Maybe the release of GAG II is going to solve the spelling/typo problems that seem to be endemic within the RCS. The old saying about not even being able to spell your own name right seems to be true, at least in the Ideal, SH Size org that is at the very dawn of a new civilization. Speaking of GAG II, the big announcement has now been made, and just in time to save the planet: GAG II is Friday 15 November through Sunday 17 November (gotta have some quality time to do this one right and hard sell all those meters and materials....) The IAS Event is Friday 29 November and the Patron's Ball … [Read more...]
Ideal Orgs — Sacrifice, Pain and Suffering: That’s the Good News
An interesting commentary on the PAIN that is involved in Ideal Orgs. Sacrifice is the word. Nothing about how the "investment" in Pasadena "paid off." Just more begging and that you "will survive." And they are "experts" -- they survived Pasadena despite enormous sacrifices and "great personal hardship against already stressed finances." and they want everyone else to do the same. From: Ideal Everything Now! [[email protected]]; on behalf of; Ideal Everything Now! [[email protected]] To: COURAGE! A letter from Pete & Annie Sokoloff, Pasadena OTC Me … [Read more...]
The Lions Roar in South Africa
You have heard rumblings over the last year of dissent in the ranks of the faithful in South Africa. A number of prominent figures have become fed up with the abuses and constant begging for money. Meanwhile the orgs are clearly going nowhere. We have had reports from correspondents in South Africa about the dismal state of Joburg Org and then the flop that was Pretoria "Ideal Org" and the empty Kyalami Castle "the home of the new AO" and much more. There are plenty of commenters on this and other blogs from South Africa, some of whom are known and some remain pseudonymous to protect their … [Read more...]
The Ideal Rowing Program
It's getting wackier. If that's possible. Now anyone's crazy scheme is being tagged onto the crazy scheme of "Ideal Orgs." And the orgs are even promoting it. It used to just be the blind leading the blind. Now its the crazy on the coattails of crazy. There are so many things wrong with this it is difficult to comprehend. Including his kid? He wants to row across the Atlantic to "back up Chairman of the Board"? Hey, I have an idea. I want to build a house. How about an "Ideal House" program. Give me $500,000 and I will make my dream come true and make it to the level of Humanitarian ( … [Read more...]
Status, Status and More Status
They are at it again. MEGA status is the latest term to enter the Scientology dictionary -- you know the dictionaries that Voldemort announced in 2001 (or maybe before?) that are STILL not complete and released. This now joins the other coined terms of late in the world of the RCS: Humanitarian -- someone who went into debt to give money to buy MEST for those not in need Command Intention -- whatever Voldemort wants or is thought to want Department 21 -- David Miscavige Training -- buying The Basics and Lectures OT -- Objectives Co-audit There are of course many more and I am sure a … [Read more...]
Voldemort’s a No Show, His Tent is Too Big and His PI’s Are Religious Crusaders
Once again, Voldemort was a no-show at Graduation last night. Of course, the blind being led by the blindest explain this away with "He is so busy working to get everything right. You know how important this is and it has to be right because this is critical to the agonized future of every man, woman and child in this sector of the universe..." Perfection is the hallmark of "COB" -- so is never completing anything because it's not yet "perfect." But while the hypnotized and marching in lockstep, there are rumblings from an increasing number who are seeing this for what it really is -- an … [Read more...]
Dennis Nobbe Still Has Money
OK, someone screwed up. They sent out an email with a bunch of earlier emails attached. Including travel itineraries and internal emails that presumably were not intended for public consumption, let alone showing up on a blog on the very outer fringes of the internet.... To remind you who Dennis Nobbe is, see the story here at Tony Ortega's blog. In very abbreviated terms, the US Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) took the unusual step of suing him for forcing people to take Scientology courses as part of his dental practice. Michael Chan is a professional FSM who has a … [Read more...]
Blessed by Lord Voldemort
"We want to be done with this project by the end of the year, the reason being that this is what we were asked to do and the project has a LOT of attention from high up, if you know what I mean? I consider it an honor to be asked to help on this project, that someone trusts me enough to work on it." Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 From: PAC OTC <[email protected]>Subject: Like helping? Hi team, I need some help. And I hope my friends (that means you) can help me. As you know if you were at the last Pac OTC meeting, Andrea Kluge and I have swapped positions on the Event Center project we have … [Read more...]
Jennifer Charm-Jacobsen Lacks Charm
Another one of those "unauthorized" emails. I guess the message didn't get out internally. This woman is misnamed. She is about as charming as a scorpion with 6 broken legs. Wouldn't want to run into her in a dark alley on a rainy night. There is some serious make-wrong happening here, and she is not in the least bit apologetic about it either. It gives you some idea of the heat these people are under. And the contempt they have for "the field." And the ingrained attitude of "you OWE us your support." And finally, all the way down the org board, it once again reinforces the main line … [Read more...]
GAG II Hype “Is Not Hype”
Haven't heard from Jeanie Sonnenfeld for a while. But when she makes an appearance, it's like a flaming comet across the night sky. A short-lived "look at me" moment that provides little illumination but a lot of "Wow, did you see that?" The ED of Greater Cincinnati Ideal "Day" Org (is there actually a "Foundation" or is this just a convenient title so she can not be full time due to her physical condition?) lets fly with some totally over the top hype about GAG II -- but makes sure everyone knows she is telling the absolute truth by stating "This is not hype." Correction to your first … [Read more...]