These are all sent by hushmail, I promise. The first one, from Flag, contains this classic quote: This is still "LRH Birthday Week" through Thursday March 20, so we are still raising funds for the IAS and for Ideal Orgs. Of course, the thing to celebrate LRH's birthday is to give money for the IAS and Ideal Orgs, neither of which LRH ever heard of or contemplated or wrote about anywhere (of course there IS a policy about Ideal Orgs that we have seen plenty of times and the name has been stolen from it, not the concept). Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014From: Flag OT Committee &l … [Read more...]
The Bubble Is Leaking
Sacramento "Ideal" org completed no more than 375 "Bridge steps" in a whole year. And that was "Highest Ever." A Bridge step is defined as: "anything on the Bridge: Basics, Life Improvement Courses, Life Repair, Purification Rundown, Student Hat and on up, etc." This is 7 completions per week. SEVEN. Including Life Improvement Courses. And this is an "ideal" org -- an org that is "the best" and "dominated" in the "Ideal Org arena" (whatever that is...) with "massive upstats." For a 10 million dollar plus investment, this is not much of a return. They could have paid 375 people $1000 a p … [Read more...]
Miscavige Re-Re-Ribbon Pulling Speech
Here is the text of Dear Leader’s speech for the grand re-ribbon cutting in PAC. You will understand the Noah’s Ark image when you have read the speech. I have included a few comments throughout in square brackets. I have a feeling Mr. Miscavige may be “too busy” to show up at the March 13th event on Friday at Ruth Eckerd Hall and this video will be shown to the adoring masses in his place (there will be another post about March 13 event coming soon). For those who had heard the report that this was a 3 minute speech, that is incorrect. It is about 12 minutes long. It begins with an introdu … [Read more...]
The Bridge To Nowhere
I am constantly reminded of the absurdity of the current state of affairs in the RCS. Somehow, Dear Leader has managed to persuade those who blindly follow him to roll themselves back down the Bridge and start all over again. AND pay for the privilege of doing so. Does it never strike any of these people as a little odd that they have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to progress to "Truth Revealed" (some of them have probably done OT VII and OT VIII more than once) and they really DID achieve what they proclaimed in their success stories on those levels (totally exterior, full … [Read more...]
Mexican Morgues
AN OVERVIEW OF SCIENTOLOGY IN LATIN AMERICA by: Special Correspondent. I just happened to visit Mexico City and here is some information about the Scientology scene in this country. As a background Mexico City has 21.2 million people. Per a report from March 2012, a Dianetics spokeperson claimed 5,300 followers in the City alone. You can arrive at your own conclusions as far as the straight up and vertical expansion. Mexico City has several Organizations – ODD, ITD, ACD, IFA and Centro Cultural Latino Americano. They are known as Organizations because despite various requests, the Gove … [Read more...]
Ukraine — Confusion Blowing Off In The Wake Of GAG II
I made a comment at the end of a post a few days ago about a Freedom Medal winner claiming that the situation in the Ukraine and in Venezuela was "confusion blowing off" in the wake of GAG II. Then I received a new promotional piece from WTH Fdn asking for money for WTH for Crimea. The bubble-dwellers literally never see anything happen in the world that cannot be twisted into a request for money. It is amazing. The first outness is that IF it was truly IAS Freedom Medal winners who calmed down the scene in the earlier revolution (which goes unmentioned as it was soon replaced by the … [Read more...]
Pat’s Latest Parodi
Just for the sheer enjoyment that comes with rejection of outpoints. Mel Brooks could make his funniest movie ever with the material that gushes forth from the bubble. It could be a sequel to Spaceballs -- Screwballs maybe? Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2014 From: pat parodi <[email protected]>Subject: Sunday Note and Quote Hello to you! If you live in So Cal you are probably bailing out from the amazing amount of rain we have experienced in the past several days. It was enough rain to push back the grand opening of AOLA and ASHO. It appears that we are in the process of "drying out" and ev … [Read more...]
More Stats From The Bubble
This is another unintentionally revealing look at the true state of affairs with GAG II. It makes a graveyard seem like a bustling hive of activity. First -- 90 Student Hat Completions (supposedly a GUARANTEED two week course) means that this is the size of the existing active AOSHUK field. Everyone had to redo this course (you can bet that the 90 did not include any NEW comps as they admit they didnt do 90 in the 7 previous years). Funny how this is what they hype -- at an AOSH they are proud of their Student Hat Completions and that this is 30X. They have 30Xed something that didnt even n … [Read more...]
Fear Of Discovery
Tony Ortega had a fascinating document on his blog amongst the weekly "Sunday Funnies." It is indicative of how paranoid things have become inside the bunker. And how much effect the work of those who have spoken out about abuses within the church has been. And how mortally wounded Dear Leader really is and how desperate to end the "torture" of exposure he is. They are actually trying to get new people to sign a bizarre document, something so astonishing it bears as much exposure as possible. This says everything about the state of the RCS. The language of the document is remarkable for a … [Read more...]
Chris Shelton Speaks
Chris Shelton, who has posted here as Galactic Patrol for some time, sent me this article for publication. It provides an interesting perspective on being a staff member and being in the SO. It may not be everyone's view, but it certainly aligns with much of what I experienced. And I think it is a helpful addition to multiple viewpoints that are expressed here in an effort to make all data available to those who are interested. I spent my entire adult life as a professional Scientology staff member. I started taking classes when I was 15 and joined staff at the age of 17. I joined … [Read more...]