Flag OT Committee Harlem tourist brochure Nice comments... BTW - "gaff" is slang for house. Love the penises on the wall. Seasonal fruit display... A reference to Austin Nickels and Dimes? First scientology city... When? Never. 1 of those select 30 isn't going to be there for sure... You've heard it from me before... ...this is pretty pathetic. Even the … [Read more...]
The Reg
Another in the ever-growing series of essays by Terra Cognita. See earlier posts here: The Horrors of Wordclearing, Why Scientologists Don't FSM, Respect, The Survival Rundown - The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology... Or Not, Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization. The Reg Love em or hate em, the registrar—reg for short—is an icon in every Scientology organization. In most missions and orgs, they’re the most important person on staff. As everyone well knows, the reg is res … [Read more...]
Some Truth About The Size of Scientology
You have all heard scientology spout repeatedly that Valley is the biggest and most important Class 5 org in the world. Of course, this is idiocy, they cannot gather together 50 people for an event and have less than a handful on services at any given time (though this DOES put them ahead of most orgs in the world). What is probably true is that this org has the largest number of scientologists in its field - and the largest empty white elephant building in terms of square feet (and of course in scientology, square feet of empty space is the ultimate measure of accomplishment). There are … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Irony Alert They apparently don't even notice that the image of "service" is a computer screen and some white things on desks. One hour VM event for photo shoot Funny, they don't actually DO anything. The ONLY call to action for the VMs in Pasadena is for a photo op... Typical Moneywinds Just a series of announcements for their "conventions" - despite the fact that according to COB they are packing the place out with OT VIII's... How come the Moneywinds never mentions DOING OT levels, just making money... Learn how to "close" -- seems … [Read more...]
More Thoughts on FSMing
Our friend Andy Porter submitted this as a comment in response to Terra Cognita's recent posting: Why Scientologists Don't FSM. I felt it deserved to be a posting to supplement the thoughts expressed in that post. I worked at the Bellevue Mission and was in the Mission Network for many years. One thing I would constantly hear was that it was MUCH easier to bring new people into a Mission, rather than a Class 5 Org because the new people were handled “better” in the Mission, meaning that they were not harassed as much as they were in an Org. Another thing that I observed over and over was … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
I burst out laughing, then crying, then laughing... This sounds vaguely insane. Rolling down the sidewalk in a wheelchair laughing and crying - like this is good? Learn how to indoctrinate your kids What a win! You too can have gains like this. Late breaking news... The biggest win since the IRS victory isn't enough? There's a "special announcement" AND a release too... Chairman of the Board's strategy for clearing the planet Buy empty buildings with other people's money. It's going real good... Wow - more GAGging Wonder … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Of course, the focus this time of year is on the magnificent Maiden Voyage events, things no scientologist would want to miss (though a large number of them do just that, the attendance keeps getting smaller and smaller and the hype and gimmicks they resort to become more and more bizarre). Our Friend Rupert Murdoch Always good to hear from Twit of the Year. Wonder if he realizes that Rupert Murdoch is a YUGE SP Merchant of Chaos? Clearly the brown nosing instinct and desire to appear to be an important person trumps even his "I am the most important scientologists in the UK" … [Read more...]
The OT Farce
This is the latest bulletin from the largest, most powerful and most effective OT Committee on earth (at least that is what they claim, and it is probably true, they really don't have much competition). They single-handedly purchased a building for Orlando and Puerto Rico and opened the Atlanta ideal org all in 3 weeks. They need to be put on Miami as that has been dragging on for years now - oh wait, they are already.... These people are delusionary cause. And on top of that, one of their members completed the student hat! OMG! How OT is that? And of course, some final rah-rah from … [Read more...]