The "March 13" edition of the International Scientology Nonsense (ISN) has just arrived in mailboxes everywhere. A bit tardy, but one could understand: 146 glossy, 4 color pages of Shermanspeak stream of consciousness is a bit of a task to put together. Though all it does is repeat the contents of the March 13 Event held at the Ruth Eckerd Hall (after 20 years, one would assume that the straight up and vertical expansion would have outgrown Ruth Eckerd Hall that only holds 2300 people...) Of course, reduced to the written page this stuff sounds even stupider than when it is accompanied by … [Read more...]
Some New Pleas From The Bubble
This stuff rolls in the door daily from Special Correspondents and there is just too much of it to publish. Much of it is same old, same old. These three came in just now and each has something a little special about it, particularly the last one. So I figured I would spread the word from Loony Tunes land. The Biggest Global Impact Ever Event Date: Sat, 17 May 2014From: Joel Morris <[email protected]>To: [email protected]: [OTC-Mail] FW: from Sara- Save the DateDear OTCers,Join us on Friday, May 30th for "The Biggest Global Impact Ever Event"!Now that we have … [Read more...]
Quinn The Eskimo
Oh boy, where to begin? No comment on this guy's literacy level. But it still amazes me when I see it. 9 YEARS they have been doing "the fundraise" OMG that is a LOOOOONG time. No wonder the poor Valley are all wore out... You gotta love the LRH quote this guys pulls out of his butt and somehow twists into "so let's all hold hands and agree to turn over our money in one big orgasmic leap of faith." But it only gets better. Because now you know that standard tech delivered in a non-ideal org is just NOT KSW and thus the rate of expansion is hindered. Quinn, did you ever ask … [Read more...]
Ideal CC Nashville
Some interesting information sent in by a Special Correspondent concerning the "ideal" CC Nashville. They just mailed out their new magazine and it contained the following: Some points of note. 1. Clearly Rene Duszak, a long term SO member from PAC failed to build this org and was replaced. Believe me, if they were doing so well, nobody would have taken her out. 2. After FIVE YEARS of being an Ideal Org they are "working on" going SH Size and, hold the phones, creating a Day and Foundation. My recollection was that Miscavige said the "why" was that the orgs were trying to do … [Read more...]
Travel Back Down The Bridge And “Recover Your Infinity Of Future”
This was recently sent out by ASHO. Some have accused me of being a grammar nazi, but for an organization that claims it has the ONLY solution to literacy, this stuff is just so out there it isn't funny. This odd little LRH quote has been utterly misduplicated. She actually thinks it says you "recover your infinity of future" not that you will "not recover in your infinity of future." How one loses an infinity of future is illogical enough. Then how you recover it makes no sense at all. Shows you how much these people even understand what they are doing. Or why they are doing it. Or … [Read more...]
10,000 Not On Solo NOTs
After more than 30 years, they are very slowly closing in on reaching 2/3rds of their 10,000 target. Woohoo. Though the figure they give is certainly a lie and probably includes everyone who is "off the level" because they "started it at one time" (you can be sure they have not deducted all the people who are now declared SP as they would be going backward in their cumulative total). But this is not new news, we have been hearing about them trying to get to 6500 for almost a year now. More interesting are some other things said by Crazy Lady Edy Lundeen (I highlighted them in b … [Read more...]
How About Some Iconic Ideal Spelling?
Seriously -- this poster only contains 24 words and they spelled two of them wrong, including the FIRST WORD (and ironically the last one). This must be evidence of the superior tech now available in the GAG II Student Hat. Or perhaps they rehired the SP's who originally messed up all the books with typos and bad punctuation? Or maybe this is the result of children who never graduated high school. Or most likely of all -- people that are sleep deprived. But someone should put in a policy of spell checking these things -- it's not like they have to be proofread. … [Read more...]
Kansas City Shooting To Be Just Like Portland
To give you some idea how badly these people buy their own bs, here is a promo piece exhorting everyone to give money so Kansas City can achieve the roaring success just like Portland. See here for pix of what they are shooting for.... Then read below what they THINK they are shooting for. But before that, you can read about how GAG II is now making "planetary clearing" a reality and that for the first time things are really standard. I spose they really don't know what it is they are saying -- it is fed to them like soylent green and they just lap it up and obediently announce how … [Read more...]
The Auditor Mag
St Hill has a new system of distributing the Auditor Mag in a digital version. About time they moved into the 20th century. Though they probably print and mail copies too at enormous expense. You can click on the link here to see it and increase their stats dramatically. But there is really only one thing of interest: the "Recent Completions" stats. Of course, they don't give any time frame for the completions, but you know that it is a pretty lengthy span when the same person is listed as completing "Student Hat", "Pro … [Read more...]
Freewinds Desperate For Anyone To Show Up
Seems the massive international boom being generated by the Golden Age of Tech, the Basics, the Golden Age of OT, the Golden Age of Knowledge, the Div 6 phase, Ideal Orgs, Golden Age of Tech II, the power of the IAS, Super Power, Cause Resurgence Rundown, Ideal SO Orgs, Ideal Pacifica Bridge, the International Dissemination Center, the International Media Center, the largest relief force on earth, 10+ million Scientologists and 11,000 Scientology orgs and missions are not resulting in anyone showing up at the Freewinds. With all this expansion happening, there should be a steady flow of … [Read more...]