The "new" Purif. Firstly, there is the MEST. There is no "secondly".... $14 Million later -- this is Orange County "Ideal Org" Looks like they can't afford to keep the lights on.... What a forlorn looking place. And how appropriate -- fundraising for the celebration of the anniversary of the OC idle morgue opening. The sun never sets on Scientology fundraising.... Hello there! I'm writing to you as the fundraising IC for the OC Anniversary party! Did you know that every year the OT … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Surrounded by Suppression Another must miss event. Daphna really has a bee in her bonnet about all the "suppression" that is around. Maybe she has a computer and googled scientology? Those SPs are everywhere, just waiting to pounce! Again, why is an Advanced Org resorting to promoting a seminar delivered by an FSM? Where is Julian Shwartz? Isn't he the expert on handling suppression at AOLA? Arise Sir Knight Yes, that is John Danilovich, Captain AOSHUK waving a sword. Apparently the latest status in the UK is to kneel before John who touches the sword to your shoulders and … [Read more...]
More Flag “Good” News
Some more stats from our good friend Jeff Mintz. And as always he announces these as "Good News" but frankly, they tell a sad tale. 2700 Cornerstone members (see Bruce Roger email at end of post) and after nearly a year, only a third of those that ante'd up tens or hundreds of thousands for the privilege of being "first in line" have actually showed up to take the service... If you break down these Super Power stats, it is clear this is a financial disaster. If 75% of the Super Power delivery is to previously paid Cornerstone members (which is probably a conservative estimate), at … [Read more...]
Library Campaign Still Being Flogged
Of course, there are ALWAYS one or more "campaigns" to get books into libraries. There have been plenty of reports of people subsequently checking the libraries and finding no or few books, return of books from numerous libraries and copies of still wrapped books on the "10 cent table" at library "get rid of the junk we don't want" sales. So, it is hardly a surprise to see a new campaign (this one has been sent out again recently even though it says they are shooting to have it "done for Maiden Voyage") for an old book that supposedly was ALREADY in all libraries around the world when it … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Here is the roundup of the ridiculous that doesn't fit in daily posts -- and there is a lot more that is left out and I try to avoid using anything that has appeared elsewhere. Gavin Potter Is Everywhere If this guy knows so much and is so good at telling everyone how to get things done, how come the Freewinds is regging public for money to buy fuel so they can sail? Money, money, money.... Michael Lewis is giving a seminar at AOLA (because they don't have any staff competent to do it) Wonder what his dreams were for his son? Really? This is the best AOLA can … [Read more...]
A Clear Portland
The ideal "ideal" org in the "first Clear city" is going to town on "clearing their city." 12 Clears in 9 months. 15 per year. Should have Portland wrapped up in the year 42,014. But frankly, they have probably produced more clears than any of the other "ideal" orgs. I would bet that there are "ideal" orgs out there that have not produced a SINGLE clear since GAG II. In fact, I would be it was the VAST majority of "ideal orgs".... Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought these two magnificent breakthroughs (GAG II and ideal orgs) were "making planetary clearing a reality"? Even if ALL … [Read more...]
Another One Bites The Dust
In the era of massive, straight up and vertical, 47X expansion in the wake of GAGII one could be forgiven for assuming that this would be most evident in the LA area -- "home to the largest population of scientologists on earth" according to the infallible pronouncements of Dear Leader. One might also assume that the boom is happening at the bottom of the Bridge with the massive international dissemination campaigns "sponsored by the IAS" and the enormous international dissemination center right there in LA, alongside the largest digital printing plant on earth at Bridge Publications and … [Read more...]
Massive Expansion — Of Lies
Here is an entire page from the latest International Scientology News reporting on the wonders of the "25th Anniversary" MV Cruise for the math challenged. Dear Leader seems to have outdone himself with his presentation of big lies and small stats to "support it" -- yet the "small stats" are REALLY small, but just hyped as being "big." It is really quite bizarre how they can break down stats into "completions per hour" and make the most pathetic appear to sound big and "booming." And it seems nobody EVER does the math to see what is really being said. Everyone … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This is "All New" because "The Time Is Now" Sounds like the same old, same old to me... I would love to know what is "all new" about this? "We just pronounced it all new, so it is"? Sort of like the 25 anniversary of the Freewinds? And I would love to hear how GAT II has made building ideal orgs faster and more certain than ever! Must be why Orlando, Boston and Santa Barbara have taken off like rockets, heading for Target Two... Seems a little contradictory that ONLY an ideal org can properly deliver GAT II? Keep Those Cards and Letters Coming Some truly bizarre re … [Read more...]
CSRT Staff Report Directly To Miscavige Daily
This just in. A new begging email from Sheryle Festa trying to pitch the "L. Ron Hubbard Hall" as something urgent for planetary clearing. Or something. I am going to compile a posting about the L. Ron Hubbard Hall boondoggle at some point, but I just wanted quickly get this one out as it contains a remarkable bit of honesty. Chairman of the Board is over this project -- there are no vias -- there is no via between the Staff of CSRT and Chairman of the Board. He is overseeing every detail. Each day CSRT Staff report directly to Chairman of the Board. They are Commodore Messengers of the … [Read more...]