There have been numerous stories posted on Tony Ortega's blog of elderly people being scammed by scientology registrars (here is the most recent example). One of our commenters recently sent me this, from December 2018. It is a write up that 82 year-old Margaret Williams did to be converted into an affidavit. The commenter does not know what happened to Margaret and if she got her money back as she has not been in touch. Hopefully, she was made whole and is happily getting on with her life. If not, she should probably contact Graham Berry and ask for his help. Just another example of … [Read more...]
“No Reging”
This is a bit old. I had overlooked it and then noticed "No Reging"[sic]. This is a very interesting development. John Alex Wood is still alive and kicking? Who knew? But more importantly, I think this is an indicator the pandemic is going to have a significant long-term effect on scientology. Not only because people are not coming in and paying for services right now and are instead hiding out at home doing a $20 Extension Course, sending in a chapter every few weeks. But because this break is changing the mindset of the sheeple. It's like someone who has had a headache every d … [Read more...]
Stable Data: Keep Flowing to the Org
One thing you can be absolutely certain of. No matter the circumstances, scientology will ALWAYS be asking for money. It is the real Axiom 1 of scientology. Hubbard said it was "Life is basically a static" but that was just an acceptable truth. He really meant to say "Life is basically a source of income." When disaster strikes, it is a reason to give money. When you are unhappy or depressed, it is a reason to give money. When you are doing well it is a reason to give money. When psychiatry is succeeding it is a reason to give money. When psychiatry is failing it is a reason … [Read more...]
Disaster Capitalism Double Whammy
While the IAS is soliciting money for "VM campaigns" and "COVID-19 relief", the VM's are sending out their own pitch to collect hygiene items. Makes you wonder what the IAS money is for? This flier is pretty bizarre. They have taken an old flier from a hurricane relief drive and repurposed it for their "Pandemic" relief by including toilet paper in the list of donations requested. Note it is still copyrighted 2019. I wonder what "travel size" toilet paper is? … [Read more...]
There’s “Good News” in LA and Another 10,000?
Well, it's always good to know that there IS good news. You can just imagine it: "Thanks to your support of the IAS [$10 million collected in the last month] we have provided disinfectant to 3 teams [and one video crew to film them before they were asked to leave] who have been bringing order in the chaos in Burkina Faso [not a peep from Pasadena or N. Hollywood]" This is how we "can be at cause over our 4th Dynamic"... They are so delusional. And more good news, apparently LA Org has decided they can get 10,000 onto extension courses. Flag has been trying to get 10,000 onto or … [Read more...]
The IAS COVID-19 Pitch
I was waiting for the latest IAS chapter of disaster capitalism, and once again they have not disappointed. You can always count on the IAS Regges to use a disaster to try to cash in. Here is IAS Hall of Famer Freddy Hunkeler doing what IAS Regges do best: Highlighting how terrible things are and that if you just hand over your cash to the IAS you will be "making a difference." Actually the ONLY thing you will accomplish is to increase Freddy's stats. Absolutely nothing else. The IAS is doing nothing to "help bring sanity and calm to our environment.” The extent I& their accomplishments … [Read more...]
The Latest Ideal Org Pitch
Recently we saw the message from the EDs of Salt Lake City "ideal" org. Today we have another slice of disaster capitalism from a couple of OT VIII commissioned salesman in San Francisco. This is of course unrealistic in the current circumstances but what good scientologist ever let a bit of planetary bullbait stop them from asking for money. A few questions spring to mind as I read this. It's an odd combination of what "should be" (taken from the LRH ED that describes an "Ideal Org") and what they claim IS. No "ideal org" is actually doing point 1. Not even slightly … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Pandemic Pitch
I was forwarded this email from the EDs of Salt Lake City "ideal" org. I reprint it here with spelling errors/typos exactly as it was received. Another confirmation that this org is closed (public are not receiving services physically inside the org) -- but they then go on in typical scientology style to say the answer to the question "Wait, does that mean the Org is closed?" is "Absolutely not, in fact, the org is more open than ever." Only in the deluded world of scientology would a shuttered org be more open than ever... But "more open than ever" translates into more desperate for … [Read more...]
Scientology and COVID-19
You may have seen this pitch and others on Tony's site and social media. Flaunting government guidelines recommending no gatherings of more than 10 people, scientology instead uses the pandemic as a reason to encourage people to COME IN TO THE ORG. It's batshit crazy. Take a read and I will then try to explain the madness from a scientology perspective. Admittedly, that one was before the stricter requirements for social distancing were in force in California, but then, after the Governor ordered that everyone stay in their homes, this one came in: A combination of … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
They were the heros of the Big Balloon Bust of Ventura Why aren't they doing something about Ventura instead of giving money to the non-existent org in Albuquerque? Just who is this guy? And why would anyone want to give him money? Another week gone... Still the same number of man hours needed as last week? Any excuse to try to attract some wogs... Hopefully. Maybe they think there is no Spanish-speaking Google so they can get some suckers? Oh, what a thrill... Would not want to miss out on a live-streaming … [Read more...]