While they keep the pressure on Ideal Org begging to hand out humanitarianisms, the IAS vultures circle offering up patronisms and the Planetary Dissemination hyenas are trying to scrape together some crumbs in exchange for heroisms, the old reliable vampires at the Mecca of Technical Imperfection are reviving the heat on the L. Ron Hubbard Hall. The old hands who sucked so much out of Flag's public for their SP building are patterning their new pitch on another superhero concept, but instead of the Legion of Doom they have the Legion of Honor. No longer will cornerstones suffice. And … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Brummie logic If this is true, it argues you should be giving your money for the ideal orgs in Manchester and Leeds too. Oh, that's right, the org in Manchester has cobwebs covering the doorstep and there has never been an org in Leeds (or Sheffield or Liverpool or Burnley or, or, or -- any place that has a football team that has ever been in the BPL should at least have a mission, let alone an org) . More expansion in the last decade than the 50 years previously doesnt seem to apply to the UK. They have not had a new org there in at least 25 years. Member's Only Oh … [Read more...]
Out Of The Mouths Of Babes…
This is old, I just haven't had space to include it and give it the notice it so well deserves. Clearly, the staff of organizations are aware of the state of their field. It is a dismal scene. No doubt they hear it repeatedly. It apparently never enters their mind to wonder why: 1. So many of their "parishioners" have no money or are in debt and think that every call is about fundraising 2. Or why, when they have the tech of life itself and the answers to being cause over MEST that so many of their people have messed up, out of control lives 3. Or why if they DO have the most … [Read more...]
Valley Vulgarity
It never stops getting worse. Now they have cool white leather jackets with a "V for Vendetta" symbol on them to accompany the Vendetta lapel pin. And this fine piece of 80's disco throwback attire can be yours to proudly display as your latest status symbol for a small, one time payment of just $25,000. They made the announcement at the latest Valley OTC meeting: Fundraising status: $2.3 million left to finish New Legends game to finish: $25,000 – get beautiful pin and ‘V’ on Honor Roll Just think, they only need to unload 100 of these babies. They can put toget … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Brummies keep us amused These are really reasons to give money for an ideal org? If Freeways, movie theaters and bands count, then Valley should be a breeze... Robin Hogarth comes to town Ideal org and Duggan child expert is going to tell the Flag OTC how to have empty building like they do in Capetown, Durban (actually an empty lot), Bulawayo and Harare, as well as empty Pretoria and Joburg ideal org that cannot pay its bills. You would not want to miss this briefing. It is going to be monumentalistic. Gavin Potter … [Read more...]
The Valley – Still Crazy After All These Years
OK, shred your commendations. Hide you "Humanitarian" cards. Give your special bronze, silver and gold Valley hard hats to the nearest construction site. Send your Infinity Club leather jackets to the Salvation Army. Valley has a NEW status symbol. You don't want to be caught not keep up with the Joneses (Cartwrights?) and have an OLD status symbol do you? Of course not. Those hard hats are so April. And the jackets are positively last year. It's time for you to get yourself a "Legend Pin" which you can proudly display alongside your numerous IAS pins. No self-respecting Valley … [Read more...]
More ILO Vultures
These people are absolutely shameless. They can no longer be categorized as the Little Rascals. They are no more than vultures. Apparently they have decided to "fundraise" directly to public from the "ILO" and they will ask for money for anything and everything. This is either a way to make a little extra income from commissions or it it part of one of the infamous "you out-exchange criminals in the ILO are going to at least pay for your room and board by earning some income selling Basicss/congresses/Ideal Org statuses/IAS statuses/anything at all you can persuade someone to … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Brummy Bumf* These items get goofier by the week. *useless or tedious printed information or documents. One of the top conference destinations... So therefore.... what? Some Brummy truth in advertising What do you get? A totally empty room just like the other "ideal orgs." Finally, some truth in advertising. The Way To Happy Hype He ran in Pam Springs and Elvis had a house there once. Wow. Good reason to give us money.... From: Caralyn Percy Sent: Jul 2, 2015 11:35 AM To: Matt Subject: Running by Elvis’ house in 112 de … [Read more...]
Survey for “Next” OT Level
A little more "come on" carrot hype. And that is ALL this is. You can imagine there is plenty of grumbling about where are the "next OT levels?" They don't get mentioned hardly at all these days. This is a BIG deal for scientologists. What if there really are no more OT levels? OT VIII is as good as it gets? The current "OT VIIIs" look around and think to themselves "I am not really OT." They know it. Everyone else looks and sees "OT VIII's" who are FAR from what anyone strives to be like. The OT VIII's shrivel up and die just like everyone else. They have financial p … [Read more...]
Internet Schminternet
The Little Rascals are at it again... Amazing how the internet is so AMAZING we need your money to be able to fully exploit it. Even though not a single one of the people who signed this emailed is allowed on the internet and has no access to it. (They can access an email account that is monitored and controlled on scn.org, but no access to the internet). And yet they seem to believe that the internet is a great way to reach "wogs" -- just as long as the wogs don't look at anything other than what is on the "scientology internet." In the closed off minds of Zee, Margy, Robyn, Colin … [Read more...]