Something a little lighter today. It's a day of rest. Back to school with Terl. I wonder which teacher voted this? Why would a teacher recommend this book? But why would they be offering it on a "USB Key drive"? Do they also have a special edition hand calligraphied on lambskin parchment by medieval monks? AND a t-shirt? OMG, how can anyone resist? … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
That's a lot in 2 hours... Bet you TONS of people showed up with their friends. Money, money, money, money... Q: What is the only way you will have that "extra" money you need and want? A: Steer clear of scientology. They have ONE auditor! Praise Lord Xenu. It's a miracle. Hold the presses -- that's TWO! Austin will be cleared in no time... What about the terrible pay? Someone has gone squirrel and altered Source OMG! It's probably the only thing that is true and they left it off... Seriously? Winston … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Sorry -- abbreviated today... Helping Mankind Make It? You are serious? Mount Rushmore? Really? This is what you get for half a million? Freedom Destruction Briefing? Food, glorious food... CC is going Ideal? Wow, I thought it was already? Milking every last opportunity to collect money and yank a ribbon... 10 year olds is what it takes? The extraordinary Flag environment One reg for every 5 people I don't think so... At least not because of you. An old timer Just … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Animal House? Toga party. Sounds like fun. Cheap too. Net gain? If they are getting them one at a time and are so excited about it, I wonder if they are even keeping up with their attrition rate from no pay? Let alone SH Size.... Drama classes? Learn to throw a hissy fit when your prospect doesn't hand over the check? Shed tears at will for the unfair treatment in the press not covering all the good works of scientology? The Bard is back A new fresh road Pity its deserted and leads nowhere... Via … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Seven Years... ...and still not SH Size. Let alone producing more Clears in their zone than triplets born on the third Friday of each month. Not really a celebration at all. Just another ploy to reg and recruit. Graduation... ...every other week?? Not enough completions to make it worthwhile to do it each week? And they need to add another floor to their building? Is this a Joke? Who is going to pay $25 to hear Joke talking about ethics and discipline? Wonder what makes Joke an expert? Record Breaking? The largest trash relief organization on … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down Give 50 pounds to Plymouth and you get a teaspoon! Going to take a LOT of teaspoons to get an ideal org. Nothing like thinking small. Still trying after all these years... Sacramento was "ideal" in 2012 - how come they are still trying to get to St Hill Size? What happened to instant 10X expansion? Chanman hits AOLA How to be prosperous. L. Ron Hubbard is turning in his grave that a "WISE guy" is being promoted by an org. An SO Org no less. Teachers? Why? You are setting up a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Come for the Wacky Velcro Wall... ...leave with your pocket lightened. Remember, this is a $30 million ideal org... These completions show how idle it is It's the top of the bridge Apparently the OT ship isnt trying to clear the planet but is focused on handing out WTH to create "PR area control" with a non-scientology message and boy are they proud of it. Why isn't there a single Scientology mission let alone org on the islands the OT ship frequents? Cause over life??? The ChanMan He will bring you prosperity so you can hand it over to … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This is an Ideal Org Event They rounded up all their 20 public and staff... Epic... No doubt Clive Rabies has a whole lot of new news. Not. Oh, the glorious prose... Well, a few words that sort of rhyme about being hung up on. He is back again... Seems like they only have one guy in Columbus Imagine a drug free planet... Somehow Trout Run does not really factor into this This is what it takes? A few old white people in togas Only minorities need apply? How weird is this? The almost … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's big news Spoiler alert. Save you needing to attend. You are expected to get more money for Ideal Orgs. More money for the IAS. More money for the FSO. More money for the FSSO. More money for planetary dissemination. More money for WTH campaigns. More money for CCHR. More money for Narconon. More money for Youth For Human Rights. More money for the LRH Hall. Just more money. The Big Push Good luck with Adelaide, Brisbane, ACT.... Oh, it's in Canada too... Easier to use the same promo and change bits and pieces And USA... Well, they … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The massive crowd showed up This is the report on the much touted "briefing" by Ed Parkin of OSA Int, the "head" of the "Stand League." Couldn't even round up 20 people in this "ideal org" including staff! But they did have a 3 year old attend. Alfraudie is at it again... Out hustling for commissions, explaining how WTH is "uplifting society." Just for old time's sake... Would not want anyone to think the Moneywinds has slowed down on their obsession with making money. These are sent in EVERY week. Big News!! Of course, nothing about … [Read more...]