I have just received my copy of the latest Source magazine, along with the most expensive and wasteful "promo piece" I have ever seen -- but more on that in another post. The Source mag is fodder for a series of posts highlighting some of the most outrageous statements, contradictions and lies. Let's begin with the amazing statistics at the Sandcastle (the Flag AO) where the only boom would appear to be the sound of the waves of truth inexorably consuming it. I realize this is difficult to read, scanning small black print on gold doesn't work out too well. What this says … [Read more...]
Speaking Of Delusion — Flag Graduation
This speaks for itself -- albeit in broken english. A Facebook post following Graduation Friday from an over enthusiastic attendee. This is more signs of the fundamentalism that is the norm within the church of scientology. There is a medical term for it -- euphoria, "a feeling of well-being or elation; especially : one that is groundless, disproportionate to its cause, or inappropriate to one's life situation" though fundamentalist christians would probably equate this to rapture. Frankly, it is a little scary. The image is cut off, but the full text is belo … [Read more...]
The Golden Age Of Repurifying
Yesterday we had the Survival Rundown pitch. Today -- the Purif. Interesting that the services they are HEAVILY promoting don't require auditors -- you pay to co-audit Objectives and pay to sit in a sauna. Easy money. But this promo piece contains a bit of a curve ball. It highlights an LRH quote which gives the purpose of the Purif. The Product of the Purification Program is a purified body, free from accumulated impurities, drugs and other toxins that could prevent one's mental and spiritual advance." Doesn't exactly align with the current program of sending everyone back for … [Read more...]
Objectives Pitch
This is some curious promo. Ignore the batshit headline which has been commented on before as this has become some sort of catchphrase it seems -- "guaranteeing your infinity of future" makes about as much sense as "ensuring that every moment is present time" or even better "extinguishing your life force" (which is implied if you DON'T follow our instructions). Clearly it is an event promoting the Survival Rundown. So why have "New OT VIII, L Rundowns, Super Power and Cause Resurgence completions" promote it? What does that have to do with Survival Rundown? No doubt their pitch is … [Read more...]
“Rocketing Up The Bridge”
A new flier from the "ideal" org in Nashville. UPS the Bridge? It seems these guys are literally "mailing it in". This actually appeals to their public? "I did the Purif and got the EP the first time (?) but I just did it again and it was so professional"? Professional? Did this guy sit in the sauna and take his vitamins in an unprofessional manner the first time? What does he mean? Must be the lack of standard issue blue shorts and white T-shirts and the nifty Mark Super Warp 8 vita-dispenser ? I this is all he CAN really say about redoing the Purif -- not that shorts and vitamin … [Read more...]
GAG II Killed Auditor Training Dead
The training of scientology auditors, even the robots that were being turned out with GAT, appears to be a thing of the past. We have all watched the focus of the church move from training to auditing to statuses to buildings. Miscavige announced (and the church STILL promotes) that GAG II now makes REAL training of auditors possible for the first time ever. And FASTER than ever. Well, here is evidence to the contrary. St Hill is THE original "Training Org" -- home of the St Hill Special Briefing Course and proud of its long tradition of being the "Home of auditor … [Read more...]
Another Seminar For David Miscavige
The next in a continuing series of "We are doing this for you COB" -- lectures and seminars designed exactly for his particular weaknesses. The first in the series is here. For the man who came up with the "why" that "the blind are leading the blind" with a handling of doing rote drills that make every auditor a robot and now with Phase II everyone going DOWN the Bridge, and his brilliant "the orgs are trying to do too little" with a handling of buying them new expensive buildings and the entire Scientology org network flatlining, this seminar is just what the doctor … [Read more...]
The Largest Org On The Planet Is…
I have not been posting OT Committee Minutes for a few weeks as they are just too boring. I have a collection of them that have come in and I will probably do a "data dump" and throw them all into one post so there is a record of them in case anyone is ever interested. But I got these newest minutes from CC Int and they contain some stuff that is just too astonishing to not comment on. I have highlighted the most important points: Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 From: CC Int OT Committee Subject: CCI Int OT Committee Meeting Minutes - 2014 05 16CCI OTC MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 2014Carol E … [Read more...]
A Parody Invitation
Seriously? The "Flag WUS Team 10,000" are SOOO incompetent at getting anyone to show up for Clive Rabey's shake down seminar they are sending out a pitch from Pat Parodi "to use" to "close people" to come to the event? Here you will discover that GAG II has "blown the doors to OT off their hinges" and other incredible statements followed by the clincher "-fact!" so it must be true. Wowzer!!!!! (This deserves some exclams) Don't forget -- "Report your confirms!!!!!" Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 From: "Flag WUS - Team 10,000" <[email protected]>Subject: Parodi ammunition … [Read more...]
UK — Not Thinking Big
Date: Fri, 09 May 2014 From: Claire Chisholm <[email protected]>Subject: Just so you know.Dear Xxxxx,I am writing to let you know about a very exciting game that it being played across the UK. The game is to have a combined total, between all UK orgs, of 1000 public on either their Purification Rundown or Survival Rundown by the 6th of June.Birmingham's share of that quota? 100 of our public on their Purification Rundown or Survival Rundown!This is an amazing game and one that everyone can play and win. It will bring about expansion on all dynamics.Just imagine our Org with … [Read more...]