A Special Correspondent sent this in. Hilarie Rockl was formerly the DSA Vancouver and before that the CO OSA Canada. Now they are public still trying to "get in good standing with COB." No idea who Colleen Weinstein is. Setting up public with pre-written "personal emails" smells of desperation. Big time. Just received this message from Ray and Hilarie Rockl of Vancouver OT Committee. As I read it, it became hauntingly familiar. A friend had just forwarded me a message sent to Seattle Scientologists from Colleen Weinstein. What a freaky coincidence that their seemingly personal messa … [Read more...]
The Warehouse VIII
Here is the first promo for the Warehouse Mark VIII. Funny that something that has sat in a warehouse for 9 years is presented as "the future has arrived"... The over the top claims are as ridiculous as they sound. This is an E-Meter with the cutting-edge technology to take you up the Bridge to Clear and OT with astounding speed and unprecedented certainty. This is why they sat, unreleased, for nearly a decade. Because Miscavige couldnt get an event together where He would be able to SELL ENOUGH. Speed and certainty of auditing played NO role in this. Otherwise they would have been … [Read more...]
Come to The IAS at Flag. Repeat.
Listen to the new voicemail being left by Flag on people's answering machines twice a day. They must be pretty concerned about the turnout for this event as 1100 outer org trainees left Flag. And judging by the dismal turnout for last week's Most. Important. Event. In. All. Universes. Ever. they are going to have to spread out the chairs in the circus tent to make sure there aren't too many empty ones visible. Just in case this audio download doesn't work for some, here is the substance of the message: We are 7 days away til the first time ever celebration of the live IAS anniversary … [Read more...]
Class V Price List (“Donations” When You Want Them Back)
This is a partial list of the new GAG prices for services in a US Class V org. I don't have a recent price list, so don't know how these numbers compare to pre-GAG prices. It appears there has been an effort to simplify things. Probably because Miscavige is convinced there are rip-offs occurring because it is too confusing and there are too many possible discounts and packages. You can be pretty sure that even if these prices appear to be LESS than pre-GAG prices they are in fact MORE than what was ACTUALLY being paid on average in Class V orgs through manipulation of discounts and … [Read more...]
Miscavige’s Golden Age “Ridge On The Bridge”
Captain Miscavige seems to have steered His sinking ship head on into another iceberg. In his clamor to get everyone to pay again to redo everything they have already done, He has blockaded the routes up the Bridge AND finally euthanized any remaining Field Auditors who survived GAT. A Special Correspondent has just sent in this report from a tech terminal in CMO LATAM. Apparently the price changes on training in Mexico are overwhelming. They only discussed training data and all figures here are in US Dollars. The Student Hat currently costs about $200. After the event on Friday, the c … [Read more...]
Scientology — The Art of Cognitive Dissonance
Somewhat random thoughts after returning from an out-of-town trip. Cognitive dissonance has reached an art form within the walls of the RCS bubble. Cognitive dissonance is described this way: Mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The concept was introduced by the psychologist Leon Festinger (1919–89) in the late 1950s. He and later researchers showed that, when confronted with challenging new information, most people seek to preserve their current understanding of the world by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding the new information … [Read more...]
Günther Völler Writes To Captain Miscavige
To Mr. David Miscavige COB RTC ----------------------------------- Günther Völler Public Scientologist 13 November 2013 My name is Günther Völler. I became a member of the Church of Scientology in 1987 at Bern Org, later at Zurich Org, Switzerland. From the very first moment, I developed an intense interest in reading, studying, learning and applying the teachings of Mr. L. Ron Hubbard. I wanted to go up The Bridge, and I wanted to help others do so as well. Throughout the years, I have taken many courses and … [Read more...]
Update From Inside The Bubble
A new update from inside the bubble from a Special Correspondent. Tours Tours started right away after the ribbon was cut. Tours started every 10 minutes in groups of 75. It was very hot outside under the sun and many people just left instead of waiting around for a tour. It took many Cornerstone members at least an hour to start the tour, and they had priority. Each tour lasted 2 hours. Needless to say, this did not work well for most people. "There were four news helicopters circling" None of the public on the ground knew anything was amiss. They though the media was just rea … [Read more...]
Who Should Come To The Events
The idiocy from those who have not even seen the events, but probably read the hype on Facebook (but doesnt seem to have gotten the memo on only IAS members with cards being let in). Rob Ford does not have a monopoly on Crazy in Canada. But then again I doubt Canada has a monopoly on Scientology Crazy! He really comes up with some pretty unique lines. ALL WILL BE REVEALED. It's not your fault. The books were messed up but everything else was perfect?? C'mon!!!????" From: [email protected] Subject: Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 15:17:09 -0800 Hi xxxx. I want to tell you something … [Read more...]
Some Pix From Inside The Bubble
A Special Correspondent sent in these photos. I guess the dire warnings and threats of no electronic devices didn't catch everyone.... I have some catching up to do on life... I am putting these up without comment and probably won't get to another post until some time later tomorrow. Maybe something will come along in the meantime and there will be a surprise, but I have some backlogs that I must take care of. Thanks to all those who have sent me information since Friday. It has been most welcome. And thanks to all those who have made kind comments of appreciation. And thanks to every … [Read more...]