For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving today, I wish you all a wonderful time with family and friends. We all have much to be thankful for. Good friends (whether family or not) who stand by and support you through thick and thin, friends who would never let someone else destroy the relationship they have with you are perhaps the most valuable thing anyone has -- apart from good health. Cherish and be thankful for them today. And also spend a moment to remember those who have had their families torn apart and rededicate yourself to doing what you can to help bring such barbarity to an … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
An easy one to start... Why are you here? To give you money... which is the only purpose in the universe. He really gets around... This fundraising business must be paying off. Melbourne Australia on Tuesday, Pasadena on Thursday. Yowza. That's a strange "block" It's actually the scientology PR building And then they were one... Every item on this NOI "convention" is scientology. Pot luck Thanksgiving? Most churches provide Thanksgiving dinner. This "ideal" org can't even … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What about the "Terrible pay" Why are they altering LRH's words??? OMG. The point of this is? Hey -- if there are all these people how come you don't get ANY of them into your current org? A little secret info for you: it is NOT because your building sucks. A live Solo auditing demo... They are going to pinch themselves? Captain's dinner... Obviously they held one in Lebanon Hall for this photo. Now they have downsized to the AOLA Atrium. Next stop the PAC Canteen... Meet … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
OT 7 Objectives completion How sad that he still has so much charge after spending hundreds of thousands to get to OT VII, and now he is finding the solution on an objective co-audit. Do Your Ideal Org Status We need some "bigness" here, big checks that is. This vernacular of "do your status" is really weird. Let me guess... All of the psychotic madmen who shoot dozens of people are insane. And thus they were seeing psychiatrists? And/or were on psych drugs... Of course, scientology refuses to deal with such people. But can you imagine if an OT 7 … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
RB is still on hiatus. This was the LRH birthday 2016 edition. Another of my personal favorites. … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Recovering Your Infinity of Future... So weird. And this is apparently an "OT" doing this at ASHO... The Future of Mankind... In the hands of these guys? Oh shit, that's not good. SUMP at work... But they seem a little late. 2016 has been our best year ever? I thought we were in 2017 now? The one and only... This is one of the guys who ran away when he saw me at the airport. Confronting and shattering credit cards perhaps? On skype... OMG, what a privilege. Perhaps he will explain the secret to his … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Africa's Winning Bet nobody realized that... including whoever wrote this. And what "historic victory" are they trying to be part of? That LRHED was written about Portland in the 80's. Seems they have a bit of a "comm lag" Epic It's always EPIC. And they got the Energizer Bunny or Energy Driver or something who is going to bring the lightning or something. The only important thing - do not forget your wallet. That's a lot of stuff Successful. Empowering. A party. Launch to Freedom and Ability. Open House. Phew... Freewinds … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Somewhat abbreviated Thursday Funnies... They're Bringing In The Big Guns... Well, on second thought. Sylvia Stanard is the best they could do? Wow, they're really scraping the barrel. A total rimless zero. F/Ning as defined here means "Money to give to scientology" And Gavin Potter is an "expert" on these things because...? 35 Futile Years They are further away from clearing Orange County now than they were the first day they opened If they're so cause? How come Toronto "ideal" org STILL isnt done when they didnt even have to buy a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The ChanMan Cometh Hold onto your wallets and valuables... Makes me wonder often -- don't these orgs have ANY Div 6 staff to do this? They rely entirely on full time FSM bloodsuckers? Hubbard would be rolling in his grave. Aha, found one Actual org staff out doing "seminars". Though I bet they have about as much clue as ChanMan on solving all these problems. Their "ideal" org in Florence Kentucky is empty. But shout out to them for at least trying to do something themselves. Unlike the "largest ideal org on earth." Things are thin at Flag They are … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
We havent had Thursday Funnies for a few weeks now. With a break from new Aftermath shows there are no new scientology idiotic responses to dissect. Some of these funnies are a little old, but they are still fun... Gathering of the Brave? Or at least those with 150 pounds burning a hole in their pocket. "Well-known authorities"? Do tell... Turning the tide... Really? How? The Largest Ideal Org in the US Still pushing how many empty square feet they have as the only thing they've got going for … [Read more...]