I assume "If you want to be OT, do the Basics" is a Miscavige Quote (R) they are using for the headline of their Success Stories these days? I guess He has a right to do that as he invented the term "The Basics." Though I suspect most readers will assume it is an LRH quote. I wonder when the PDC became part of "The Basics"? And when they started dressing people up as witches for their success stories? This was sent to me by someone and I believe them it is real. But you have to wonder if this isn't someone making fun of them. And if this guy is so good at curing his physical ailments w … [Read more...]
Too Little Too Late
The disasters just keep on rolling. These three emails came in this morning. Larry, Moe and Curly Joe couldn't make this more slapstick.... First, after years in the "planning" SMI is sending out an URGENT email that must be answered TODAY to give information about delivering "GAG II." Wonder what happens to the Missions that DONT have trained C/Ses, Co-Audit Sups and Auditors (ie practically every "Mission" listed on Scientology.org)? With GAG II "imminent" this is like asking at the altar whether your bride is a virgin. It's a bit late for that sort of "Oh, I forgot to check...." The … [Read more...]
AOSHUK Clearing the UK
This email is a bit dated now, but I have had so much other news to report it just didn't make it into the mix. But I looked at it this morning and it is enlightening in its own way BECAUSE it is now 3 weeks on. I am sure that 7 OT V starts in a week is the best they have done in a LONG time. But honestly, this is really pathetic. With an Ideal Org and SH size org in London and 6 other orgs in the UK, if this is the volume of "Bridge flow" that is occurring, it is sad that these people are SO excited about how they are taking the planet by storm because they had 7 starts in a week. And of … [Read more...]
Ty Dillard Enters the Krazy Rumors Race
Not wanting to be left behind by Mike Smith and David Wilson, Ty Dillard is rolling out the latest rumor. Though for what reason is very unclear. Trying to keep public from going to Flag to do their "OT Objectives Co-Audit"??? Seems a bit strange when they have been HAMMERING "OT's" to get to Flag to re-do their Objectives. But, good news, GAG II is "likely" going to be released "within a few weeks." And for you OT's who "have wanted to do it" [that is redo your Objectives] this will make it easier. Funny how if you are willing to pay, you can do almost anything you want. I wonder if an … [Read more...]
Attempted Damage Control
With Voldemort still playing hide the ball on the "Grand Opening"/GAG II/Super Power/IAS events, the damage control scrambling is full force. This email is an attempt to make everything seem "normal" (or at least as normal as it can be inside a bubble of babble). Two weeks in a row the promise of "we are announcing the date at the next graduation" has passed with no announcement. But continued dead silence only aggravates the problem. So yesterday Lauri Webster sends out an email trying to take everyone's attention off the elephant in the room and get them thinking instead about what … [Read more...]
Voldemort’s a No Show, His Tent is Too Big and His PI’s Are Religious Crusaders
Once again, Voldemort was a no-show at Graduation last night. Of course, the blind being led by the blindest explain this away with "He is so busy working to get everything right. You know how important this is and it has to be right because this is critical to the agonized future of every man, woman and child in this sector of the universe..." Perfection is the hallmark of "COB" -- so is never completing anything because it's not yet "perfect." But while the hypnotized and marching in lockstep, there are rumblings from an increasing number who are seeing this for what it really is -- an … [Read more...]
GAG II Hype “Is Not Hype”
Haven't heard from Jeanie Sonnenfeld for a while. But when she makes an appearance, it's like a flaming comet across the night sky. A short-lived "look at me" moment that provides little illumination but a lot of "Wow, did you see that?" The ED of Greater Cincinnati Ideal "Day" Org (is there actually a "Foundation" or is this just a convenient title so she can not be full time due to her physical condition?) lets fly with some totally over the top hype about GAG II -- but makes sure everyone knows she is telling the absolute truth by stating "This is not hype." Correction to your first … [Read more...]
Voldemort No Show
You may recall from my post last week "Voldemort News" that the ironclad promise was that the date of "The Events" would absolutely be announced at this week's graduation -- "make sure not to miss it." I guess everyone took heed except Voldemort himself. He was a no show at graduation. And thus there were no dates announced for "The Events" -- what a shock and massive disappointment for those being held captive at Flag! But, you will of course be pleased to know that there was a lot of fabulous, amazing, incredible news -- the GAG II and Class XII trainees are "progressing nicely," "f … [Read more...]
Expansion Beyond Anything You Could Ever Imagine…
There are a few of these "briefings" that say nothing at all from the ED's who have returned from Flag. Clearly things are NOT going according to the Master's masterplan. These ED's including those all the way from South Africa, flew to Flag, spent 8 DAYS being briefed (most of which was sitting around doing busy work waiting for Miscavige to free up an hour from reading the internet to pay them any attention) and then when they could not hang around any longer, He sent them home with some brilliant orders to get everyone enthused and "through the Basics." Meanwhile their tech staff … [Read more...]
David Wilson is Channeling David Miscavige
Some people speak to God. Some talk to Jesus. David Wilson communes with David Miscavige to provide his inspiration. He is so in tune with Dear Leader, he can tell what he is thinking just by looking at him while he is soaking up the applause after telling everyone he hasnt quite figured out when GAG II is going to be released -- because he personally has to write 50 programs. And in the 15 years the building has been "under construction" there just wasnt time to write some programs. And he just brought all the ED's to Flag and he didnt have the programs written? But now he has turned a … [Read more...]