This missed the deadline for Thursday Funnies, but it is just too insane to be let go. It tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about scientology today. The ONLY thing that is important is status. The ONLY thing that is offered is status. The ONLY thing they want is money. And even their phony made-up statuses, they will "discount" to try and get people to give more money now. You can ALSO be a Humanitarian With Knobs On -- but now you don't need to pay as much as the other people because we are more desperate. "For three days only, you can buy an authentic certificate to ha … [Read more...]
The Sad Tale Of Ideal Orgs
Things are looking grim in the scientology bubble. You likely saw the story about the "ideal org" in Boston that was covered in the Boston Globe and they didn't cover the full story by any means. The level of incompetence on display there is amazing. They could not keep their "statement" building because it was too small though it's never been maxed out -- so were ordered to sell it. They had a buyer willing to pay $20 million but they couldn't get approval to sell. When they finally got the go ahead, the market had crashed and they got $12 million but had committed to a larger wreck which … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Oooooh - a new status! Ambassador of Dissemination I don't think that this will be very desirable to the scientology elite without some precious metal or gemstone modifier or some sort of tortured pig latin. Silver, gold, platinum, emerald, diamond, maximus, laureate etc etc. Good luck Katie, you are the red-headed stepchild of scientology fundraisiung. Part of your problem is that the money has to be thrown away buying TV spots and nobody likes doing that.... But, on the other hand, perhaps he can get a post at a US Embassy (Palau? Andorra?) to "disseminate the tech in new … [Read more...]
Valley Begging
Pleaaaaaasssseeeee.... We have to get "Under $8 million"... This has to be the single most intensely focused and persistent fundraising campaign in scientology history. In the home of the largest population of scientologists on earth. Supported by Bart Simpson's cash matching everything they can scrape together, and STILL they cannot make a dent -- they have MORE THAN $8 MILLION to raise before they even start "renovating" their white elephant. It is a sorry indictment of: a. The continuously and relentlessly flogged dead horses that are the LA scientology field b. The … [Read more...]
Seeking Information
I am seeking some information. Anyone who has experienced first-hand, or has personal knowledge of anything like this happening to another, please make yourself known in the comments section and I will email you at the address you provide as part of posting your comment. This exact scenario happened to one person, but I do not believe it is limited to this single instance. I believe that as the pressure to collect money (especially for ideal orgs) has grown, those held responsible for meeting the targets have become increasingly desperate. Here is the scenario: Person A "donates" … [Read more...]
The Upper Class Twit Of The Year Announces The End Of War
OK, I have chronicled some pretty strange things on this blog, but I believe John Mappin has now succeeded in ascending to the pinnacle of arrogant foolishness. He has overcome all competitors and stands alone as the most out of touch and bizarre example of the effects of scientology KoolAid. Below you will see a screen shot of his facebook page and I then reprinted his entire Facebook posting below, highlighting in red some of the more bizarre things within it and including a few parenthetical comments of my own in blue. He is apparently someone the church of scientology is proud to have … [Read more...]
The Ideal Translations Unit
The latest wrong source promotion from AOSHUK announces completion of the funding of the "Ideal Translations Unit." Who knew? I wonder where this "ideal" translation unit is going to be located and what it will consist of? Custom built desks? Marble floors? Computers with Google Translator hardwired onto the screens? And what on earth does AOSHUK have to do with translations? As far as I know they speak english in the United Kingdom, though perhaps they could translate their materials into Gaelic for the masses in the Outer Hebrides. But of course, we are now working on "the next … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The "new" Purif. Firstly, there is the MEST. There is no "secondly".... $14 Million later -- this is Orange County "Ideal Org" Looks like they can't afford to keep the lights on.... What a forlorn looking place. And how appropriate -- fundraising for the celebration of the anniversary of the OC idle morgue opening. The sun never sets on Scientology fundraising.... Hello there! I'm writing to you as the fundraising IC for the OC Anniversary party! Did you know that every year the OT … [Read more...]
Random OTC Minutes
Just some OT Committee Minutes for today as I am taking the weekend with my kids and don't want to spend time putting together a posting. I let these accumulate and then publish them sporadically. They may contain interesting information, in all honesty I haven't even read them. Probably the usual "wow, look how great we are doing, we had three people on Student Hat this week" sort of stuff. Happy reading. I am sure some of our sharp eyed commenters will pick out some of the highlights. In case you wondered, the cartoon is a comment on the deluge of documents and information that … [Read more...]
Bryan Seymour did a piece on the nightly 7 news in Australia about the church misappropriating the term ANZAC. Some alert readers had picked up on my comments about it yesterday and made it known that there is a law in Australia that forbids the use of this term. Bryan contacted the Australian Government, who have now apparently launched an inquiry, and the head of the Retired Serviceman's League (RSL) who was outraged, as well as interviewing some people on the street. It confirmed what I had felt when I saw the promo piece originally, even though I haven't lived in Australia for 40 … [Read more...]