The storks are busy. Hushmail must be experiencing heavy traffic. This is a debrief of a "mandatory" briefing for Class VIII's in Ideal PAC (in fact in "ASHO's" Lebanon Hall). The image is an artists' rendition, he mistakenly thought it was the audience at an "international event" not a mandatory briefing in Ideal PAC in which case he would have only included 5 attendees. But as he went to all the trouble, I used it anyway as it conveys the message he wanted. It is amazing how they can try to shift the blame to.... anyone else they can think of than themselves, and certainly it has NOTHING … [Read more...]
Random OT Committee Stork Mail
These random hushmails arrive down the chimney and I dont always have time to even read them. But eventually I publish them as a matter of record as they contain a useful history of the shrinking of the bubble. The panic has really set in at Flag -- he is at the OTC meeting handing out lists of local BUSINESSES and the OTC members are responsible for getting them to get their staff in and onto courses or auditing. This email needs to be preserved if only for this reason -- as evidence in the next lawsuit filed by an employee of a business that is forced to do Scientology as a condition of … [Read more...]
Flag’s Unimpressive Stats
Seriously Jeff, you are getting excited about this? 21 Super Power Completions (and remember, this is the "surge" of people who paid for this over the past 20 years in order to be first in line). At 20 per week (providing it stays at this artificially inflated level) it will take a year to complete 1000 people. 12 years to complete everyone in the Tampa Bay area and 10,000 years to complete all the Scientologists on earth. Oh, wait a minute, these are just your phony numbers because if they were real you could not be excited about that as its like being excited about having invested in a … [Read more...]
Turnout Unacceptable For Mr. Clive Rabey
Dear me. Things are not looking well in the home of the largest concentration of Scientologists on earth, the land of the Ideal Pacifica Bridge, the Ideal LA Org, Ideal Orange County, Ideal Inglewood, Ideal Pasadena and rocking and rolling Valley All Stars. And in this age of the "Golden Age of Tech II" when everyone is just FLYING up the Bridge. And in this era of amazing expansion under the brilliant leadership of Dear Leader. Unparalleled growth and unbelievable enthusiasm. Well, apparently the enthusiasm IS unbelievable. 50 people "confirmed" for the "OT Convention" out of 700 means … [Read more...]
Secret OTC Minutes
Well, the hushmail stork keeps dropping OTC reports down the chimney. I am having a hard time keeping up with them all. And I dont have a lot of time this morning to sift through and comment on each of them. But I am sure there are plenty of readers who will highlight the strangenesses from inside the bubble. I made a couple of brief notes from glancing at these. Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 From: Flag OT Committee <[email protected]>Subject: Message of the Week & 24 March 2014 Meeting Minutes Flag OT Committee Meeting Minutes24 March 2014 Kaye Champagne, Chairman w … [Read more...]
OC GAG II Students Not Even Close
How is it possible that 4 MONTHS after the release of GAG II and its super, incredibly fast training line-up, the IDEAL ORG in Orange County the MOST ADVANCED auditor trainee on the GAG II line-up is on PRO TR's? Maybe GAG II isn't all it's cracked up to be? Surely D/Source for Lost Tech didn't misrepresent his wondrous breakthroughs? Or maybe Orange County only has ONE person on auditor training? Or maybe Orange County only started their first person on GAG II auditor training a month ago? Whatever the reason -- this is more proof that GAG II is not solving anything and the … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Annual Report
More from the hushmail fairies. This is the annual report of the Flag OT Committee -- combined with the Tampa OT Committee. As usual, it contains some interesting reading. And it certainly contains proof that the largest, highest trained, most active group of "OT's" are like a pea shooter facing a battleship when it comes to making any sort of impact on society. Not to try to pick apart everything they say, but just a few notes of interest . From reading this, you can see they have gone to school on how to present information -- where there is no news, pick out a tiny example and make it … [Read more...]
The Running Program
Remember, this rundown consists of running around a pole. Nothing more. I wonder what miraculous results would come if D/Source For Lost Tech "discovered" a new rundown that "came from the whole track" -- and it consists of sitting quietly on the floor until you have a realization (sort of like meditation). I can hear the clubbed seals babbling on about the genius of COB and how this was better than any OT level and their entire universe has suddenly aligned and they now have limitless power and theta. Here is a recent over-the-top testimonial from a KoolAid drinker par … [Read more...]
Sunland Mission Stats — RIP
Here are some leaked stats -- sent in by Hushmail of course. This is one of the few remaining Southern California missions. lists 9 in the LA area -- probably they don't all exist, some even state they are only open three days a week from 5:30 to 9. This with 4 Ideal Orgs (including "the model") each "generating massive field activities across all sectors." (We don't count Valley as they are not ideal and therefore can't do anything) Evidence enough of the failure of this "why." You can see from the stats that the brilliant innovations of GAG II have not resulted in any in … [Read more...]
The Crazy Stakes
A little light hearted entertainment in the deadly serious business of making money in scientology. You may recall some of the earlier entrants in the Scientology Crazy Stakes -- we have seen some wonderful pieces from David Wilson (who specialized in historical fact vs. fiction parallels) and Mike Smith (who specialized in getting his dates and facts so screwed up nobody had a clue what he was talking about). These two have gone strangely silent, opening the door for some new contenders to step into cage. Today we have a challenger we have not heard from before and something from one of our … [Read more...]