Well, this "Grand Slam Event" was just too good to be true. Literally. I happened to be in Austin this evening, and dropped by the Grand Slam Event. These photos were taken right as the big event was getting underway. Nobody in sight except a woman standing near the table set up in the entrance that had a few lonely Dianetics fliers on it. She was hiding behind the column smoking a cigarette until she saw me taking photos and then scurried inside, leaving the card table abandoned. This org is literally across the street from the University of Texas. Perhaps on … [Read more...]
The IAS “Benefits All 8 Dynamics”
The cliches just keep rolling out. And apparently the meaningless drivel is accepted by the sheeple as somehow coherent and believable. These sort of emails and promotional pitches offer an interesting insight into the warped world inside the bubble. If you read Shaked's latest missive just as it is written, you will see there is not a single specific about anything, just sweeping generalities about final rewards and walking free. Can the intelligence quotient of fundamentalist scientologists really have descended to levels where this sort of babble is acceptable? It seems hard to … [Read more...]
Kansas City Shooting To Be Just Like Portland
To give you some idea how badly these people buy their own bs, here is a promo piece exhorting everyone to give money so Kansas City can achieve the roaring success just like Portland. See here for pix of what they are shooting for.... Then read below what they THINK they are shooting for. But before that, you can read about how GAG II is now making "planetary clearing" a reality and that for the first time things are really standard. I spose they really don't know what it is they are saying -- it is fed to them like soylent green and they just lap it up and obediently announce how … [Read more...]
“Special Briefing” Is Euphemism For Bloodsucking Session
This email was sent out the DAY before the event, offering to help book travel tickets.... From: "Sea Org CLO Europe" <[email protected]> Date: 25. April 2014 02:53:57 MESZ To: Subject:Europe Ideal Base Event Reply-To: "Sea Org CLO Europe" <[email protected]> Dear, you are invited to come to the Ideal Continental Base for Europe Event! Let me know if you can come and also if you need help to book a ticket or anything like that. Much Love Claudia Fendt HCO Chief CLO Europe Surely nobody thinks that these events are ANY … [Read more...]
NN UK Plans To Establish PR Area Control By Taking Your Money
Really? Is there NOTHING that any fundamentalist scientologist does these days that doesn't require someone "donating"? And at full price for overstocked books they cannot unload any other way. Why on earth would they be trying to "establish PR area control" by collecting donations for books to give out? The books are certainly NOT going to handle the REAL concerns that people have about Narconon (or in fact ANY drug rehab center opening in their neighborhood, traditionally about as popular with the locals as opening an oil waste treatment facility or perhaps a nuclear reactor). This must … [Read more...]
Ideal Vulturing
A Special Correspondent sent this in as a comment on the latest blog post, but I thought it deserved a bit more attention. I received this from Jeremy Arezzini, Portland Ideal org fundraiser and long time Registrar at Portland CC then Portland Org, also the guy who donated 1 million to Valley (?) ideal org, in their promo of a few months ago. I don’t know how a staff member came up with a million bucks to donate, besides his commissions from ideal org fundraising (?) Subject: Important Personal Comm From Jeremy Arezzini! Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 17:52:05 - … [Read more...]
It Was A Bit More Than We Were Thinking, But….
Some Sunday morning Rah-rah to brighten up your day. I sometimes wonder how these people keep going. "Enthusing" the same old weary "donators" and trying to paint a good face on everything. And of course, in typical Vulture Culture style. after YEARS of fundraising and false promises about "gettin' 'er done" and endless planning as to how they are going to turn this building at the end of a cul de sac in an industrial park, they have now discovered they need MORE MONEY. The millions they have already raised (just look at the endless stream of promo from "iDeal SiliCon Valley" and their … [Read more...]
Way To Happiness Is Saving A Small Town In Ukraine… Sort Of… Not Really… Not
OK, so the truth is outing now. New Era had a surplus of DVDs, so they are shipping them instead of booklets. That's a bit strange, as every request for money has been to ship "booklets" and to buy "bundles" at no discount.... Now, the "success" is coming from "DVD's" -- but really there is NOTHING to show for this except a couple of anecdotes from the always unnamed "officials" and "teachers" who "like it" and "want to use it"... And isnt it strange that the majority of distribution has been "primarily in the Crimea region" (factually, no longer a "region" of Ukraine) and yet they could … [Read more...]
Golden Age Of Fundraising
Now that the Garcia's have forced the opening of the SP Building, they are moving on to new false promises of what will accomplish planetary clearing. This time, it is the "LRH Hall." But note the admission about the "success" of the SP Building and the people "pouring in" from "all over the world" for GAG II ...comparatively, this is still a trickle that will soon reach epic flood proportions. You just have to wonder WHEN any of these future epic floods and planetary clearing juggernauts ever come to pass? Don't these people notice? And now The Next Big Thing is that you have to give us … [Read more...]
IAS Travel Agency
Here is one of the more bizarre pieces to be circulated recently. The Flag IAS office is now offering travel awards. Has that feel of a "Free weekend in Vegas, all you have to do is attend our crush reg Time Share seminar." Maybe they got this out of one of the "How To Be A Successful Fundraiser" books? They should really be heading to Transylvania to tour the home of Count Dracula -- its only a few hundred miles away. And as a bonus they could study up on the regime and methods one of Dear Leader's (Kim Jong Il) best friends and allies Nicolae Ceaușescu (it's tough to get into North Kor … [Read more...]