No update on the deployment of the largest private relief force on earth(tm) to help the victims of the largest Hurricane in modern history in the Philippines. See earlier stories here. The Volunteer Minister website omits any mention of the Philippines disaster now, though this is their latest PR piece on their site: Scientology Volunteer Ministers Disaster Response Gears up for New Tornado Season 26 January 2014 Tornado season fast approaching (there were 39 U.S. tornadoes in February 2013) and Scientology Volunteer Ministers teams from across the country are poised to … [Read more...]
More UK Unreality
This came in a week ago, but there has been so much going on I could not get around to posting it (including this story about the state of London org). Aaron is the epitome of the unthinking SO drone just doing his job. If you read what he actually says, he is correctly noting the orders of magnitude required, and then completely ignoring it, hoping that by being enthusiastic enough it will overcome the obvious shortfalls in reality (69 Million Thetans to Clear -- actually a lot more if only you knew Aaron -- at the rate of 2 or 3 a week and with increases in population it should only take … [Read more...]
Johnny Spag Hypes It Up
Here is the text of an email sent out by John Spagnola to as many people as he could. Of course, though he claims this is all "Fully funded" by the "US Army" he is asking for "donations" for "additional expenses." What a shock... Dear Friends, The Purification Detoxification Program just got a full okay from the US Army to move ahead and do an official medical pilot by applying this technology to Veterans! And it is funded by the US Army!!! I'm working on the Veterans purification detox project below and wanted to know if you were aware of any veterans who still had adverse effects that … [Read more...]
The Scam Rolls On — The LRH Hall and Museum
Captain Miscavige's Mecca is open. And now the next chapter begins. Obviously He can't let the demand for money slow down. Time for a new gimmick. So after collecting an estimated $300 million for a building that was supposed to cost $40 million (though now they are claiming it cost $260 million which is a staggering $800+sq/ft if it is really 300,000 sq ft), of course there is no money to build the "LRH Hall". The figure of $260 million now being floated is probably some attempt to counter the Garcia lawsuit -- "proving" they did need all that money, though the records of the expenditures … [Read more...]
Miami Ideal Org – The Royal Flush
Here is the Miami Org tax bill on their "ideal org" building that awaits renovation. Last year they paid upwards of $200,000 and were refunded $70,000 due to reevaluation of the appraisal. The current tax bill for 2013 is $140,000. This is a building that is making NOTHING. I believe it was purchased in May 2012. The only use it is being put to is holding "Ideal Org fundraisers" (probably not even raising enough to cover the taxes they are incurring). You will also note on the tax bill that the "legal name" is the Church of Scientology of Florida. Thus, the local church is res … [Read more...]
The “Ideal PAC”
The PAC Bridge is getting the big push. No reason really, other than another way of the vultures trying to squeeze money out of the nearly-dead. Apparently they are soon to have "Ideal Sea Org Orgs" -- ASHO and AOLA. But ASHO and AOLA have both had TWO "Grand Openings" already? Both times they were announced as the "perfect organizations, just as LRH intended." So,they are going to do ANOTHER photo op for Dear Leader to spout some Shermanspeak, yank a ribbon and soak in the applause. How feeble is it that the "Ideal Org" program has now become re-renovating ASHO and … [Read more...]
Disastrous EUS OT Committee Report
The recent information from WUS resulted in one of our Special Correspondents forwarding this report about the EUS OT Committees to me. It doesn't have stat grids, but what is lacks in numbers it more than makes up for with hype. Some poor soul compiled this information to forward to "Int Management" (there is no such thing -- there is no WDC. No Exec Strata. No ED Int. No Snr C/S Int. Warren MsShane testified recently that Heber is "President CSI though he is "semi-retired"). Trying to make themselves look as good as humanly possible, this report in a combination of inflated or made up bs … [Read more...]
More Lies From The Bubble Exposed
The leaks from the bubble continue to expose the truth to the world. The "Ideal Org" program is an abject failure. It was "launched" more than a decade ago and is NOWHERE. Here are the facts that this email confirms: 1. The entire United Kingdom still only has ONE Ideal Org and that was paid for by the IAS as part of Miscavige's PR campaign. He told the IAS to fund it as he was trying to gain charitable status in the UK (different from religious recognition and something still not accomplished) but also used it to promote himself. Not one other org is even close. 2. In theory the London … [Read more...]
Straight Up And Vertical — Not
For about 30 years now the FSO has been pushing an arbitrary target of "10,000 onto or through OT VII" as the solution to "handling the planet." It comes from a twisted interpretation of this quote from a 1952 lecture: " any one time on earth there were not more than about 10,000 people of a caliber that was sufficient to do a little steering or leading..." Clive Rabey, the point man for the FSO on this matter, explained it in Source Mag like this: "It was a mathematical equation, all extrapolated out. From the real physical universe effects this would create in terms of case gain and … [Read more...]
We Never Deliver What We Promise
Here is a new twist. You are in the middle of a service (one of Miscavige's certified "On Source" checksheets that came with the "Golden Age of Tech") and He reverts it back to an earlier version ("just how LRH intended it"), raises the price and then expects you to pay for the "upgrade". Mid-service. Wow. Wonder if they ever thought of recrediting people for all the extra auditing they had to get in the "old" GAT Bridge before the release of the new, streamlined, extra on-Sourcy "upgraded" GAT II Bridge? You know, the "pilot" that was being delivered at Flag for 9 years while the Class V … [Read more...]