These random hushmails arrive down the chimney and I dont always have time to even read them. But eventually I publish them as a matter of record as they contain a useful history of the shrinking of the bubble. The panic has really set in at Flag -- he is at the OTC meeting handing out lists of local BUSINESSES and the OTC members are responsible for getting them to get their staff in and onto courses or auditing. This email needs to be preserved if only for this reason -- as evidence in the next lawsuit filed by an employee of a business that is forced to do Scientology as a condition of … [Read more...]
Solve It With Scientology
A lesson from the rewritten history of the Church of Scientology. Truly a blast from the past and a sort of time capsule into how things were 25 years ago before the Vulture Culture became the order of the day. People talk about the "good old days." Others sometimes comment that there were no "good old days" because everything was always bad because everything sprang from the evil mind of L. Ron Hubbard. Well, this makes for interesting reading, as it is evidence that at least one thing about the church really HAS changed dramatically, and it is not because of what LRH wrote. Back in the 7 … [Read more...]
Flag Is Empty
I hear they finished turning the Oak Cove back into a hotel. And its empty. The big influx to Flag hasn't been so big. Now they have too many empty hotel rooms, too many idle Russian housekeepers and maids, and too little income. So, the solution, as always: put on the squeeze. They are "losing money" because some out of town people would rather rent a room or apartment by the month than pay for a room at the Friendliest Place In The World (tm) by the day. For many it is not even the cost, its the fact that you cannot escape the regges/fundraisers/vultures at ANY time. Just another … [Read more...]
The Golden Age of Fundraising
I think this guy may already have attended Laurie Websters special course on how to fundraise (as opposed to reg). His letter is chockablock with cookie-cutter "save the whales/children/environment/old people" fundraising promotion that appears to have been taken from some sort of fill-in-your-name-here text. If you cannot be bothered reading the whole thing, at least go to the last page. If you just want to see some of the highlights, look at the sections circled in red.... And just as a note, the furniture they are to purchase is dictated to them. They are not making "bulk purchases" -- … [Read more...]
“World Famous Celebrity Laurie Webster”
Here is one for the gag file. We have all come to know about the hype that is used to make everything sound soooooo amazing and incredible. But really, Laurie Webster being promoted as a "world famous celebrity"? The only thing she is known for is making endless false promises to defraud people out of their money to "urgently complete" the SP Building when they had all the money needed to do it but just didn't want to end the cash cow. If the end phenomena of completing Super Power, Cause Resurgence, OT VII, Class VI and OEC/FEBC is being an accomplished liar and able to take money from pe … [Read more...]
The Crazy Stakes
A little light hearted entertainment in the deadly serious business of making money in scientology. You may recall some of the earlier entrants in the Scientology Crazy Stakes -- we have seen some wonderful pieces from David Wilson (who specialized in historical fact vs. fiction parallels) and Mike Smith (who specialized in getting his dates and facts so screwed up nobody had a clue what he was talking about). These two have gone strangely silent, opening the door for some new contenders to step into cage. Today we have a challenger we have not heard from before and something from one of our … [Read more...]
Sydney Ideal Org — No News Is No News
I wonder what Melbourne "Ideal Org" has to say about this? Why is Sydney the "catalyst"? And I guess nobody even mentions Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane or Canberra.... They will NEVER be "ideal" until Miscavige decides to open his checkbook and put his money where his mouth is and buy them buildings because this IS the strategy for planetary clearing. You know, the one that is based on the "why" that orgs are trying to do too little and that just like a session, an org cannot succeed unless it has all the requisite parts in place FIRST. Ten years on and 80% of all the orgs STILL cannot succeed … [Read more...]
The Bubble Is Still Leaking
These are all sent by hushmail, I promise. The first one, from Flag, contains this classic quote: This is still "LRH Birthday Week" through Thursday March 20, so we are still raising funds for the IAS and for Ideal Orgs. Of course, the thing to celebrate LRH's birthday is to give money for the IAS and Ideal Orgs, neither of which LRH ever heard of or contemplated or wrote about anywhere (of course there IS a policy about Ideal Orgs that we have seen plenty of times and the name has been stolen from it, not the concept). Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014From: Flag OT Committee &l … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes
I assure you, these WERE sent via hushmail. In the spirit of giving on this big birthday weekend celebration, another gift to brighten Mr. Miscavige's day. More leaks from his bubble. There is some pretty remarkable stuff here. Remember this is the FLAG OT Committee. Flag, according to the PR is "bursting at the seams" getting momentous numbers of people through Super Power, the Running Program, Grades, L's and ten thousand on Solo NOTs etc etc etc. Sorry, but that just does not add up with a "successful" event last Saturday with "about 10 people" in attendance. I wonder what they … [Read more...]
Ribbon Envy?
Just how many ribbons is too many? Is there such a thing as ribbon envy? Small ribbon syndrome? Seems that the magnitude of his ribbon pulling events is now being measured by the size and quantity of his bows and sashes. Surprised they haven't put them on all 4 sides of each building. What a ridiculous joke this has become. The re-re-opening of "LRH's dream"(?) is going to be "the best event ever" -- as measured by inches of satin ribbon dropped. "More satin ribbon used for this grand ribbon dropping ceremony than in all the curtains in Buckingham Palace combined. The ribbons w … [Read more...]