They are sparing no expense trying everything to find the leaks from the OTC, especially Flag. After the failure of the multiple separate versions comes this next attempt failure. An important programming note: because what is contained in these OTC Minutes is pretty much copy-text week to week (except more and more details are being eradicated) I am not going to publish any for a while. I might do some in a month or two all at once for comparison purposes. This is so I don't waste a lot of time on these essentially useless reports, but more importantly so the eager beavers in OSA won … [Read more...]
Not A Soul On The BC At ASHO Day
It seems Miscavige has turned his CGI into reality. He is forever showing empty buildings in his "fly-throughs" of ideal orgs. He is also continuously sending everyone BACK down the Bridge to "start over" or "redo" things. And of course pay for the pleasure even though he announces at these events that "some SP's" had screwed it all up -- but those "SP's" were the people entrusted with the JOB at the time. And while there have been many reports of empty courserooms (see posts here about the tour of Portland and the earlier one on Pretoria) this one takes the cake. According to a … [Read more...]
Finish GAG II St Hat Or We Will Shut You Down
Things are really heating up trying to force everyone, especially Field Auditors, onto the GAG II line up. A number of reports have come in about methods being used, and a survey has been sent out to I HELP members. The ASHO Qual Sec has been threatening Field auditors that if they don’t complete the GAG II Student Hat soon they will cancel their Qual OKs to audit. Apparently ASHO has been underwhelmed with the rush of students on course. They can’t cancel certs but someone came up with the bright idea to cancel Qual OKs. But most interesting is this new survey, purporting to be about … [Read more...]
Google Analytics Prove Scientology Lies
I was forwarded this information by a Special Correspondent who pulled it up on Google Analytics. I thought the information was interesting, though it troubles me there are no numbers on the side of the graphs, so they look kind of like Miscavigerally graphs -- though the difference here is that these represent REAL numbers, and they do show TRENDS. What is remarkable about these graphs is the that they measure interest in topics. I do not profess to know HOW they work this out, presumably based on searches. You can see, in spite of the "massive international expansion" and the … [Read more...]
More Of What Is Happening Inside The Bubble
More revealing details from inside the hushmail bubble.... Great to see the IAS coming along to the Flag OTC to quote from "COB's speech" and tell everyone they should be increasing their status as they move up the Bridge. Of course, if they were to be asked about this by the IRS they would claim there is NO relationship with moving up the Bridge and IAS statuses. But you know, that's just "wog" law. Not important to anyone important (like us in the IAS). These guys lie about their own stats to themselves. It is remarkable to see how the culture of peddling bs and then buying what you are … [Read more...]
CC Int Stat Report
Another accidental disclosure of stats you would never see at an International Event where all graphs look liked they have been neutered. But the first interesting thing about this is the LRH quote. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the ENTIRE justification for the Holy Grail of getting 10,000 on Solo NOTs. That is everything there is on the subject that is not just hype. But here we go -- this is by FAR the largest Class V org on earth. It dwarfs all other Class V orgs and outside of St Hill Fdn (which hardly exists) it is the only Sea Org Class V org (though Tampa is a semi-SO Class V org with … [Read more...]
May 9 Event Downgraded To Street Fair
For the first time in at least 20 years, probably longer, the May 9th event is not going to be at the Shrine Auditorium. In fact, it's not even going to be an "event." It's going to be a "weekend" of "igniting the fire" in Los Angeles on L. Ron Hubbard Way. With "Dianetics cars and motorcycles" and a Dianetics "volcano climbing wall." Wonder if they will have carnival rides and sideshow attractions (a "Dunk The COB" attraction would generate a lot of interest I am sure and I bet they could make some serious money). There must be NO news worthy of an event. The walls are caving in. This is a … [Read more...]
GAG II Is Built Right Into The Brick And Steel
Things are really rocking in the WUS! At least they are if you buy into their self-congratulatory hype.... Some of this stuff is just priceless. The Austin Org has been located right across the street from the University of Texas for DECADES. Can these people really think that if they put nice furniture and install a bunch of FART Div 6 displays it is somehow going to magically take off? This is "Ideal Think" (a new sort of debilitating mental illness that CCHR is doing NOTHING about) to the last stop of the crazy train. Usually the hype is about how they are going to open a "new ideal org" … [Read more...]
GAG II Purif
The secret of the GAG II Purif has leaked out. The "new tech" incorporated into the "GAT II Purif" is a VITAMIN DISPENSER and BLUE AND WHITE UNIFORMS (wrapped in plastic). This is MAJOR. No doubt the SP's that originally transcribed the Purif materials and left these vital elements out have been assigned to re-do their Purif 100 times and then run around a pole for eternity (they are SP's, they deserve it). And meanwhile, the good lemmings are filing in for their uniforms and lining up at the vitamin dispenser. A report just in yesterday spotted John Allender flattening his unhandled … [Read more...]
Send In Your “Old” Materials and Meters For “Disposal”
I am well aware of Godwin's Law* but I just could not think of any better visualization of the message of this email. Everything that has been decreed "unacceptable" in today's fundamentalist scientology is to be collected up and disposed of. Books, materials and e-meters. And just why is this no longer "acceptable"? Because the Dear Leader has declared it to be so. It was all perfectly OK until he stood on stage last November and announced that as of now it is no longer acceptable reading material. Hell, they were trying to unload these VERY meters by offering discounts on them up until … [Read more...]