The Freewinds is supposed to be the "top of the Bridge" where OT VIII is delivered to the teeming masses faithfully following the only path to spiritual freedom. It is the "advanced religious retreat" off the crossroads of the world. But the reality is that this ship, like the "ideal orgs" is an overkill of magnificent proportions. To accommodate the OT VIII population (scientology boasts "one completion every other day" in 2015) would not even fill the SS Minnow on Gilligan's Island. And this ship is manned with a full crew of "ship" Sea Org members who run the actual vessel, a full … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Another week of fun in the bubble. Eight Orgs-One Cause Get your money any way we can. Charging $75 for a "convention" featuring a singer, dancer, actor nobody has heard of is a good start. About the same as the Ellie Goulding tickets we bought recently. I know which show I would prefer. And just a note, why don't they get Toronto done? They have owned that building since the 70's. It's an "ideal building" and they have had it for 40 years... It's always about the money Food, glorious food Seems to be about the only thing happening in … [Read more...]
Santa Barbara: The Results Are In
Remember the special seminar that was put on by Kevin Wilson in Santa Barbara to help them learn how to make and save money? Well, the results are in. And they are not pretty. About 20 people showed up... No idea how many of them are staff. Or from other areas than Santa Barbara. Some commenters here may know some of these people. This happy bunch ended up paying over $4500 to "ideality" for the pleasure of attending a seminar on fiscal prudence. But they also broke the big news. Over the next two days they managed to collect a total of $10,000 which means they are "more than … [Read more...]
Super Bowl Hype Deflated
The Super Bowl - a wondrous opportunity to soak some more money out of the sheeple. Not only will they be hit up to pay for ads to appear "the greatest dissemination effort in history" - it will be epic, milestone and watershed - they are also hitting everyone up to donate for drug booklets. Those things cost about 20 cents (being VERY generous). If they gave one to EVERY person who attended (68,500 seats) they could accomplish that with $13,700. That isn't even a tiny fraction of the weekly income of the IAS. Not even 10% of the daily income of the IAS. But they are not going to PAY for it … [Read more...]
Irony Alert
This is not a shoop, a spoof or a joke (though SNL or John Oliver would be hard pressed to come up with satire to beat it). If you read this poster and took it to heart -- it would prevent most of the "donations" made by people to scientology. That is OBVIOUSLY not the intention. It's a fundraiser for Santa Barbara "ideal" org. But then again, if you read and follow L. Ron Hubbard policy on finance it would prevent most donations made to scientology. In scientology words do not mean what they say. They mean whatever you are told they mean. So "don't go further into debt" means "don't … [Read more...]
More IAS Fundraising BS
This guy is assuming his rightful place alongside other notables in the Wacky Hall of Shame. Right up there with David Wilson and Mike Smith. He is taking a quote from the "Pledge to Mankind" that was signed at the "founding" of the IAS and attributing it to Hubbard. What an idiot. That fancy sounding document was written by Lyman Spurlock. Apparently Colin Davie suffers the same delusion so many others do. L. Ron Hubbard had no idea the IAS ever existed. It was created without his knowledge and as far as I know, to his dying day he was unaware of it. Remember, the IAS was not a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This week is dominated by two orgs on the endless quest to become "ideal" -- Miami and Edinburgh. But plenty of other fun too. Ridiculously amazing Ridiculously: so as to invite mockery or derision; absurdly. Amazing: causing great surprise or wonder How to handle a speeding ticket? Scientology is absolutely certain L. Ron Hubbard has taught them everything Master Your Control, Communication and Havingness with the 16th American ACC Lectures LRH tells a workable technique for reading people’s minds. Lecture Obnosis Learn what happens to your control of time when you ar … [Read more...]
SuMP Suckers
You sort of have to feel for the people that buy into the SuMP (Scientology Media Productions) pitches, and this woman has obviously jumped in with both feet. Instead of getting her roof fixed, she gives money for SuMP. A completely useless activity that serves no purpose other than as a hook to get money. And she actually believes that "we changed the whole dynamic in South America with WTH". And then the "media is all distorted" so you cannot rely on them to report about this massive success of changing Colombia, they never get it right. So, the ONLY source of "true information" is D … [Read more...]
2016 — The Year Of BS
Haven't had a chance to get this out yet. It perhaps encapsulates the reality within the scientology bubble better than anything. It is not only full of typos and spelling mistakes (Narcannon?), it is full of "scientology-think" - a strain of illogic that is sometimes hard to believe. And as an added bonus, it has a generous helping of shermanspeak ("the moment we synchronize with eternity" - perhaps it's some sort of get-together on infinity's porch?). You can read it for yourself, but don't spend a lot of time trying to make sense of the nonsensical. It will make you insane. Some … [Read more...]