Saving the Galaxy Giving money to buy a building is the height of humanitarianism... Conspiracy Theories... It's not JUST the psychs. It's also the bankers. Politicians. Psychologists. Government. Media. Ex-members... and more. Should be exciting. Saving black families road show. Knowing who you can trust according to the NOI. Wow. Enough time This is being held in a "mission" that is in a printer's shop in an industrial area. Sure it's going to be a blowout! The elite If you are "doing it" how come your org STILL isnt St … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This is what "honors" looks like? Wonder how failure looks? Related to Lord Xenu? An extra from Clockwork Orange? Doesn't shout "happiness" to me.... What's with the teddy bears? Now they have them "listening" to lectures? Motley Crew They are proud of 3 Clears? What happened to 10X expansion? Caek Apparently they had a cake but nobody showed up for their demo? Internet Strategist She should be helping scientology solve their internet problem... The only thing they have … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Tales from the crypt Someone dug up Jan Eastgate?? Applied Scholastics is going "big time" They are opening ONE center. Wow. Remember when Miscavige said every ideal org would generate new missions and groups all around it? DC has been an "ideal org" for decades Elder Rights? Like the right for elderly SO members to be abandoned as dead-weight? It's perfect for auditing your teddy bear 100000 times more accurate. And you can look cool too. Construction launch tour? We will be touring you through a construction site … [Read more...]
Friday Thursday Funnies
Rear of Ft Harrison Auditorium That is pretty special! Game Changing Developments... Perhaps the development is that the game is over. You lost. A New Civilization for Texas... Riiiight. They cannot create a new civilization for Dallas. Or even the remote suburb they are in. Or their street. It's Epic!! You need to give us more money... That is all. It's simply what the word means in scientologyspeak. The Final Component A potluck BBQ. Wow if only we had known. Will be sure to let all the other empty, failing ideal orgs know … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Straight up and vertical to OT... How? You just need to give us enough money Sock hopping Dress it up any way you want, it's always only about the money. Wow -- they are going to have an auditor soon I thought this was CC's thing? CC is the closest org, just down the freeway and they are poaching their public right out of the blocks. What about the largest and most important org on earth doing what they are supposed to do? The place is dead as a doornail already! Truth in advertising? The magic show: Stan will remove the money from … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This represents expansion as a being? Words and pictures total disconnect. Rounding them up... Not enough people to generate even a small crowd in "mighty" My Mammy, so they will fly them in. Think about that -- investing $40 million for a new facility even though they cannot scrape together a thousand people to attend the opening. Rocketship? Yep. Everyone. Should amount to 1500 total for the entire US... Blast from the past Wow - Kevin was a Sea Org member in the mid 70's at Flag... That's some serious progress up the Bridge in 40 … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
LRH and Hawaii? Maybe it's the 75 million year old volcanoes? Packaging thetans into clusters? No words for this... Well, maybe "childish" or just "weird." How could they be so tone-deaf? Anyone in Tampa Bay knows that associating yourself with scientology is not a winning strategy. What, no SP building? That's the only building anyone is interested in... Are you ready? To give us more money. That's what it means to be "part of the team." All of Phoenix rising up the Bridge Riiight. Why don't you have your guy be a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's started already The panicked phone calls, emails and texts to "confirm" attendance. I guess the "one stable datum" is "your money is our money." How we are going to Clear Pasadena? I guess the "ideal org" thing hasn't worked out. Now it's going to be the SuMP? Riiiight.... A major milestone... Another fundraising dinner apparently qualifies as a "milestone." Your "part of those plans" is that you need to give 100% of the money. The latest accomplishments in the name of creating an OT Civilization... Absolutely NOTHING to report. … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Find out the next actions... Just like the last actions. SFA. Prosper, prosper, prosper So you can live life right now at your ideal scene - not study or do good or be kind. Just make money. And give it to us. Huge win! One person started a course at the new Valley Monster Ideal Org.... Scots Humor All things guile... Wacky as ever. Mighty My Mammy Files Nowhere close to being done... And they are promoting the opening to be 22 April! Making such a difference I wonder what she thinks is happening? One … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
We start out Thursday Funnies with some REAL funny. Cathy Shenkelberg's one woman show Squeeze My Cans is opening in Tampa today for a limited engagement through Sunday. I encourage everyone in the local area to support her... And nice to see this morning, the Tampa Bay Times doing a front page review of the show and Cathy's story. Ideal Org = Empty Space Every time they promote these ideal orgs they inadvertently (?) promote exactly what you DO get. This is apparently their idea of "more scientologists" Wow... A briefing about OT for OT's by a N … [Read more...]