Busy day today, so getting out the latest Special Correspondent report and Facebook Funnies quickly. ATTENDANCE: I'm told that 14,000 people registered for ID cards but that attendance was 9,250. To correct what I said earlier, it sounds like there actually were overflow spaces. A tent in front of the Oak Cove. Auditorium Ballroom. Sandcastle. Osceola. It's also possible they set up all the different locations so that they can give whatever figure they want without anyone being able to know that it was inflated, because any one person only knows how full their own area was. [There … [Read more...]
The Kool Aid Circus Is In Town
Here is an update of the goings-on in Clearwater. I took a drive through downtown this afternoon. The only thing of note was the number of people with earpieces, walkie-talkies and guns. More Security, OSA, PIs and cops than I have ever seen in one place. It was like a walled off fortress defending against imaginary hordes of attackers. I am sure the citizens of Clearwater were reassured that such a wonderful humanitarian organization had chosen their city to make its presence felt. But what was going on behind the gates, fences and phalanx of security? Here is an update report fr … [Read more...]
It’s NOT About The Money…. Really.
More tidbits from inside the bubble. This is an interesting preview of GAG II and gives an indication about how He plans to spin it. 1. We collected "everything LRH ever said or wrote" -- for about the fourth time. Same line that was used when the "LRH originals project" was done so it could all be put on titanium plates. Then it was stated for the first set of Tech Vols. Again for the second set of tech vols. For the "new" OEC. For the Basics. For GAT. For the "Golden Age of Knowledge." etc etc etc This is pretty much expected -- after all, He has positioned Himself as D/Source For … [Read more...]
A Timeless Moment in Wholetrack History. Huh?
Facebook Police Chief and ex-SO, Jojo Zawawi reveals some interesting facts in her latest posting on the Facebook "Scientologists" group. Apparently her effort is to "D/A" the spoof email that was sent out by thetaburst informing one and all that the dates of the events may change. But she also reveals some other interesting news: There will be no showings at Missions. There will be no repeat showings and no DVD's made. But gosh, if this is so damned important, why not let everyone see it? And why no "repeat showings" (don't count on it) and no DVD's available. Simple answer: when Ma … [Read more...]
Random Facebook Mutterings from The Bubble
Some random thoughts from the Scientologists FaceBook page. The tension is mounting. They are getting giddy with excitement. I must credit Miscavige. This is a real PT Barnum effort. The gullible masses are drooling just waiting for Him to tell them how much money that have to turn over this weekend. The comments alongside the photo are reproduced below for your reading pleasure.... History in the making! Brown-nosing 101. Gary Wattman is a master. I wonder if he would still be gushing if he heard what "COB" said about him.... 1000 remaining local Sci … [Read more...]
Scientology Epitaph — Give Us Your Money. Now.
Even though the building is officially complete, you can STILL give us money and pretend you contributed to making it happen. We will ALWAYS be happy to take your money and tell you anything you want to hear -- even inscribe your name on the COMPLETED building as if you helped "make it happen." The big selling point is not "we need to build a building" but "you can still buy some status if you buy now!" Crass is hardly an adequate description. This will be engraved on the headstone of Scientology Inc. GIVE US YOUR MONEY. NOW WE TOOK IT. NOW THERE'S NOBODY … [Read more...]
The Corbetts Ideal Org Rape
I know many readers here have taken to following the new "African Scientologists Getting Back In Comm" blog. There is a post there today that everyone should read. "Here is their story: Ernest and Gaye Corbett" is perhaps the most damning expose of what is so wrong with the "Ideal Org Program" that has yet to see the light of day. And it comes from two people who were, for many years, without question THE single biggest supporters of the church and the Ideal Org Program in South Africa. The lies and strong arm tactics employed against them are described in some detail. THIS is supposed to … [Read more...]
The Sheeple Are Hyperventilating With Hype
Here is a random selection of recent hype from a variety of sheeple. What is interesting to note about these people and their comments is how well they duplicate what they are fed. They have been trained to hear and see things from "authority" and then regurgitate it as if it was their own thought. There is not much comment required, but I, as is my wont, have included a few: From: MarcB Registrar <[email protected]>Date: Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 11:12 AMSubject: Whoooooo Hoooooo!! Here We Go People!! : )To: MarcB Registrar <[email protected]> Ok... I jus … [Read more...]
David Wilson Never Disappoints
This guy, apparently an "OT VIII" has lost his marbles. He is a complete wackjob. Certifiable. And yet he sits in the front row of Voldemort events and has his photo taken being presented with his status "trophies." It just proves once again that Scientology exclusively confers status on those that give the most money. It is the ONLY criteria by which anyone is judged. Gordon Gecko would be proud. Honestly, this is kind of uncomfortable to watch. From: From David Wilson [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, November 1, 2013 8:24 PMTo:Subject: New Civilization on its way - Blog … [Read more...]
Hyperdrive Hype
OK, the hyperbole is STRAIGHT UP AND VERTICAL!!!!!! With Exclamation Points!!!!!! Here are 3 examples that have come in in the last few days. They are a follow up to the posting from this morning. Rest assured, this insane hype is just a warm up for the tsunami of shit that is cascading out from Flag and all orgs and missions and everywhere else now that the dates of the most monumental events in recorded history have been officially announced by one of Voldemort's minions. But for warm ups, these are pretty awesome.... Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 From: Making ANZO IDEAL … [Read more...]