This just in. A new begging email from Sheryle Festa trying to pitch the "L. Ron Hubbard Hall" as something urgent for planetary clearing. Or something. I am going to compile a posting about the L. Ron Hubbard Hall boondoggle at some point, but I just wanted quickly get this one out as it contains a remarkable bit of honesty. Chairman of the Board is over this project -- there are no vias -- there is no via between the Staff of CSRT and Chairman of the Board. He is overseeing every detail. Each day CSRT Staff report directly to Chairman of the Board. They are Commodore Messengers of the … [Read more...]
Scientology: The Money Religion
Here we have the latest evidence of the state of the "church" of scientology and its descent into the worship of money. Of course, the ONLY thing anyone talks about in scientology these days is "donations" and "donator statuses" -- primarily to the IAS and Ideal Orgs, but also to numerous other lesser vampire entities that hang out in the dark cave that is the scientology world. It is what determines your status and your ability to negotiate the increasingly arbitrary "church ethics." But still, who would have ever contemplated a decade ago, let alone when the Freewinds was first … [Read more...]
Orlando Magic
No wonder the "ideal org" in Orlando never gets mentioned even though it is BY FAR the closest org to Flag and Tampa -- both of whom are busily trying to raise funds for Miami and Atlanta. This is Orlando's "ideal org" website, last updated sometime in 2011, though they seem to have an automatic counter that adds a day from "Ideal Orgs Seminar 2011." They got a "building approved" -- hooray for us! An instant "ideal org" -- plucked right out of a hat. Amazing. It truly represents Miscavige's ideal org tag-line "just add water and mix." It looks … [Read more...]
The Miscavige IAS Scam Rolls On
The latest edition of Impact magazine has been mailed out. It is a recounting of the magnificent IAS evening aboard the Freewinds. Of course, it highlights "Mr. David Miscavige" though these days they don't bother with identifying him in the 7 full page photoshopped pix featuring his new thin look. The weight of the world seems to be resting upon his shoulders and it is showing. This was a veritable shermanspeak orgy, and while I am not going to recount everything here, I am including his opening and closing statements for your reading pleasure (amazement?). If you cannot read these, … [Read more...]
The Flag World Tour Is Cominng(sic)
This probably should have been saved for the Thursday Funnies as it is so ridiculous. But then again, most promotional items that emanate from corporate scientology qualify for the "funny pages." The latest gimmick in their desperation to even get people to tell them they are coming: confirm your attendance, you will receive a free bookmark! Hurry, get in before the RUSH, while supplies last. And the "pitch" is really convincing "to make email confirmation more popular and convenient for you" -- ha. Anyone that believes this is for the benefit of the target sheeple deserves to go to t … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Just to kick things off -- here is a recent Facebook posting about the newly formed Clearwater Postulate Guild (I kid you not): I really think these people need to touch bases with reality. But they had better be careful what they are "postulating" for as a Clearwater government that was "uptone" (ie not in fear) and made sane decisions vis a vis the church may not be to the liking of the "OT's" and their Postulate Guild. Before they start clearing anything down under, maybe they should start by clearing their MUs? Or at least getting an ideal spell checker. They didn't … [Read more...]
Flag and Tampa OTC Minutes
The leak plugging efforts just don't seem to be working. They even have a full time person in OSA Flag assigned to get to the bottom of this situation. But the OTC Minutes just keep rolling in. And though they have taken out a lot of embarrassing statistical specifics, they still have what should be embarrassing details (I think most of these people are oblivious to how ridiculous they are). Part of the problem is that they can turn ANYTHING into good news and "huge impact" so they THINK they are relaying good news. The delusion is a sight to behold. They remind me of the proverbial fleas … [Read more...]
Greg Capazorio IAS Shill
Greg Capazorio was awarded an IAS Freedom Medal with a stirring video concocted by the Sherminator that made it seem that the Way To Happiness Campaign was integrated across the entire Gauteng Prison system in South Africa. Of course, as with most of these videos, it was, to put it kindly, a bit of an overstatement. To be accurate about it, it was more like a 90% fabrication. Some South African friends told me Capazorio was not even the primary mover for what was done (there was some WTH distribution and use). Perhaps one or more of them can enlighten us a little in the comments. And I … [Read more...]
There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute (most seem to end up as Scientology marks)
Hear ye, hear ye. Step right up. We need your money for a new scheme to clear the planet. Note well: this adds to but does not take away from the IAS, Ideal Orgs, LRH Hall, New Advanced Orgs, Books Into Libraries, CCHR, WTH Campaigns or the David Miscavige Birthday Fund -- each of which is THE solution to planetary clearing. It's the Campaign for a Scientology Global Media Center. Here is how it works: Miscavige buys a wacky building, tells everyone it's the "global media center" and then proceeds to demand money to "make it happen".... Never "dreamed of before"? Seriously? … [Read more...]
Money, Power, Servitude
This new book is a must read for anyone interested in scientology and what goes on inside the church. Peter Bonyai recounts his experiences from the day he first walked into a mission in Pecs, Hungary through his life in the Sea Org and ultimately to his departure 10 years later. I helped Peter by editing the english translation (he wrote it in his native tongue and translated it himself). I found the book fascinating and compelling. Peter has a wonderful sense of humor and an amazing ability to analyze both the insanity of what he experienced and his internal responses and thoughts, … [Read more...]