There are SO many things wrong with this latest email -- though the huge elephant in the room is that in order to "clear the planet" she is proud of the fact that they "[re]make a Clear every 3 hours." That is 8 per day. Or about 50 per week... For 150 orgs that is about 1 per MONTH on average. But worse, she is apparently oblivious to the fact that the population of this planet increases by 8561 people per hour. If you were asserting you were creating a room full of white sand by adding 3 grains every hour, but failed to mention 8561 black grains were being poured into that same room … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Flag Scraping The Barrel Somehow this image is just perfect. What assholes. Go scrape up some "unreported" stats so we can "present them to COB" for Maiden Voyage. They must "downstat" so it's time to "get creative." Doing the impossible... And that is "arriving at the org for this briefing." Thinking big! Another gift "from COB" Wow, how generous. Buy me a building and I will have someone buy you a juicer (to squeeze every last drop?) and then say it's from me. It's like the old LRH "beer and cheese party" caper. He didn't pay a … [Read more...]
“Just because you break the financial rules…”
This email pretty much encapsulates the "think" of the fundamentalist scientologist. Clubbed seals who have totally bought into the "ideal org" "strategy" and who firmly and stubbornly believe that they can do no wrong (i.e. "it isn't an overt") if they are forwarding the survival of "the church." See text in red below (all of it is wacky, the red bits especially so). ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: East US Ideal Org Team <[email protected]> Date: Sun, May 10, 2015 at 4:44 PM Subject: Getting Your Org Ideal To: I want to give you my most … [Read more...]
IAS Volunteer Minister Scam
The latest edition of Impact magazine, the propaganda and fundraising rag of the IAS is devoted almost exclusively to the "Volunteer Ministers" and the "massive" international relief efforts they engage in "thanks to the IAS." Of course, those who are not blinded by KoolAid know this is a scam, that virtually NO money is spent on any of these things, and in fact the "relief efforts" are miniscule. Always just enough to get a photo or video or a person or two, and then everyone loses interest and moves onto the next fundraising effort. Nobody hears anything about the Philippines or Vanatau a … [Read more...]
It’s Dianetics Day – Fundraising’s Up
The latest promotional item from the First Bankrupted Continent has dispensed with any pretense about the purpose of the May 9th event. It used to be a celebration of the anniversary of Dianetics. At one point it was even an "International Event" though as time went on "COB" found it too much of a strain to attend the March 13th event and then prepare for Maiden Voyage in June AND have to do a May 9th event in between. So, he sent the "B Team." Nowadays, there isn't even a pretense of that. The event is a "non-event" with "local speakers" and little or nothing of note. They don't even … [Read more...]
Planetary Dissemination Hype
Wowee, 1300 square feet of paving stones! Every inch meticulously restored... When Scientology Media Productions opens its doors and the cameras start to roll, the world will know Scientology is here -- but riddle me this. Golden Era Productions, which is FAR larger and has more facilities than this, has been around since 1980. They can produce anything that this facility can produce already? Oh, it's just an excuse to try and get more money. In scientology, that is the ONLY answer that EVER makes sense. DISSEMINATING ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERESCIENTOLOGY … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Blow ALL barriers to production! I hope all 6 staff of the Cambridge "ideal" org attend, they could use some increase in competence and eradicating their barriers to production... The First "Ideal" Continent They have some players on the disabled list -- more accurately in the obituary section. Hawaii. Albuquerque. St Louis. Dead as doornails. This is not going to be the first ideal continent ever. Nashiville Artist? I wonder if this is like those Rolix watches they sell for $10 in China. Is Nashiville a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa. And who IS Tyller … [Read more...]
Friday Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Basel a Bust They sent out their first promo piece on Monday -- for an event on Saturday: They are already hitting people up for MORE money, even before it's opened. The tiny org in the small city is made "ideal" and meanwhile, the "big org" in the big city, Zurich, goes nowhere. Go figure. Sort of like Malmo and Stockholm. Inglewood and Valley. Nashville and Boston. Oh, The Lies.... Mr. OT Hatting hisself has teamed up with Rafferty Pendery -- though they cannot spell his name right -- son of IAS "Freedom Medal Winner", OSA stooge and general flim-flam man, Rick … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies Saturday Edition
A day or two delayed but better late than never. Especially when there is a new Regraded Being cartoon. Truth Well, in truth, most scientologists CANNOT stand the truth. See Regraded Being this week at the end of the post. Seriously, a lecture about FAC One? What's next, a seminar on Incident Two? Winning? Ruroh. The video team is going to be there... Where are they going to find anyone to put in the videos? They are so out in the boonies it needs a Lewis and Clark style expedition to find them. Nice floors though. And neat furnishings.... It's always about to happen … [Read more...]