A report from one of our Bay area Special Correspondents with some perspective on the recent events replayed in the local orgs. Not a lot of detail about the contents of the events, but an interesting overview of the state of these "ideal" orgs and their public. One thing is certain -- I recently listened to an audio recording from one of these events -- the Shermanspeak has reached absolutely mind-numbing levels. Voldemort never utters a simple sentence. Long, run on, convoluted wordplay peppered with "if that wasnt enough" and "not withstanding" and "not to mention" and all manner of … [Read more...]
Sharron Webber Murders The English Language
Ignore for a moment the hype and bs about OT IX and X. This is just an embarrassing assassination of english. I have not changed a word from what I received. I am sure you have seen the release of Golden Age of Tech II by Chairman of the Board RTC and I'm just as sure that you would agree the Bridge has just been given exactly as LRH intended and it is our responsibility to get everyone started as well as get started ourselves. Can you imagine anyone with disagreements to get going on their Golden Age of Tech II line-up. You must realize OT IX and X is next on the horizon and it … [Read more...]
Sell Sell Sell Those Warehouse VIIIs
Predictably, the heavy sales demand is rolling out now on the Warehouse VIII. The middle of the night calls... The regges banging on your door.... The endless emails... Every staff member in every org "selling"... Wonder how long it will be before someone comes up with a "donations" campaign so they can sell more than 2 to the whales? But there is good news -- if your org sells 100 meters (15,000 divided by 150 orgs -- 5,000 for initial sales at FSO and SO Orgs) before the end of the year, you get a box of goodies to SHARE amongst all the staff AND it is wrapped in silver paper! B … [Read more...]
Drew and Dede Johnston Sales Pitch
Once upon a time, Drew and Dede Johnston were respected Scientology field auditors. But they gave up that gig for the far more lucrative business of earning commissions from money squeezed out of their fellow kool aid drinkers. Of course, they are going to promote the astonishing wonders of Super Power, just like they promoted the wonders of Objectives and Purif and reading the Basics and the Purif or whatever the latest blanket "why" is. So, here they go, superlatives, generalities and exclamation points cocked and loaded, giving their newest reg pitches in the guise of "success … [Read more...]
Scientologists Running Around In Circles
The hype is now rolling for the Running Program (Cause Resurgence Rundown) and it is fascinating to see. Somehow it encapsulates so much of what is wrong with the over-the-top efforts to sell Scientology. As it is repeated and expanded it devalues anything of worth in the subject. Now the claims are that running around in a circle for days on end is a powerful OT rundown ...from LRH research on the whole track.... and this is amazing technology never before seen in this society and age. (?) Oh come now. Calm down a bit don't you think? It's just RUNNING! In circles no les … [Read more...]
The Warehouse VIII “Suitcase Bomb”
We just got this write-up from a Special Field Correspondent. It contains interesting information about the Warehouse VIII and how it is going to blow a lot of people off auditing and training. I bet there is a SERIOUS panic happening right about now over the shitty sales of the W8. Everyone HAS to buy two and they HAVE to pay cash.... Yowzah. What a BOMB this is going to be. Anyone want to take bets on how long it will be before this "policy" gets changed because after 10 years of warehousing, these beauties are STILL sitting in a warehouse? Miscavige will scream about CI and SP's … [Read more...]
“COB, You Are The Best! You Have Given Us The Tech Now…”
Some people have been aghast that I would suggest that fundamentalist Scientologists believe that Miscavige is the reincarnation of LRH. Perhaps reincarnation was an inartful way of expressing myself. Miscavige is the NEW LRH would probably be more accurate. Whether they believe that LRH has now occupied Miscavige's mortal coil or whether they believe Miscavige has now succeeded LRH as unquestioned source is somewhat immaterial. Today, Miscavige is The One. Miscavige Himself seems to be trying to position himself as the "voice of LRH" much like the Pope is God's voice on earth. His … [Read more...]
“After GAG II” Supersedes “After Dianetics”
A Special Correspondent sent this in -- it was posted on the Razzline. It clearly is written by a Master Evaluator who thinks for himself and observes what is in front of him.... What a genius: I've read and heard comments and descriptions that many others have said about GAT II and the new Flag Building. Many superlatives have been used. Having attended the events at Flag, nothing I've read or heard is an exaggeration or overstatement. GAT II and the new Flag Building are simply spectacular!! Having been in Scientology for 45 years, I have a perspective that may see th … [Read more...]
Taiwan Closes Its Doors For GAG II
This just in from a Taiwan Special Correspondent: Today the 26th of November in Taiwan Miscarriage managed to achieved what no other SP has been able to achieve in any other part of the world. As of today all Missions in Taiwan have closed their Technical Divisions entirely and have sent them all to Kaoshiung for re-training on the new GAT II data. NO delivery is to occur until they are put through high crimes of the new issues (that haven't been issued) and even then re-commencement of delivery may only occur on a temporary basis. Another staff member must then be sent to Kaoshuing f … [Read more...]
Message From A Field Auditor — GAG II is Like Waterloo
One of our Special Correspondents sent in this report: It's all true. Following is an excerpt of a message I received from a Field Auditor. He has one of the biggest field auditing groups in our area. He is OT VIII who remains with the Church because of his family of Kool Aid drinkers. But maybe this will change the scene. "They have revived the Survival RD and the BTB about short grades and said that they really were from LRH. "Everything needs to be redone from Student Hat. You have to do it once and then M4 and then once more. Then Pro Trs because they say Clay Table Processes … [Read more...]